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part 1 - (with picture) https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-66265441

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-2-51082720

part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-3-51456788

part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-4-58489117

part 5 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-5-58806577

part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-6-59042944

part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-7-66618393

part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-8-74401579

part 9 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-9-74984065

part 10- https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-is-you-in-75631990

[Part 11]

Even thought she had been working the whole afternoon, Rose had gotten very little done. She had found a pleasant distraction to entertain herself with: since she was feeling particularly kinky, but had very little time off from work, she had decided to tie Sabrina to the inner part of her panties. She had given it a lot of thought, and had eventually opted for putting her head towards the back. Sabrina wasn't exactly new to the older woman's genitals, but when she realized what was going to happen she started begging for mercy. "Oh, don't cry honey" the monstrous woman had consoled her while securing her body to the fabric. "We're going to have fun!".

She found herself already moaning while slipping on the piece of clothing, and her growing lust made it easy to ignore the shrunken girl's pleas for mercy. When the tiny body made contact with her nether regions, she shivered in pleasure, and found the perfect way to silence her victim. Using the tip of her finger, she pushed her face inside her butthole, and applied a little pressure to hold it inside for a few seconds. "A perfect fit" She complimented herself mentally, only to scream "Oh my god!" out loud when Sabrina managed to pop her head out of the hole.

Rose wore her work skirt on top of her panties even though she usually wore sweat pants when working from home, since she figured that it would be easier to get rid of her panties if Angie had come home unexpectedly. Unfortunately, lost in her excitement, she had lost track of time. She played with the poor girl for the whole time she was seated at her laptop filling spreadsheets, and when her daughter entered the front door, it was already too late to get rid of her little prisoner. 

"You'll never guess who i ran into today" Angie had said to her, seemingly unaware of her predicament. Rose regained composture, embarassed to admit she had been found giving herself pleasure in the living room, and asked Angie to elaborate, doing her best to keep a straight face. When the girl told her the story of what she had done that afternoon, she had practically forgotten about the woman in her panties. "Have you lost your mind?" she yelled at the girl, raising to her full height. "What? I didn't shrink her, like i promised!" yelled back Angie, really not aware of the potential damage she had caused. "You know how long it took me to convince her not to go to the police? You know how much money i gave her? How do we know she's not going to rat us out now?"

Angie was speechless. She couldn't think of something to say to her. After all, it wasn't her fault. It had all been just a coincidence. All she had wanted was to go back home and play with the girls for a while, but now it looked like she had opened Pandora's box. "Where are you going?" She asked her mom when she saw her slipping on her pumps and take her purse. The woman turned to her, angry like she'd seen her very few times, and said "We are going to fix this! Let's take your car!" 

The ride to the shop had been excruciatingly slow, somehow the traffic had gotten worse, and Rose had refused to say anything to her daughter. Only on one occasion, Angie had seen her gasp loudly like she had suddently felt someghing, and after she had adjusted her posture on the seat, she had gone silent again. "Just drive" she had said when she'd been asked what had happened. In reality, the girl in her panties had started squirming, provoking an intense spike of pleasure to the woman who had completely forgotten about her presence, and in her surprise, she had barely contained her reaction. She had managed to secure her better between her cheeks so she wouldn't be able to move or scream, and hoped that Angie wouldn't notice.

At least this time she hadn't to look for parking. When they arrived at the studio, Angie showed it to her mom, who said "Oh thank God" when she realized it was still open. Inside, Christina was rounding up the stuff for her closing time. She couldn't believe what a day she had, and she couldn't wait to just go home. When a car parked in the space in front of her door, she considered to go and tell the people that it was not allowed to park there, but then decided to just let them get a ticket. It wasn't her problem after all. She was facing the other way when her front door opened, and said "sorry, we're closed" without even turning her head. When she finally acknowledged the presence of two people, her heart sank. She immediately recognized mom and daughter, and was frozen in place.

"I didn't say anything" she practically screamed to Rose. "Please, i never told anyone". Rose looked at her, and she knew she was telling the truth. But it was a risk she wasn't willing to take, not with all those shrunken people in her house. "Sorry" she said with genuine pity. The meaning behind that single word was quite clear. Christine dropped to her knees, and started crying. "Please, please don't" and slowly crawled towards the older woman. Without saying anything, Rose extended her hand towards her amused daughter, and made her give the device. She used it on the bawling woman, who kept crawling as she shrank. She found the strenght to keep moving, even when her clothes became too loose, and stopped when she was hugging the black heeled shoe in front of her, in a desperate attempt to induce any kind of pity. "Please, let me go!" she said as she looked up, only to widen her eyes in shock when she saw the flailing arms of a tiny human being hanging from Rose's panties. She practically howled in anguish, realizing that the mother was as evil as the daughter, and finally fainted from exhaustion.

"Wow, this one's a fighter!" Angie said to her mom, who only gave her a stern look in response. The girl grabbed the tiny, unconscious woman and walked to the car. On the way back, Rose called for a detour. "Why are we stopping here?" Angie asked her when she was asked to pull in front of a bar. "We have to take the other. Let's just hope she still works here."

Alex had just finished rinsing the last few plates and cups for the day. Her bar worked in the office district, so she was luckier than most of the people she knew in similar jobs. Instead of finishing at late night, she would get a very intense afternoon, but at least she would have a the rest of the night off. That's why she was quite rude when she saw two people entering the bar while it was so obviously closed. "We're closed" she said. When they would not even answer, let alone leave, she raised her voice angrily "I said we're cl-" she stopped abruptly when she recognized the older woman, and the person who accompanied her who could only be the brat who had imprisoned her years prior.

When mom and daughter entered the car back, the most recent two passengers were invisible to any other passerby. Christina started regaining her senses on the way back. Rose picked her up, and tried in vain to shush her, not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention. She tried shutting her mouth with her thumb, but as soon as she relented the pressure, she would start screaming again. "Put her in your shoes" Angie said as they stopped at a red light. When Rose gave her an unapproving look, she simply said "What? Is it weirder than having them licking your feet?" Rose blushed, she was right. "Or whatever you do in your room at night?" Angie added mischevously, snickering at her mom's embarassment. She couldn't know it, but the older woman was suddently aware again of the person inside her panties. Without answering, she slipped one black pump off, all while Christina started begging again "No no please i won't scream anymore" she promised. "Oh shut up" Rose hastily stopped her "You had your chance" she added, while holding the squirming tiny with her back against her worn insole. 

The cries for mercy were muffled by her foot compressing the tiny body. "It feels weird" she said as she plaid with the girl in her shoe, adjusting her foot according to the new presence. "Wait until you walk on her" Angie winked. Rose decided that she would do the same for Alex, who hadn't been as vocal as Christina, but it was probably due to the shock. The duo hadn't even left her any time to react, the moment she had turned to them, she had been shrunken, and now she laid motionless, waiting to wake up. Not wanting to risk anything, and especially since she didn't feel like walking on two different surfaces, Rose stuck the limp body inside her other shoe. 

In the meantime, they had arrived at home, and the moment Rose set foot out of Angie's car, she let out a surprised "oooh". It really did feel nice to have the two women under her to cushion her walk. Her daughter really was onto something.

Alex brutally came to her senses, unable to move or speak. Where was she? All she could feel was an immense pressure that lasted for a half a second, enough to wake her up from her slumber, but the rest was cloudy at best. When the pressure from her body was relieved, a loud, not so distant boom came crashing withing her earshot, and she swore she could hear a pained scream accompanying it. She didn't have time to discern what it was, because the pressure came again, and she soon found out that the overwhelming weight on top of her and the loud booming noise coming from within were alternating rhytmically. It took her a few more of these cycles to realize that somebody was speaking, and it was at the same time far from her, but extremely imposing, like it came from the sky. Only some seconds later she remembered what was the last thing she remembered. Those crazy women at the bar!

Years prior, while babysitting the girl, she had been misteriously shrunken to the size of a mouse, and the girl had taken advantage of it immediately. Instead of calling an hospital, she had forced her to submit to her, making her call her queen, and actually making her kiss her feet at one point. She had categorically refused, but a few well placed stomps had been enough to convince her. The next day, the girl's mother, the person who had actually hired her, had found the way to grow her back, and had given her a shitload of money to keep her mouth shut. Still traumatized, but very willing to make some easy money, Alex had accepted, even managing to squeeze some extra cash from the worried woman, and had spent the following two years in a long-lasting trip all over Asia, fueled by drugs and nightclubs. This lavish lifestyle had burned all her money, and years later, she found herself working as a barmaid, but at least the night she had spent at Angie's had apparently become a distant nightmare. All up to that very moment. She had no idea what was happening, she was in a world of pain and the air that surrounded her was humid and warm. 

It was simply Rose walking on her driveway to her front door, but to the smaller woman, it had been an unforgiving hell. Rose took her shoes off and fished the battered women out of them, handing them to Angie. "What?" Angie looked at her, not expecting such a gesture. "They are not a gift. They are your responsibility now" Rose said as she handed the two bodies to her daughter once again. "Ew mom! They smell" Angie protested, but eventually took them in her hand. She rolled her eyes, and while walking to her room, Rose said to her "These two are really the last, young lady! I'm not going to tolerate any more shrunken humans in this house!". Angie closed the door behind her, and ignoring the pleas of the tiny women, she opened her laundry basket and threw them inside. "I can always start training them tomorrow" she thought. She had had only one thing in mind since she had left Christina's shop the first time. She was horny. She went to her bedstand, and opened the box containing her favorite. "Hi Bunny" she smiled to the tied girl, who could only look at her knowing what was going to happen.

She unlaced her shorts, and without even letting Lily's eyes adjust to the light, she started rubbing her face against her pussy. Slowly at first, then harder and harder as she grew more excited. The tiny was forced against her labia at first, then became very intimate with her clit. When it was time, she slowly inserted her head inside of her, savoring every second that she had a living, breathing person inside of her. Lily had her hands behind her back, but she doubted anything would have changed if she had been free to move them. Her purpose in life was now nothing more than the literal sex toy of the woman who had kidnapped her that faithful day. She had stopped fighting a long time ago, and now accepted her role. After all, she didn't seem to have any primary need. Nothing would change wether she ate or drank, and time had lost all meaning. She had became a literal doll. When the giant was apparently satisfied, she brought her to her face, still dripping with her juices, and looking at her lustfully, she said "You are perfect, Bunny", then she passed her index finger on the whole length of the front of her exposed body. After giving it some thought, Angie looked at her and said "I'll untie you if you promise not to do anything stupid", then placed her on her own chest, and finally let her rest.


Rose entered her room, finally alone. She couldn't believe how much her plan had backfired on her. All she'd wanted was to spend some time with her little sex toy, and it had ended up becoming too much in the end. For the girl in her panties, it had been the most shocking experience in her whole life. Even more than being stuck inside shoes for a day. When Rose finally removed her panties, Sabrina felt like all the air in the world filled her lungs at once. The woman untied her, but she was unable to move for quite a while, too exhausted to even flinch. Rose sat on the bed next to her, and took her other little slaves from her drawer, putting them at work at her feet after the time she had wore her pumps. She started talking to them, and went into great details about her day while the naked girls rubbed her soles, and even complimented them at the end. "I tried putting them in my shoes at the end" she said to the girls "And it did feel nice! But nothing beats your little hands" she said, and after a brief pause she added "and tongues" with a mischevous smile on her face. Sabrina was simply resigned to her fate, while Francesca seemed to actually appreciate the comment, and after placing a loud kiss on the sole of her owner's sweaty foot, she simply said "Thank you, Goddess".



Great Part!


This has become one of my favorite stories! I enjoy each and every chapter as they are all wonderful! Thank you for this!