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Part 1 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-1-62064702

Render 1- https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-76004919

Part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-2-62653232

Part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-3-63283274

Part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-4-63841505

Part 5 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-5-64806202

Part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-6-65325578

Part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-7-66006209

Part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-8-66865421

Part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-9-67478530

Part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68058777

Part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68469764

Part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-69136977

Part 13 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-75266348

[part 14]

"I... I..." Erin wanted to speak, but the angry tone was enough to send the words straight back down her throat. "I what? You know your purpose is to help me relax, and how do you think that helps me?" Erin had wanted to say that she hated every second of it, that she would have given anything to snap out of that bad dream, but she was paralyzed by the imposing figure of the towering woman. She just wasn't used to see her angry at her, and now that she was thousands of times her size, she really looked like a vengeful god. She truly felt like nothing in front of her, plus there was still the looming shadow of the punishment that Rachel would inflict her if she dared speak up. "Well, let me know when you decide to talk" Donna said while slipping on her sandals and leaving Erin alone. She cursed at herself for paralyzing in that situation, but once again planned her speech, going over what she would say to her mom in her head, preparing to handle the consequences of the truth.

Donna came back about ten minutes later, with a fresh cup of coffee in her right hand, and something else in the other. Erin hoped for a few seconds that it was coffee for her, in an instant she remembered how much she had liked to have Donna or -more often- Rachel bring her coffee first thing in the morning, but this wasn't the case. Donna didn't even ask her if she wanted any, instead she had brought her the cap from a plastic bottle, filled with tap water. Erin actually needed that more than anything else, so as soon as Donna put it on the floor, she forgot all about speaking to her and just dove her face in it like a barn animal. The water wasn't even cool, it was room temperature, but it helped wash away a bit of the stale taste of sweat she had on her tongue.

In between small sips of coffee, Donna only said to her "I'm unmuting the reunion, be a doll and do my heels when you finish drinking" all while barely looking at her. There it went away, yet another chance she had of making things straight with Donna. But she knew she would eventually find the courage. She heard her mom greet her coworkers while she still drank, and even considered indulging a little bit more, but there was no point in giving her yet another disappointment. When she finished drinking, she wiped her mouth and approached Donna's awaiting feet. The woman had been considerate enough to make her job easier. She had crossed one ankle over the other, so her left heel was raised from the ground, making it more accessible to the poor girl.

Erin bent forward, and sighed at what she saw. While the toes had been quite sweaty, even if not that dirty, the surface of the heel was much more rough. It wasn't cracked or anything. Her mother was very careful about her skin after all, now even more thanks to her, but she knew that it would somehow still be worse than the toes. Erin licked, with the intensity that she had gradually found to be more pleasant for the giantesses of the house. It wasn't a gentle brush of her tongue anymore, she was actually pushing her face into the skin. Which of course meant that the taste would be even more intense. While she licked, she noticed  that her tongue wasn't hurting as she had anticipated, and soon realized that it was because of the water she had just drank. Bringing her water hadn't been a kind gesture on Donna's behalf. It had only served so she would lick better. 

It only took a few minutes before her posture started acting up, but she couldn't take it anymore to be bent at a forward angle and even though she had avoided it so far, getting on her knees had became her only option now. Her back was aching like crazy, and she was still on the first foot, knowing for a fact that she still had to do one more. Reclutantly, she put her knees on the cold floor, and resumed her task. Donna only looked forward for a second, smiled while raising her eyebrows, and went back to her meeting.

She had already switched to the second heel when Rachel appeared on the doorstep. "Hey mom" she said, uncaring of the fact that Donna was working. It was typical of her to ignore what others were doing, what was surprising to Erin was their mother's reaction. Instead of scolding her like she thought she would, she excused herself from the meeting and dedicated her attention to her youngest daughter, muting her mic. "Yes honey?" she said, with Erin's disbelief. Rachel said goodbye to her since she was about to leave for an away game, and she would spend the night out. The two giantesses hugged, and Rachel bent forward so she could address her sister directly. "Bye twerp" She teased "I hope you'll miss me, because tomorrow night you're all mine again".

Erin didn't say anything. She had no idea of how she could have forgotten something like that, but now she was glad that she would have a full day alone with Donna and could finally explain the situation to her. She went back to licking the heel with renewed enthusiasm, actually believing that there was finally a way out. She was wrong, and she was about to find out. When Donna's meeting was over, the woman looked exhausted. "Mom, i have to talk to you". She had said, timidly, but Donna had kindly refused because of how tired she was. Without saying much, she had brought Erin to the kennel in her room and closed the door behind her. On one hand, it left her even more time to practice what to say, but as time passed, she seemed to have forgotten about her. Erin could hear her walking around the house behind the closed door, every time expecting her to enter the room all of a sudden, but she would never enter. She realized that she wouldn't see her again until the next day when she heard her go to bed.

She was awakened by the smell of breakfast. It was a single, store-bought cookie laid down on the floor in front of her "bed", which was far from a breakfast made with love, but definitely a thousand times better than the usual, half-chewed leftovers that Rachel usually brought her. She couldn't get herself to finish it, so she decided to hide it under her mattress for the next days. It was the first real food she'd had in months, and she was determined to let it last. She heard Donna walk in the corridor a few times, but she never got in her room. At first she thought that she was avoiding her, that she didn't want to confront her about what she had to say to her. But with the passing of time the harsh truth kicked in. The woman simply had no use for her in that moment.

Only towards the end of the day Donna finally opened the door, wearing her home clothes and the same flipflops that she had the day before. She had a glass of wine in her hand, and was using the other to keep her cellphone at her ear. She freed that hand, holding the cellphone with her shoulder, and while still talking she scooped Erin from her kennel without saying a word. She hadn't seen her from the night before, and despite the fact that they were alone in the house, she hadn't even bothered saying hi to her.

When they went to the living room, Donna simply put her on the coffe table, sat on the sofa and slammed her bare feet next to her. From the simple sentences she was uttering, Erin couldn't understand who she was talking to, but it seemed to be somebody with whom Donna had great confidence. And she was so interested in the conversation that she would barely acknowledge Erin's presence, only giving her a gentle tug with the tip of her big toe as to say "go on". There was no need for words. Erin meekly walked towards the looming sole, and started massaging. Talking to the woman would have to wait. But apparently it wasn't what she wanted. Donna briefly took her ear away from the phone, and looking straight at Erin in the face for the first time that day, she used her hand to point at her own mouth.

It was pretty self-explanatory. No words were needed. Donna hadn't showered, and if Erin had only suspected it so far, it became a certainty the moment her tongue touched the skin of her foot. She tried to distract herself from her humiliating job by listening at the conversation that her mom was having. "Yeah, i know it's saturday, but i had to tidy up the whole house, and Rachel will be home soon after her game. Can you believe i just sat down?". So that's why she didn't want to waste time. She knew she was going to hand her to her sister. Erin started sweating, hoping that her mom would finally get rid of her phone, and after a few seemingly endless minutes she concluded her call, ending it with "Sure, we'll see you next week. Hugs." Who was that we that she was referring to? Erin wanted to ask her, but she was desperate to talk to her about something more important first. 

Still not saying anything to her, Donna grabbed her remote and just as she was to turn the TV on, Erin mustered her courage and said "Mom, there's something i have to talk to you about". Donna seemed pretty annoyed. After all, she had just sat down to enjoy what was the rest of her saturday. "Can't it wait?" she said, rolling her eyes. Erin couldn't believe how she was being treated, but it was just the natural conclusion of a terrible chain of events. "No. It's really important. I... I don't like what's happening" Donna looked at her, surprised. "I hate this!" she cried out. "I hate every second of my life! And I can't believe how things turned out!". Donna seemed to think about a response, and finally said something. "Oh honey. I know it sucks to be like that." She said in a very unconvincing attempt at consoling her. "Don't think it's good for me to see you in that condition." she added, pushing the blade of her words deeper in the wound. "But at least you found your true calling" she said, hovering her foot on top of her naked body. "And to be honest, even if it is a bit embarassing, at least it feels really good. So, i'll call this a win-win situation". Without leaving her any time to reply, she pressed Erin under the sole of her foot, twisting it gently on top of her despite her protests. 

She had wanted to scream that she had got it wrong, that it wasn't at all what she meant, but there was no way to speak while her face was plastered underneath the woman's foot. And to make things immensely worse, the moment Donna freed her from under the immense weight, Rachel entered the house. She looked happy, and announced "We crushed them!" out loud while hugging her mom, which in a way was ironic, considering Erin's situation. Rachel scooped her from the table, and looking at her mom said "EEEEW mom! She smells! Did you not let her shower for the whole day?" while wrinkling her face in disgust. Erin was hanging by her wrist in her sister's vicious grip, and she would have literally murdered her with her own hands, given the chance. "Oh be nice with your sister" Donna seemed to defend her. "She was just telling me how much she hates being tiny. If I hadn't seen her play doggie with my own eyes, i would have thought she didn't even like to be toyed with" Said Donna, turning her attention back to the TV. 

Erin froze. Rachel lifted her so she would be directly in front of her face, and with the angriest expression she'd seen her make in months, she said "Is that so?". Erin didn't say a thing. She wanted to defend herself, but she knew she'd been caught, and Rachel would definitely make her pay. "Don't worry mom. I'll give her what she wants. I mean, the girls basically forced me to shower after the game because we had to be together in the bus, but i made sure not to wear any socks on the way back" Erin instinctively looked down, to confirm that Rachel was not wearing any socks inside her black Chucks. She looked back at Rachel, who was smiling from ear to ear, her anger seemingly faded. "They're super sweaty, just how my little Toejam likes them" she said, playfully poking Erin in the nose with her index finger. 

As the sisters were leaving the room, Donna said something that froze the blood in Erin's veins. "Oh, before i forget, i just spoke with Aunt Suzy. We're going to stay at hers next week"




Great chapter!💯