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This is a commissioned continuation of a picture story you can find on my DA page. I strongly advise to read that beforehand, or this part won't make too much sense


[part 2]

To Sabrina, Angie's words were a confused set of sounds. She was in the midst of the worst panic attack she'd ever had, but this time it all felt too real. While her now oversized top engulfed her field of vision, she thought of the poor woman stuffed in that horrible girl's shoe, and couldn't bear with the fact that she was very likely going to join her in her ordeal. The main problem was her inability to move. She felt like she was running out of air, and no matter how she tried, she couldn't get enough to breathe properly. Running seemed an impossible option, but so was fighting. She could only hear the gigantic woman rising from her bench and approach her without haste. She saw the godly hand rummaging through her clothes and finally finding an opening. Giant fingers probed all inside the circus tent that had been her tshirt looking for her, and she finally found out that she had gained back the ability to scream when the gigantic digits found her naked body. She let out a terrified shriek when the hand touched her, and she screamed even louder when the fingers wrapped all around her. 

Angie took her prized possession out of the pile of clothes she had been wearing up to a few seconds before. She loved this part. A lot of the thrill came from the fact that a woman who would act all snobby around her, suddently found herself at her complete mercy. They all reacted differently, but in the end, they would all scream. She took her hand closer to her face, in order to inspect her prey further. She opened her fist and let the woman fall on her other open palm.

Sabrina screamed once again when she fell from the giantess' hand. She thought she would die, but she hadn't noticed the extended palm under her. She fell on her butt, and even if it was a relative short drop, it hurt. There had been no grace in her fall, or in her reaction. "Stand up" Angie ordered her. Her voice had been so loud and her tone so authoritative, that Sabrina had practically jumped on her feet. Although soft, the surface underneath her felt unstable, and to make things worse, she realized how naked she was now that the inquisitive gaze of the horrible woman was piercing right through her. She covered in shame, but it seemed to make the giantess angry. "Don't be ridiculous! Let me see if you're worth keeping" Angie said from above, and since her words didn't seem to make any difference whatsoever, she decided to jab Sabrina's face with the tip of her index finger.

It felt like Sabrina had been hit by a medicine ball right in the face, and even though she was sure she hadn't broken any bones it hurt like hell. Plus, she had almost tipped her over her hand, making her fall to sure death. This woman was serious, so Sabrina decided to comply. She reclutantly put her arms behind her back, exposing her nudity to the morbid glance of the woman. She saw as her lips curved upwards in a wicked smile, and fought with great effort not to cover herself again. She didn't want to make this woman angry, since she seemed to have the upper hand under every aspect of the current situation. 

"Look at this nice little body!" Angie said, examining her from head to toe. "I mean, i can see that you workout but these..." Sabrina shivered when a gigantic finger poked her bare breast "these don't come with excercise". For some reason, Sabrina wasn't glad of the compliments she was receiving. True, she was very proud of her toned body, and she took great care in keeping in shape, but it didn't sound like the giantess was talking to a person, rather than an object she had just bought. And that was exactly what she felt like: an object. "Please" She was hardly able to talk, but mumbling that single word felt like a great step up of her condition. "Please let me go". Her voice was bent by fear, and somehow she already knew the answer. But Angie simply kept ignoring her, like she hadn't spoke at all. "Turn around for me love" she said, seemingly not acknowleding her words. Sabrina didn't know what else to do, so she complied. "Wow!" She heard from behind her. "That's a nice butt you got there!". Again, the inquisitive finger prodded her in the back. She just wanted to go home, this seemed like a nightmare.

"Well, let's not waste any more time, ok?" Angie gripped her in her hand, and walked towards the bench where she had left her shoes. Sabrina suddently rembembered the poor woman who was tied in the ballerina flat, and instinctively tried to wiggle free from the impossibly strong hand. Angie brought her to her face "Stop squirming!" She ordered. "Save some energy for the trip home!". Sabrina's flailing arms came to a sudden stop. There was nothing to do but accept her fate. Angie's hand briefly stopped in front of the opening of the shoe containg the other woman. She was now able to look at her much better. She too looked like she was very well toned. She was extremely pretty, but her face was distorted in a terrified expression. She had stopped crying but she was wheezing, catching as much air as she could. Their respective gazes met for a second, and Sabrina caught the full extent of what was going to happen to her in the immediate future. She could see the string keeping her torso well stuck on the mid section, and all the tiny pieces of tape anchoring her limbs. She wondered how she wasn't dead from the extreme pressure, since she looked like she had been stepped on a lot. The giantess spoke like she was introducing two of her friends to each other. "Nicole, meet... Wait what was your name?" Angie took the shrinkee next to her ear. "S-Sabrina..." she managed to whisper; she had decided to ignore her use of the past tense in her question. "Nicole, meet Sabrina, Sabrina meet Nicole. She's been working for me for a couple days now, and i still haven't found her a nice name" The fact that she would refer to whatever the woman was doing for her as "working" was grotesque to say the least. "She feels amazing down there, you know? I'd let you try her, but you know, it's a bit umpractical" The woman joked while she tucked Sabrina's body under the string she had seemingly sewn herself to the instep of her shoe. "But hey, at least you get to be colleagues from now on!".

The moon-sized face disappeared from the shoe opening for a second, and Sabrina heard Angie pick up her other shoe. She could hear Nicole's screams as she was dragged away from her, and then the noise was muffled by the time Angie had probably worn her. As soon as she felt the shoe she was in move upwards, she hyperventilated. There was nowhere she could go, and after a brief, quiet moment, she saw the shadow of Angie's foot surface from the sky. "Now stay still, honey" She heard while the foot took away all the light coming from above. "This is not going to hurt too much"



Nice Work!