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The trip home is interrupted by some shopping

[part 9]

Sophie was trapped in the literal sense of the word. Her legs were stuck against the sex of her captress, but the worst part was her face plastered between the girl's cheecks. Every single step forced her to squirm around, trying to avoid being suffocated by the gigantic ass moving all around her. To make matters worse, she could feel the wetness of the woman on her legs, meaning that she was enjoying the ride a bit too much, and she was scared for her near future. She had lost all hope of returning to her size that same day, but she counted on the fact that she would be able to convince Celeste to make her normal again eventually. She had to cling on that thought to remain sane, but now she had more pressing matters, literally. 

With the giantess walking carelessly, she had slowly slided backwards; while this meant that she was finally away from the increasingly wetter pussy, she was now face to face with the woman's anus. It wasn't dirty or anything, it didn't even smell particularly bad, but Sophie could not tolerate the humiliation of  being so close with another woman's ass. She tried to push herself away, to the point that she had managed to give herself the right distance, and now she could almost breathe properly. She felt the clacking sounds of the girl's sandals coming to a halt, and wondered if they had finally arrived to destination; but the reason why Celeste had stopped was completely different. Sophie felt an immense pressure to the back of her head, pushing her against the hole she had managed to escape with so much effort. "NO NO NMPHHH" she screamed, while her face was smeared on the gigantic anus, almost ending up inside of it.

From the outside, nobody could have ever known what had just happened. Feeling the woman in her underpants coming progressively looser, Celeste had feared that she could slide out her panties, and she definitely didn't want that. The road was crowded, but how could anyone suspect what was going on? She stopped in front of a store window, and with a sleek gesture, she pushed the tiny lump between her asscheeks much deeper than she already was. She smiled to herself, happy with how the woman felt practically inside of her. She gave a casual look at the nice clothes in the shop, but soon resumed her walk home. She then gave it a thought, and realized she was in no hurry. After all, there was nowhere for Sophie to go. She had to celebrate her lucky catch with some shopping, so she turned around and entered the shop she had gazed upon moments earlier.

It was a nice place she had never noticed before. They had all sorts of both clothes and shoes, ranging from very cheap to decent quality. It was no boutique, but it was acceptable. It was busy, but it was far from being packed, especially since the pandemic had scared most people out of stores. A store clerk came straight for her; it was a young blonde with piercing blue eyes about her same age. "Hello madam, may i be of assistance?". Still deep in her power trip, Celeste loved how serviceable the girl acted, and couldn't help but imagine her in the same situation as Sophie. Somehow she thought this one to be much more obedient, and pictured her naked and a few inches high asking her the same question. She shook out of her daydream, and said "Well thank you. I'd like to see some shoes". The girl smiled and took her to the shoe section, where she showed her a variety of models. "Call me if you need any help". She said, leaving her wondering how well she could serve her at the size of a hamster. Too bad she couldn't shrink whomever she wanted, but at least she had Sophie to play with. She took three different pairs of shoes, two sandals and a pair of ballerina flats, and before sitting down to try them on she made sure nobody was around her and fished out a distraught Sophie from behind her.

"How are you doing?" She whispered to the woman in her hand "I know you were comfortable and all, but i'll need you for just a minute, ok? It's very umpolite to try on shoes with dirty feet". Using her other hand, she unlaced her left sandal, and put her ankle on her opposite knee. She brought a defeated Sophie to the sole of her foot, and started wiping, using her whole body like a sanitary towelette. She was very meticulous, to the point that she even passed her between each of her toes.

To Sophie, it was clear that she was not doing this for her hygiene, but for some other reason which was very obscure to her at the moment. However, she didn't exactly have time to ask herself why, considering that she was engulfed by the dry flesh of the woman's dirty foot. She wanted to scream for help, to beg for mercy, but after the rough trip that had brought her there, she just didn't have the strength. For a minute,she had the time to savour the fresh air around her which wasn't stale from the odor emanated from Celeste's body, only to realize that the giantess was unlacing her other shoe to repeat the treatment. Again, she didn't scream. She endured being flossed between the oversized toes without protesting, not even when her chest was squished and dragged on the sole of a foot bigger than she was. 

To a distracted onlooker, it might have seemed that Celeste was talking to herself while trying on some shoes. Who could have ever imagined that the thing she was using to wipe the bottom of her feet was an actual human being? A girl shopping for a dress gave her a distract look, and she thought something to be off, but could not pinpoint what exactly. She just turned her attention somewhere else and decided to mind her own business.

Celeste saw Sophie drifting away with her mind, and she loved her defeated looks. But she wanted her to make sure she knew she was hers now. She tried the first pair of sandals, and after putting the woman on the ground, she asked for her opinion.



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