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heyo everybody

if you have a drake I have this seaside scene i've thrown together for you all. it's free, just for fun and because I love drakes so I wanted to do something nice for ppl who own them

you CAN ask for more than 1 slot, ill just wing it. there will be 2 hounds or alien doggos of-some-kind in the scene [generic t-pose stock doggos in their place]

so there are numbers 1-8

ezrael will NOT be here as she's an abomination who would try to eat everyone and ruin the nice day X'D I'll probably put Aziel or nile in spot 6, but the remaining numbers are all open

5 is a chef, he's cooking a big fish for 4 who is excitedly waiting

3 is a fishmonger selling his catch of the day to #2

#1 is chilling in the back also selling some goods

7 is helloing at 6 and 8 is basking[his/her pose will be slightly less slutty in the final version btw]

tips will be appreciated of course /after/ any work is done but theres no pressure or anything, it's a totally free pic just for ppl to join in. i've wanted to do big scenes like this for a while and I'm starting to delve into that now

1 moira by ribbio

2 nile [by me since it wasnt claimed]

3 rhigaeus by kaelan

4 tethys by chibi

5 ferro by coco [telegram]

6 nile or aziel by me

7 valkoth by fenra [telegram]


9 circe by kit

10 sael by my husbando

i'll mention if any slots are claimed outside of patreon 

added a 2ndary image with the currently still-open slots

thats slot 2, 3 9 and 10




Wait I misread it omg


Can I slot Moira into 1? She would be interested in the local fauna (she just wants to eat it all and not pay) fjdsklj


certainly! ive also changed the pic up a little, so the 1 slot will have a bit more visibility now