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can be story ideas or just ideas based on lore questions you may have

i've been enjoying doing scenes but need some fresh ideas.

you can put more than 1 idea down too

[these type of posts mean to leave a comment guys]



Ummm let's see. I suppose this is a lore-based question that may or may not lead to an arty idea, but I've been curious. Ezrael is 002 right? Who's 001? What happened with that one? And are there any other numbers beyond Ezrael before the likes of Aeryn were mass-produced? Mayhaps Ezrael reading some file about what became of her predecessor. Also lore-related, I suppose: what kind of solitude is the kind to turn a drake aberrant? Would a drake somehow accidentally induce aberration by choosing to be solitary for long enough or does it involve being full-on Castaway-style cut off from everyone and everything, stuck in the wilderness? And how long does it take? Since there are a few canon aberrants floating around as well as Theo who's only part-way there, I'm curious. Neither of these are exactly stories, sorry. :v


Aberration I was asked recently so I can answer. It’s a 2 part equation. Drake has to be stranded on a world with a toxic atmosphere/biome/edible life and they have to be stranded for a minimum of 10 cycles, often taking 20 or more. Aberration is less a mental disorder and more a physical disorder to adapt to horrendous situations like a sky that pisses down acid rain. So castaway style for sure but also marooned on a rock that can't support normal life. The head shape is a throwback to mistavians which those dragons all had very long flat heads. They become more like their ancestors physically and also develop traits from the biome. Like acidic fire spit or the ability to hork up globs of goop that burn extremely hot. Sometimes their lungs grow larger if marooned on a water world and they shed all their fur to become more aquadynamic. It all depends on where they’re stranded