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designed an Aesthari as a gift for the kiddo Lunar, who has been a positive thing to have around. We had a crappy night a few days ago (anniversary of a death in my life, and him having issues w/his female) so I doodled some ventart up, since he doesnt have his abyss drake yet.

"Ika" is just an aesthari with rika's coloration and pattern, but is not rika "transformed" or anything like that. Drakes dont transform, i just rly like my sona's colors k. lol.

life has been very hard lately, I miss my family, I am tired of the virus, I am tired of the "president" and I am tired of my own life. I've been dealing with some health issues lately that have also made life harder for me and it's just been a really shitty year.



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