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My new drake, i think i've finally come to terms with the design and gotten the face to look a way id like. he/she features my direct "markings" and scars, so he/she is a representation of i guess, my drake self.

this character, like myself, will have numerous hairstyles and haircolors and bluegreen eyes [like mine] that shift between straight up green and blue-green or grey. but unlike ezrael, it's based off of her emotions/mood/weather not so much because of a govt collar.

Um, i'll be using her as my representation of myself, so more than likely, any art you see with her..and others, will be stuff i'd be down for or would do or have done, etc. and her relationships with other drakes like vincent and korroth and oni will be identical to that of my own relationships with my best friends. same will be of his/her relationship with max's indigo and even mira's drakes. in other words, this character will be a projection of everything i am. so often pieces will be sexual, violent, moody, anxious, jealous, envious, sad, wholesome, silly, etc. everything that makes me..me.

plus she has a fish tail, and I mean, im from the beach. it only made sense xD

and before anyone wonders, yes she will also have my tell-tale clit piercing, as all my chars with ladybits have. probably some other scars as well, like on her back. i havent done up the backviewyet so that will come..eveeentually. 

in the meantime, i got hired onto a rly big company, for a rly good paying job. so over the next 14 days i will be studying for my state board exam and hopefully pass with flying colors on the first try. my life will soon be business suits and luxury vehicles. oh my.



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