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started as a sort of ipad doodle [the porn pic haha] and wa smessing around with some reds and near-whites and then it finally became most of a concept. 

he/she/it is going to be a new persona for me, this character will have my personality, masculine, feminine, logical, and even my quirks and anxiety as well as my occasional loosening up and laughing/teasing nature.

Ezrael is my primary 'sona' but she is difficult to use with friends due to being her own character at this point. unfortunately this sort of happened over time, my 'sona' developed into her own person. and while she has a lot of my traits [and my scars] she isnt 100% all of my flaws or good qualities. hopefully this drake, who has -no story- can remain that way and serve as something i can draw w/friends to relieve stress.

also this is apparently the 100th abyss drake tagged post on patreon, wooooo.



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