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 Halcyon could hardly believe what was happening, she'd only coupled with the Lich King once before, and he had demanded she feed off the other knights when her body required it.  She'd begrudgingly done as she was told, and around the Ebon Hold, she'd gotten a name for herself, it was one quietly muttered in the halls between the gruff, stiff men. The whispers were that a certain knight named Hal had the “sweetest ass of any man”.  Rumors flew  and it wasn't long before nearly every man who would sleep with another man, was trying to offer himself to fill the foxes ass.  “He can really take it, all of it, down to the balls” they'd whisper, commenting on how it felt like their very soul was being drained when they emptied their nuts into that fine little ass.  Eventually, these rumors would in fact reach the Lich King's ears, and he insisted his little lieutenant visit him one evening, when the moon was already high in the clouds of Northrend.  At first Arthas seemed bemused, and chuckled in that deep, rolling voice of his at her.

 “So it seems you've done well at heeding my commands, little fox.” Arthas sat on the edge of his bed, pulling thick fur lined boots off and dropping them beside him.  He beckoned her forward with a single paw digit and curled one lip upward slightly as he spoke. “You appear to have gotten quite the...” he paused for a moment “...Reputation amongst the men; not only for your fighting ability but..for something else,” Arthas's massive paw wrapped around behind Halcyon, taking firm grasp of her well-muscled backside, kneading his claws into it through her pants.    

 “I apolo-” she started to speak when the Lich King firmly grasped her jaw in his free hand, pulling her up against his now bare fur.  “You obeyed, perhaps a little too well.” he muttered, growling as he bent over and his cheek fur brushed hers for a moment.  From the sensation alone she felt a chill run down her spine and her nipples perked under her tunic as if by command. A small wave of fear rolled over her, as well as excitement and the familiar tingling between her thighs crept up on her as his massive hand slid into her pants and between her legs, rubbing the very edges of her lips from behind. Halcyon shuddered, she never was touched that way by anyone else.   
 “They say..” he began, leaning back onto the bed, and dragging Hal by her back, scooping her forward and spilling her onto the sheets. “...That it feels like their very essence is drained away when they climax.” He pulled her breeches down, exposing the soft grey fur and the hint of dark flesh between her legs, the tiny glimmering green saronite piercing catching the low light for only a moment.  “But, I don't believe I ever told you to let them...breed you.” Arthas whispered in a possessive growl, pulling the remaining clothes from Hal's body.   

 “My lord I..” Hal began but Arthas's low rumble pierced her ears and she silenced immediately. He bent over Halcyon, his body large enough to consume her entirely, and she smelled the strong, wolf scent on him now. The scent of a male. The scent of an alpha. Arthas cupped Halcyon's face briefly while he slid his hand down along her throat onto a shoulder and pressed her firmly into the sheets. “Have you forgotten whom you serve?” he demanded angrily and Halcyon felt a wave of fear.  She nearly choked on the words “N-No!!” she stammered and he suddenly had a hand between her legs, one of those digits so thick it could fill her was kneading between the dark lips, toying with the piercing and grinding the knuckle against her in a firm but not painful manner.  “Who do you serve!?” he demanded, and the fox shivered and voiced loudly “You, my lord! Only you!” Arthas seemed satisfied for the moment but he was not finished with her. The Lich King may have buried his cock in her before, but she couldn't even take the knot at the time they coupled, and Halcyon had been so weak and injured he hadn't pushed it, let alone tried her backside. 

 Not this time. This time he grabbed her shoulders, pulling Halcyon back up into a sitting position and pushed her by the back of her head so her cheek slid along the length of his very, very large, very slick hard-on. Arthas peered down, curling his lips and showing his fangs, lustfully growling. His massive chest heaved and Halcyon's eyes met his for a moment, her ears flattened back in submission. Slowly she reached a hand up, when he did not stop her she cradled one of the massive furred balls and massaged gently, causing a soft growling sigh from her king.  He voiced “Go on..” to her and she opened her maw and rolled out her tongue, sliding the tip of his length into her mouth before enclosing her muzzle around his shaft.  Arthas let out a sound that could only have been a deep moan, and grasped between Hal's ears, shoving her muzzle down onto the full length of his cock, his hips shuddering slightly.   

From the tightness and wetness of her small muzzle, he began to leak strands of pre-cum that merged with Halcyon's copious saliva as he pulled her head back and forth, thrusting into her mouth and coating his length in thick slime.  When Arthas had had enough, he rolled Halcyon onto her stomach, forced her thighs apart and rubbed the slick organ against her ass.  The fox tensed for a moment then forced herself to relax knowing full well what a cock of his size would do to her body if she fought it.  The tip of his wolf-ish member pierced her and slowly the massive wolf would not thrust himself into her, but pull Halcyon back onto him, stretching and filling her ass like nothing she'd felt before. Arthas growled his desire in her ear, leaning down over her and starting to thrust himself now, slow, deep thrusts, each one causing him to grow more excited and leak more fluid into her bottom, making it slicker, easier, but still suffocatingly tight.   

 Halcyon moaned loudly, gripping the sheets and shuddering under the massive wolf, her muzzle was sore from the large member that had been in it moments before, and she tasted him on her tongue, smelled and felt him above her, and was being filled by him from behind. The fox soon became delirious with the amount of power her body was absorbing from her master, the heightened pleasure her species felt, intensifying it even more.  Arthas meanwhile, had worked up a rhythm of fucking her, slow and then fast, never shallow, always deep, each thrust pressing slightly more of his slowly engorging knot into her ass before he'd shock her, picking her up by the stomach and holding her up on her knees, fucking her harder and grunting his desire into her ears.  Arthas's free paw wrapped around and found the slick wetness between her legs and he licked his lips, rubbing a massive digit along her clit as he buried more and more of himself into her ass. The small fox, now utterly delirious with passion was nearly screaming under him, writhing from his touch and grinding her own hips and ass back against his stomach with each thrust. The Lich King could no longer help himself and buried the last of his length into Halcyon, with a popping feeling the knot forced itself in and he roared his possession of her while forcing her to come as well, her reddened face deep in the silky sheets, muffling her screams.  Arthas would slowly lower himself atop her, still hilted, pumping copious amounts of semen into her backside.  “Who do you belong to?” he growled, feeling slightly light-headed himself, noting that her power to suck life away had grown since their first coupling.   

 Halcyon whispered into the sheets, “You my lord.” And she felt hot tears burn in her eyes for only a moment before she blinked them away.  Arthas rolled his hips into her, grinding his knot deeper still, and wrapped a paw around her and under her chest, holding her against him while he rolled onto his side.  “And who is allowed to breed you?” he demanded in a lustful voice to which Halcyon replied, “Only you my lord.” 

 “See that it remains that way.” he said, still holding her chest with one paw, and slowly rubbing circles on her piercing with the other. He quite enjoyed the way her tiny, muscled body tightened and tensed each time his digit passed over her clit, and how she'd clamp down on his knot, forcing him to twitch and release more come into her. He'd continue this, grinding into her sore rump, rubbing and teasing, and whispering possessive things into her ears for the entirety of the night, not stopping until she'd come so much she fell asleep, too drunk off of his near limitless power. 

high res: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zc616hptjmhuqdb/hal%20and%20arthas%20anal.png?dl=0



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