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While drakes MAINLY stick to their regional diets, they also partake in other foods--Like this giant water "rat" frm the swamplands of Io. They reproduce as all rodents, like wildfire. It would be nearly impossible for drakes to eat them to extinction. They have very few predators as well due to their extensive bristling with poisonous quills.

Since people got kinda confused [idk how I always made it very plain and clear] drakes eat primarily fish/sea creatures and bugs of any shape/size. Within this bracket is their NORMAL food. both insects AND crustaceans are fairly related in their solarsystem, so you can easily understand it as

"drake diet is bugs" just because a drake is born in the south doesnt mean they only eat bugs, nor does it mean tropics only eat fish. each subspecies will eat each others food--hence their very healthy economy and trading.

outside of their NORMAL diet, they have additional foods.

protein is what they mainly look for, but they will eat crops and greens and fruit for the pleasure of it [remember, they smell-taste. heightened sensed, so they eat for enjoyment not nutrition]

things like swamp rats are a great addition to protein intake as drakes need a LOT of protein to fuel their massive bodies and dense musculature. so- they will consume what is both pleasurable, and economical for their bodies.

this is why they dont eat chugs, or cows, or horses. animals they bond with that serve a purpose are also NOT eaten. remember kids, they arent humans. they dont behave or think like the ecological monstrosities humans are. drakes have no interest in destroying their ecosystem or murdering all the native flora of a planet. they adapt TO the planet, the planet doesn't adapt to the drake.

otherwise why would I have aberrants? oi



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