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nuctopan, aerix and eponix

nuctopan are the owl-cat creatures that are "cats" --and since the robot decided they're a delicious stew I guess they get eaten too. as my man said "thats 4 chicken thighs not just 2!!"

aerix scribbles: just me concepting  how the 4 wings on an avian-critter can work. these are where i gave up and drew stickmen feet and blobby feathers bc honestly i hate drawing birds lmao

love birb. hate to draw birb.

and the eponix which are like a whacko giraffee horse that have a hysterical throat sack that they inflate and bellow out of to scare off predators. they are commonly ridden as a horse for those who don't want to use as modern tech. they aren't often killed but if one dies they are absolutely eaten. they're peaceful and drink flower nectar like many other creatures native to io.




Ngl I'd eat a nuctopan too. Mo' meat is mo' meat.


I mean I couldnt deny the shit the robot made sounded absolutely baller • Nuctopan Naki Rolls - Delicate rolls filled with minced nuctopan (owlcat) meat, mixed with finely chopped cavas (carrot) and kalam (corn), seasoned with vok'kalam (Burncorn) for heat. Wrapped in naki[spinach] leaves and steamed, served with a dipping sauce made from blended cancriz (crab) and homarix (lobster) essence.