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A morning market bustling with drakes buying bolos and veskii and cooking delicious grilled foods with southern spices.

Thanks for everyone who let me borrow your drake 

tip me for my slave labor if you are so inclined, if you tossed me monez for my bird-clothes post you can disregard this lmao

paypal.me/zerodrake <- the money goes here




YOOOOO!! I'm crying at how good this all came out. I am devouring all the textures and colors. Be on the lookout on Friday when my paycheck comes in fjsdklflsdjfkl


Aaah it’s done! It looks amazing! All the textures and the details in the environment, and of course the various drakes going about their business and interacting. Circe looks like she’s getting ready to have a nap in the rain if the sky is any indication of the incoming weather. I know you mentioned that you’re going to be utilizing the drake language in future works, do you have a script in development as well?


yeah the script was made 2 years ago but I am ATROCIOUS at making a /real font/ it requires fontmakingskillz. there are websites to do it but ahahaaa... i'll show you. it's a bloody nightmare. https://fontforge.org/en-US/