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The SA:game Patreon campaign will be on a break for the month of May.

Patrons wont be charged anything on the month of May.

I will be back working on the development of the game next month (June).
For a more detailed explanation of the reason why this is happening, read bellow.

Full post:

 Hey there Folks.
Some of you  are  probably aware of this, but two weeks ago my original Patreon campaign, the one where I post my 2 monthly illustrations, were taken down by the patreon staff due to the nature of my paintings.

 It was a really stressful process to get the campaign back up, and I still need to decided exactly how I will adapt it so that it isn't taken down again later on, or even worse, that it happens to the game campaign as well.

 I'm in touch with other artists and developers who have gone trough the same process before, I want to understand how they dealt with the situation, and come up with a plan to adapt my illustration Patreon campaign, and possibly prevent the same to happen with the game campaign later on.

Because of this, I decided to take one month break on both my patreon campaigns (illustrations and game), this way I will be able to stop and think clearly without worrying about dead lines, etc.

 So far, nothing has changed with this campaign, nor with the game itself, this break is more so that I can deal with my original illustration campaign,  and make the changes necessary so that it can keep existing.

Thanks very much for the support and patience my friends.
I will be back in one month to continue with the development of the game.

PS: Just to make it clear, Patrons wont be charged anything on the month for May as I will not be working on the game.




Ehh, it already charged me. 😂


Unless you mean the next charge.

Trevor Bond

Take the break, figure the stuff out. We can be patient. Nothing good comes from rushing all the time or working while stressed out!


Patreon is being a bag of dicks to everyone my friend, might be a good time to shop around for a new platform that doesn't suck off the man.


That's very responsible. Thank you, Sabu. Hope things can be worked out quickly... I'm really getting tired of Patreon's bad attitude toward adult content providers.

Colby Goebel

I don't mind anyways. Regardless of what happens, you are still gonna have my support on some platform for your quality content. For me ( not speaking for everyone) this platform was a great way to support you as a creator on all of your content. It just happen to have rewards XD


Sorry to hear you're dealing with this Sabu, best of luck sorting them out! I thought 50% of Patreon was non-consensual and super kinky sex...


Yes, I meant the current charging cycle of 01 to 05 June that is referent to the previous month. ^^


Indeed, I will make sure to weight all my options ^^


thank you very much for the comment Colby, it means a lot ^^