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Hi hello, as you know I've been focusing on health the past week or so and I thought I would just pop in. Say I'm still alive and I m going to try and give myself a time frame in which to start drawing again. THAT will be my biggest hurtle to conquer since I would abuse said substance while drawing to "enhance" my creativity so to speak :/ 

So next week starting Tuesday when I'm 1 1/2 weeks clean officially I'm going to put pen to tablet and make you guys something. I will put up a voting poll for ideas that I've had and you guys can pick which one will be my come back XD

Again, I'm so so so grateful for your patience 



Can't wait for VGs comeback tour!

Night Shade

Hey, we all want you to be healthy, regardless of how much time it takes to get back going. I'd rather wait a year if it meant you were taking care of yourself. Hope all is well and I'm excited to see more work in the future!


Hope you are feelin better, that is the important part :D