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Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all probably know, Santa himself has recently reached out to Nagisa Fulkami, our friendly neighborhood goddess of darkness, and asked her for her very special kind of support. And that definitely means that we will see a lot more sexy monster girls around Santa's workshop in the near future.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had been chosen by Nagisa’s whims to help out Santa this Christmas. Please, introduce yourself… wait…

Nagisa: Hi.

Jalira: Nagisa?!? What are you doing here? I thought you were the one orchestrating the whole thing, not a part of this.

Nagisa: You know, I was thinking the same thing. But after a small bet with Shima and Hiros, and realizing that the chart would look way better with 9 characters instead of 8, they somehow convinced me to be here today. And now I am also here, also transformed. Also part of Santa’s crew.

Jalira: Everyone should know you but no one has said a word about the fact that you work here! How is that?

Nagisa: I have my ways. This time I just went undercover with the name Gisa and used some mind magic tricks to not stick out. I am just one of the girls for the time being, and as such I obviously also had to take the same level of transformation upon me… regrettably.

Jalira: Err… I would love to know more about that, but you know that I have a show to run. Would it be okay if I just go with the normal procedure and ask you the questions I prepared?

Nagisa: Of course. Just treat me like any other of Santa’s new work force.

Jalira: Kinda hard when you are pretty much my boss, but ill try my best. First question. You have been chosen to help out Santa this Christmas. What sort of role did you receive, what sort of body did you receive and how does your new body help you with your job… is what I would usually ask, but I don’t think it fully applies to you here.

Hmm… let me rephrase that… What do you do here? What did you turn yourself into and why does that help you with your job?

Nagisa: Well, I got turned into a reindeer and dryade fusion, meaning I am a quadrupedal plantlady with a lot of reindeer traits. And my job is to be the gardener, lumberjack and carrier of christmas trees, or in other words, I am the all in one person responsible for creating new splings to making sure the fully grown trees end up in the right places.

Jalira: That sounds like quite a lot. I mean, isn't that like 3 jobs in one?

Nagisa: It might be, but remember that I can be quite powerful~

In all seriousness, my new unique race and body helps me a whole lot with those tasks. I mean, as a dryade I have my way of making seeds grow faster than usual as well as know what they need and when. As a reindeer, I am quite powerful, so chopping down trees isn't really all that difficult and since I can carry around 5 trees simultaneously, I would also say that I am doing quite well on that front~

Jalira: That sounds amazing. I feel like you should make more Reindeer-dryads then. They sound like a very powerful combination.

Nagisa: Yeah… with one exception… HACHUUUU!!!

Ugh… Damn cold…

Yeah… exactly that. Being part plant takes a lot of the resistance to cold weather away. For my lower half, that's not that bad, but for my upper human like body, I feel it very much. Or maybe I am just naturally ill equipped to handle cold weather. Could be either.

Jalira: Is that why you are wearing that mega jacket? I was wondering that from the moment I saw you.

Nagisa: That is why I am wearing that mega jacket.

Jalira: Makes sense. Alright… uhm… that next question doesn't even work in the slightest. Let me rephrase it again… Ah, let's keep it simple. How did you end up like this and could you elaborate a bit on your transformation?

Nagisa: Heh, that second part is surely to please the fans, but don’t worry, I can deliver. But let’s start from the top.

It is true that I organized the entire thing, but one thing led to another and suddenly this event was way larger than I anticipated. That’s when suddenly I had 8 people from all sorts of worlds on my radar and was ready to let loose, when Hiros and Shima stopped me. And they told me that if I didn't find a ninth person in a very unreasonable amount of time, I would become the final participant myself.

And oh, it was so tragic. I couldn’t find the final person in time and they forced me to use my own powers against me. Oh, so tragic.

Jalira: Absolutely tragic.

Nagisa: An absolute Greek tragedy. I mean, what else could you call it when you are forced to use your own dark mist to change your own body so fundamentally. Just imagine your body starting from your stomach slowly turning more and more green, feeling your skin slowly changing in a way that it can do photosynthesis, could you imagine that?

It slowly and steadily spreading up your torso and over your arms, turning them much stronger and entirely green, and even up your neck and into your head. Because we all need to be flowerheads sometimes.

And then down your hips and to your butt, where you can feel it slowly pushing backwards, growing further and further out of your arms reach, until your balance is completely off, yet never able to fall over.

Because the moment your butt reached its farthest point away from you, your two legs and two additional legs behind you that you didn't even know you had started to grow and shift under the green change. Your legs bending in weird ways while your toes fuse into hooves, all while being covered by nothing but vines and bark.

All of that to say: I am now what you can see~ A dryade reindeer fusion.

Jalira: Thanks a lot for the details, boss. Haha.

Nagisa: I don’t know what you are talking about~ This is all just a retelling of a tragedy~

Jalira: Apologies. Obviously. Now then, how does a typical day of yours look like?

Nagisa: Well, there isn’t much to say besides what you could probably imagine from my job description. I wake up at a human hour and then have breakfast with a lot of the other girls. The maid can cook quite well, which I very much appreciate.

After that, I have to figure out whether our Succu-shark girl wants to check my boobs or not. There really is no way to escape her hands, so it's better just to stay still, let her have her fun and hope you are not one of the girls she wants to check that day.

Jalira: So even you run from the shark?

Nagisa: I don’t run, I just try to not stick out. Let her have her fun with it, because who am I to deny her. And I have a very similar view to the other lovely ladies that now work here. I do love to sing christmas songs with our snowworm, get carried away talking with our double kitsune, drink coffee with our succukrampus, play games with the slimegolem, get the draggryphon unstuck from new places, let myself get pampered by our lamia maid on fire and even love to laugh along with our yetitaur signature Ohohoho~

And all the while also doing some work to help my good buddy Santa out. You know, that whole planting trees, making them grow, chopping them and transporting them.

Jalira: Alright, and do you think you are an effective helper for Santa this Christmas?

Nagisa: Let’s see…

I organized an event to get Santa exceptional help. Searched them up from different worlds, transformed them all and made them help my dear friend.

On top of that I also work here myself, having accelerated the growth of christmas trees here be almost 12000% and am responsible for almost all the trees used in a lot of different countries.

I don’t know, you tell me if you would call that effective~

Jalira: Haha, well, thats my boss Nagisa for you. Well, with that the interview is coming to a close. Is there anything you would want to say before we wrap things up?

Nagisa: Yes. But I’ll say that after the entire interview is over.

Jalira: Alright. Thank you very much for the interview today, Nagisa! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… in the second part of this interview~

Nagisa: Goodbye for now~

Jalira: See you all in a bit~

Jalira: Welcome back to the second part of this interview, streaming live from the heart of Christmas itself with a very special guest. Everyone please welcome the man, the myth, the legend: Santa Claus!

Santa: Ho ho ho, everyone. Thank you for letting me be part of this show. This also seems to be the final interview, as I don't think I have that many more guestworkers left. So once again, feel free to ask any question you wish.

Jalira: Glad to hear it. Then let’s cut to the chase. You hid it well, we didn't suspect a thing. Neither did most of the girls working for you. But Nagisa herself is working for you. What do you think about her?

Santa: Nagisa and I go way back. I have actually known her for the better part of my life. She was already a good friend of my father, Santa Claus senior, and continued to be a very good friend of mine ever since basically.

Although to be honest, we haven't seen her all too many times. Usually just in the summer when we don't do our big magical things. Nagisa isn’t really allowed to help us under regular circumstances, because of a few classified things, but she found a loophole this year. Which is why she made the biggest deal out of it that she could apparently.

Jalira: Big deal indeed. So do you think having her help out is something that made your life easier?

Santa: Well, first off, I have to mention that this whole ordeal goes on her tab, since she is the orchestrator of this entire… help-out. So if it wasn't for her, none of those girls would be here today, so on that account alone, I would call her a miracle worker. And that is not even mentioning that she is helping out herself.

Speaking of which, she is also amazing at that. Nagi herself is well liked and pretty effective at what she does. I don’t know the exact numbers, but having a dryade that can both grow trees and transport them is something one really shouldn't underestimate. Her work is truly unbelievable and magical at times, but that really shouldn't be a surprise.

Jalira: It really isn’t, but still great to hear. Now then, let do the most important questions that we are all wondering: Is Nagisa a nice or a naughty girl?

Santa: Ho ho ho~ I was waiting for that. Nagisa is by far the naughtiest girl in the best possible ways I have ever met. Its incredible how many rules she breaks to get what she wants, be that rules that humans create or laws of physics. She would just break them all. And all to get what she wants… which most of the time is happiness to everyone involved.

Like I said, naughty, but in the best possible way.

Jalira: There should be a third categorie just for Nagisa if I am being honest! Hahaha! Thank you so much for your time Mr. Claus and I’ll see you again in the next interview of your new employees. This has been genie Jalira from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll see you all…

Nagisa: One moment.

Jalira: !!! Nagisa? What are you doing here?

Nagisa: Hey there, my dear viewers. Thank you so much for supporting us in this massive project. I know I did most of the heavy lifting from the transformation side, but it was ultimately you who decided who was going to help, what form they take and what they would be doing.

So give yourself a pat on the back for helping Santa out and making this christmas the best it could possibly be for him!

Don’t you agree?

Santa: Oh, absolutely! It seems like I am the one who got the biggest present this year! Ho ho ho~

Nagisa: Only one thing left to do~ Ready~?

Nagisa/Jalira/Santa: Merry Christmas, everyone!!!


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