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Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all probably know, Santa himself has recently reached out to Nagisa Fulkami, our friendly neighborhood goddess of darkness, and asked her for her very special kind of support. And that definitely means that we will see a lot more sexy monster girls around Santa's workshop in the near future.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had been chosen by Nagisa’s whims to help out Santa this Christmas. Please, introduce yourself~

Jeanne d’Arc: Oho? It seems like you really kept the best for last with these interviews. But no matter, as I am a patient and generous lady anyway. Ohohohoh~

I am known as the great Jeanne d’arc, the same that is prevalent in so many legends of yours. And ss you with your burning curiosity have probably already picked up on I have currently taken on the form of a centaur to give me even more strength and a yeti to gain perfect snow mobility. As such I am a Yetitaur and probably the most unstoppable force in the entire Santa’s workshop. Ohohohoho~

Jalira: You seem confident in yourself. Why do you think that you specifically are the most unstoppable? I mean… I saw the snowworm girl and she seemed pretty hard to stop.

Jeanne d’Arc: Oh, then you haven’t seen me in action yet. I am not going to naively deny that our snow worm can be powerful, but she can only move through the snow. And the great I is the one in charge of show control. So I think I have her pretty handily beat on that front alone.

Jalira: Then I can’t wait to learn more about that incredible power of yours and how you use it. And for that, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Jeanne d’Arc: You have my word that I’ll answer to the best of my ability, as that is the duty of those in power. Noblesse oblige, you know? Ohohoho~

Jalira: Alright then. First question. You have been chosen to help out Santa this Christmas. What sort of role did you receive, what sort of body did you receive and how does your new body help you with your job?

Jeanne d’Arc: Aha! I was expecting something like that, so this is not surprising in the slightest. Alright then, let me begin from the top.

The noble cause that has been assigned to me is occupation known as “Snow Plower”, or in other words, I am the person in charge of making sure roads are always free and accessible to anyone, noble or common blood. This naturally requires strength, dexterity and mobility in harsh terrain conditions, all things I have in more than spades.

Jalira: And I am assuming that's because of your unique body, right?

Jeanne d’Arc: Don’t undervalue my vigorous training like that! I have been training for years to get to this point where I am now.

Although I will admit that this form… this body that goddess Nagisa bestowed upon me was definitely nothing short of a divine miracle that happened to me. You have been gazing at my glorious appearance in envy the entire time, so you should have noticed how amazing this is all by yourself.

My pawed front legs which can brave both snow and ice, my hooved back legs which give me stability and power, and my huge pawed arms capable of feats of strength humans would never thought possible… All that and so much more has been granted to me with this amazing divinely graced body.

Jalira: And with that power you mainly use it to plow snow…?

Jeanne d’Arc: Genie, you underestimate the difficulties of this very important task. Not only is this the north pole, a place with permanent snowfall, but I am also in charge of plowing snow in other places of the world, mainly Santa’s secondary workshops and facilities. And I just want to reiterate that cars regularly get stuck in snow and I have to pull at least 5 out every day. So do not for a second think that my job doesn’t require a significantly high level of physical strength.

Jalira: Alright, alright. I understand. Next question. Why and how did Nagisa recruit you?

Jeanne d’Arc: What can I say? I was simply the most outstanding and amazing servant of them all, which was surely the reason she chose me for such a monumental task, like working for Santa. Although I do remember thinking about it quite differently back then, for whatever reason.

Jalira: Do you mind elaborating? In what way did you think differently?

Jeanne d’Arc: For whatever reason, I was actually upset at being torn away from Ritsuka, my former master. Even angry at the goddess for dragging me through the portal so rudely. But then goddess Nagisa touched my forehead from behind and poof, all my anger and frustration was gone.

Well, not that fast, but it felt like she was draining it out of me. Relaxing me. Like she was touching deep into my core and blessing me from that deep inside. I mean, the sense of pride I felt when my armor exploded and my feet transformed into those paws. And I felt this overwhelming sense of duty when my hindquarters expanded backwards and my hooves came into being.

It felt like my eyes had been opened for the first time and I knew what true power was like. And what my true purpose was. I was a chosen one of the goddess Nagisa deployed to make life easier for the legendary Santa clause, and it's an honor beyond imagination to be here today. That also clearly proves how superior I am to everyone else but the other chosen one’s, however that should hardly come as a surprise. Ohohoho~

Jalira: Well… glad to know you are confident in yourself. On to the next question. How does a typical day of yours look like?

Jeanne d’Arc: Of all the workers here I am usually one of the first ones up in the morning and for good reason. No one can work with the roads blocked with snow, so that's my task for the early morning before breakfast.

After all roads to the workshops are cleared, its usually time for breakfast and then I go to the various sights and other facilities to check on which of them had been snowed in again overnight. It's usually most of them, but sometimes certain buildings are spared and I am not about to waste time on a sight that doesn't need it. My time is way too precious for that.

Should all obvious roads be cleared again, I usually make a stop by our resident slime girl for a quick massage and some relaxation. Of all the people working here, she truly knows how to treat me like a princess and has me coming back for more every single day I work here. And after that, I am mostly on standby, available to all that need a strong and exceptional helper on sight. Although I have to admit that my shifts are mostly in the morning or whenever heavy snowfall plagues the area.

Jalira: Understood. Well, if you enjoy the massage of our Slime golem girl so much, then would you mind if I tagged along with you one day?

Jeanne d’Arc: A-A-Absolutely not! I mean… Surely you can asked her yourself for a massage and it doesn’t have to be when I am in there. It can’t be when I am in there, understood?!?

Jalira: Hahaha, alright then. I have a feeling why but I am not going to press it. Now then, do you think you are an effective helper for Santa this Christmas?

Jeanne d’Arc: The best of the best. Nothing would work without the help of my grace. I am literally, pun intended, clearing the path for everyone else to work. On top of that I am also responsible for nearly all sights and am an emergency pair of exceptionally strong extra hands and transporting power, something no one else can offer.

What else can I say? I am just that amazing~ Ohohohohoho~

Jalira: Which is definitely something that Santa himself also appreciates.

Jeanne d’Arc: Oh, no doubt.

Jalira: Well, with that the interview is coming to a close. Is there anything you would want to say before we wrap things up?

Jeanne d’Arc: With grace, power and dedication one can reach the top. You will never reach the number one helper position like I have, but I am always welcoming new second places, so never give up.

Jalira: What inspiring words, Hahaha~ Thank you very much for the interview today, Jeanne d’Arc! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… in the second part of this interview~

Jeanne d’Arc: The pleasure was naturally all mine~ Ohohoho~

Jalira: See you all in a bit~

Jalira: Welcome back to the second part of this interview, streaming live from the heart of Christmas itself with a very special guest. Everyone please welcome the man, the myth, the legend: Santa Claus!

Santa: Ho ho ho, everyone. Thank you for letting me be part of this show. I heard you had some questions for me again, and I will be happy to answer all of them as far as my secrecy allows it.

Jalira: That's good to hear. This year, a certain dark goddess named Nagisa has provided you with some exceptional girls to support you. One of them is a girl named Jeanne d’Arc. For my first question: What do you think of her?

Santa: I will be honest and say that this girl just flat out doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. She acts like she is a princess, insists that she is superior and looks down on pretty much everyone. At the same time, she is the by far physically strongest member of the crew, always speaks of this code of honor and takes shifts so early that she even finishes before those who are considered working early start working at all. In fact, most of the time she is finished with the main work before breakfast, which is just something incomprehensible to me.

Despite all the weird stuff she talks about including being so devoted to Nagisa that she would love to become a servant to her and all that talk about her being a noble lady, and and and…

If you look past all that, you’ll see a very enthusiastic young lady who purposefully takes times and jobs no one else would like, simply because she thinks it's her duty as a noble to do them.

And while I think ‘confused’ might be the correctest word to describe her, I just think of her as a quirky and very lively addition to our already very colorful team.

Jalira: Makes sense. So do you think having her help out is something that made your life easier?

Santa: Ho ho ho~ Or I guess: Ohohoho~ if I want to quote her really quickly, this is a simple question with a very simple answer. Now she firmly insists that life up here would not be possible without her doing what she does best, which obviously isn’t really true at all. It’s a bit too dramatic to what the situation actually is.

That being said, there is some truth in the matter, as it was nearly impossible to drive large vehicles here on the north pole, as snow just isn’t great for tires of any size. So her actually clearing the way everyday and enabling our construction boss to design roads that even work here, is something completely unheard of. And it all wouldn't be possible without her very haughty yetitaur.

Jalira: Having talked to her, I also can’t tell if she seriously believes everything she says or if she just likes telling tall tails. Anyways, final question of the day: Would you say that Jeanne d’Arc is a nice or a naughty girl?

Santa: She is kind of the perfect blend of nice and naughty to be honest. Looking down on people and having an ego bigger than the moon isn't really a nice trait, at the same time, she is very willing to help and very adamant on taking all the hard work because of her ‘noblesse oblige’ motto.

Well, if I can't decide, then I should just put myself in her shoes. And she would probably think that she is the nicest girl on the entire planet, so that shall be my answer too. Ho ho ho~

Jalira: Not sure if it works like that, but okay! Thank you so much for your time Mr. Claus and I’ll see you again in the next interview of your new employees. This has been genie Jalira from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~


Justin Kinninger

Oh my gosh Jeanne looks cute as a Yetitaur.