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…so, hold fast to the edge of this arcane cauldron, for the night is young, and there are realms of wonder and terror to explore. As I brim with anticipation, I promise you an experience unlike any other, infused with the essence of the supernatural and the enigma of Halloween itself. I am the Enigmauldron and you, my poor soul, shall be my next victim for tonight!

“...are you done?” the young lady asked, looking even more rude than she did impatient. She then proceeded to roll her eyes, as she heard my voice again and I already had a premonition of what she was about to say. “Do I even want to ask why you are repeating my words?”

This is how things work around here, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Now then, you, unfortunate victim, have been chosen to become my servant, terrorizing worlds and lands to show them the true meaning of Halloween. There is no way out, no escape, only servitude and monstrous power awaiting you here. All for the completion of my evil plan!

“...if you want to have a one on one fight you should have said so earlier.” The girl simply replied, getting into what was clearly a fighting pose. “I have never fought a cauldron before, but I am not one to turn down a challenge. So very well, I Juri Han, shall take you on. And I’ll make sure to inflict as much pain and suffering onto you as I possibly can, as that is my evil plan.”

No, you fool. This is not… I am not here to fight you. You are chosen as the victim for my evil plan, there is no turning this around. The liquid you see bubbling inside of my walls is your soul stew and its… uhm… already looking really tainted. What in halloween’s name did you do…

“None of your business. You ready to fight?”

Didn’t you listen? You have already lost. Now pick up ingredients from around here and throw them into your stew or…

“Make me.”

You got to be the most uncooperative victim I have had the unfortunate luck to make into my servant so far. And I do hope that you remain at that title and the others will be better victims. Regardless, you will…

A loud gong sound echoed through the woods as that imbecile of a girl struck my metallic body with one of her powerful kicks. And while I could tell that she was definitely strong enough to kill most humans with a single strike, that would not help her at all against my indestructible body.

“I would call it bold at best to call oneself indestructible.” She laughed while preparing another kick. “Especially against an opponent like me!”

You insolent fool! You seem to value your legs a lot. But what would you do if I were to take them away?

“!” Juri suddenly stopped, her eyes going wide. What she didn’t pay attention to because she was so driven by bloodlust was that I had time to deliberately pick a fitting ingredient or two from my repertoire and throw it into her soul stew, and now she was simply feeling the effects of having magical items thrown into one’s soul.

“You sure talk a big game, but so far nothing special has happened to me… What the…?” And that's when she noticed the thighness of her pants, slowly getting worse and worse. Not because her pants got any tighter, no, but because her hips and behind were steadily increasing in mass, causing her clothing to slowly but surely rip and slide down her legs.

“What? Are you planning to strip me naked by inflating my ass? Definitely a tactic I have never seen before, but you do know that I can just buy a new pair of pants when I get out of here, right?”

I told you what I am after. You are to lose your legs, not just your pants. Giving you a bit more junk in the trunk is merely to punish you further.

“Hmm. Curious.”

I could tell she wanted to move, but her legs did not respond anymore. It was too late for her. From her enlarged hips downwards scales started to spread all around her lower body, causing her legs to slowly lose their form and stability. Even standing began to be a struggle for her, fighting being off the table completely at this time.

But as she fell to the ground, her enlarged butt cushioning the fall, her legs’ positions started to move closer and closer together, until they started to fuse with each other, losing their individuality in favor of one singular massive limb that grew out of her bottom half.

The more scales grew, the longer it became. The longer it got, the more space there was for scales to grow. After a few minutes, this vicious cycle finally ended, with Juri being somewhat out of breath and being the proud new owner of her very own and very thick lamia tail, perfect for shaking her amazing new hips and butt now.

“Thanks for the heads up. Turning me half snake, ey?” Juri spoke, lifting herself up again on her tail, analyzing herself for a bit. “I have been called a snake before, although I never expected something like this to ever turn me into a literal snake.”

Are you willing to accept your fate as my servant yet, now that you know what I am capable of?

“Thanks for the offer but I think I’ll pass!” Faster than I could react, the bottomheavy snakegirl darted towards me and punched my iron body again, flashing another overconfident smile. “If you think I am done just because you took my legs you are sorely mistaken. I am capable of inflicting just as much if not more pain with my fists, and I am ready to knock that soul thingy out of your grasp faster than you think! Hyaa!”

You and which fists?

“!” Juri’s hand forced itself open just before it connected with my outer wall and impacted rather softly, almost as if someone punched me through a pillow filled with feathers rather than a fist. “You asshole!”

I just grinned as Juri stumbled backwards, looking in true horror at her fingers. Her digits were quickly fusing together and elongating, with feathers spreading all across her hands. But not only her hands, but all the way down her arms, over her elbows to almost her shoulders.

You seem to be quite the interesting human, I have been thinking that ever since we first met. An alluring outside, but a perfectly violent and sinister core. It gives you the ability to draw innocent people in only to torture them later, quite the fitting combination for my evil plan. So how about we accentuate these traits a little bit more one you.

“What do you… Ah!” Another vial was thrown into my cauldron by no one else but myself, and immediately Juri looked like she felt its effects in the same moment. Looking at her upper body, everything that was important started expanding. From her wings on her arms where the feathers started to build a carpet over space her arms weren’t even before, to her chest which now thanks to my most recent addition also began to accumulate mass beyond normality, everything about her was getting larger extremely quickly.

Until finally, when her arms became full fledged wings and each of her breasts overtook her head almost twice over, she gave off a final moan, almost collapsing on the floor once again. Although this time she had caught herself and seemed to quickly get enamored with the additional weight her chest now packed, giving them a few soft jiggles before giving off a grin.

“You know, maybe you are not that bad after all.” She said, slowly raising herself to look at me again. “If you ignore the snake tail and bird wings, this figure is actually one many girls, including me, would kill to have. So I am not even sure if I should be mad at you or grateful to be honest.”

It would suffice if for now you just stop resisting me and just taint your soul further until it's completely filled up. If you don’t, I will continue changing your body into whatever shape I see fit.

“Alright, you great cauldron, how about those two?” I didn’t even notice when she moved, but Juri was holding two more vials in her snake tail, wrapping around them tightly and precisely as if this wasn't the first time she had done it. It had me impressed for a moment, before I remembered that the more a soul was tainted, the more the mind of the person also changes with the body. So naturally she had it under control quite well.

Aspects of the living shadows and aspects of the grim reaper, you sure have quite good tastes. Alright, throw them in and let your soul be warped once again.

Despite me having said that, after she threw them in, the changes that followed were not as grand as I initially thought. Because this time Juri was more than ready for them, she also didn’t react all the interestingly when all the clothes, including her shredded ones do to her enlarged assets melded back together into one skinny and skintight grim reaper looking cloth, including a cape that hand back over her large behind all the way to the bottom.

Then her hair buns, which naturally looked quite like devils horns, already started to extend outwards and upwards, almost starting to look like expanding and living tentacles growing right out of her head. And she was getting four of them.

And finally out of thin air a massive scythe appeared over her head, being caught only by her shadow and hairy tentacles, which made her smile even harder than before. She couldn’t quite grip it with her winged arms anymore, but she didn’t care since she was content to just swing death with her hair instead. Truly a frightening appearance and just the kind I aspire to create.

“How curious. I don’t feel trapped in this forest anymore.” Juri spoke, to which I let out a short laughter.

Of course not. The binding curse is only for until your soul has been fully tainted and your body has been changed to the absolute limit. And now that we have the prelude out of the way, as my new servant on this unholy night, it is time to fulfill the first step in my amazingly evil plan.

“Hard pass.” Juri defiantly stated, crossing her wings below her massive bosom, much to my anger. “I told you I am here to receive a cooler and killer body. And that I did. No reason for me to stay here anymore.”

No, that’s not… Your mind is just as tainted as your body now! You should be completely subservient to me now! So I command you to stay here and obey me!

“Oh don’t worry, I did feel something in my broken head change.” Juri calmly stated as her grin became even wider. “I promise you I don’t remember what it's like to have legs anymore, nor do I know how to make a fist. Having a petite body is also but a fleeting memory to me and I also feel like my speech has changed, even if just by the tiniest bit. And I do feel a special connection to Halloween now and a great urge to spread it and the terror it brings to each and every human I meet~”

Then why would you…?

“Just because you changed my mind a little bit, doesn't mean I am suddenly going to want to be a servant to you. I, Juri Han, have promised myself to never be a student or servant to anyone, and that includes you, my little halloween pot.” She said, spreading her wings wide as she turned around, and flashed a grin to me over her shoulder. “I don’t need support. I am off spreading the meaning of All Hallows Eve all by myself. But I can promise you I will do a good job at spreading terror and destruction! For that job, you picked the right girl! Hahaha!”

And with one powerful wingbeat, she took off, flying into the sky as if she wasn’t an 8 meter long snake. But I know as much as anyone, that physics and logic do not hold a candle to the power of myself, the Enigmauldron. If my victim becomes part harpy, no matter what else she might turn into or how much her body contorts, she will always be able to fly afterwards.

Although that doesn't answer my biggest question: If the mind changes work without a hitch, then why aren’t any of my victims becoming obedient servants? That is exactly what those mind changes are for, not just to make them adjust to their new bodies.

I have gone through more than half of my victims already, and none of them have submitted to me. Granted they have all been a little special, but there is no way all of them should have been immune to my obedience spell, right?

This is most frustrating, but also nothing I can change now anymore. 2 victims are still remaining, and I will make sure both of them submit to me perfectly. Because my great evil plan will not fail because of a small detail like that. That I swear as true as I am Enigmauldron! Muhahahaha!


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