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…As the night unfolds, the barrier between realms thins, and I feel the spectral energy of countless souls who once stirred within my depths, each one contributing to my enigmatic power. You might think me to be a mere instrument, a conduit for concocting eldritch brews and spells, but I am more than that. I am a keeper of stories, a vessel of secrets, and tonight, I shall unveil the mysteries that have simmered within me for centuries.

On this night of mystery, with the moon as our guide, I invite you to journey through realms unknown. From ancient witching rites to spectral hauntings, from chilling congregations to faerie frolics, I will serve as your guide through the surreal and the uncanny. But be forewarned, dear traveler, for the boundaries of reality are nebulous and shifting on this All Hallows' Eve, and you might find yourself entangled in the very tales I weave.

So, hold fast to the edge of this arcane cauldron, for the night is young, and there are realms of wonder and terror to explore. As I brim with anticipation, I promise you an experience unlike any other, infused with the essence of the supernatural and the enigma of Halloween itself. I am the Enigmauldron and you, my poor soul, shall be my next victim for tonight!

“Oh.” The redheaded girl let out, standing dumbfounded before my magnificence, before starting to think for a bit. “I am sorry Mr. Enigmauldron, I am unsure on whether I should feel honored or not right now. Being called a victim isn’t very ensuring you know?”

Surprisingly, despite having heard my entire speech, the scandalously clad girl remained calm. It would be natural to tremble in front of someone as mighty as me, yet she remained steadfast, unflinching… and polite. That last part somehow is a rarity around these parts.

“Well… I guess the main reason for that is that I simply don't know what you have planned. And I am also sorry that the people around here seemed to be mean to you.” She said, then placed her hand on her chest meaningfully. “My name… is Pyra. Glad to meet you, Mr. Enigmauldron.”

Definitely the politest person I had met so far, no doubt about it. Yet before I could respond further, she looked over her body for a little bit before asking. “Would you really consider what I wear scandalously? I mean my chest is completely covered and this only shows off a little bit of thighs…”

Regardless if you are provocatively clad or not, you, unfortunate victim, have been chosen to become my servant, terrorizing worlds and lands to show them the true meaning of Halloween. There is no way out, no escape, only servitude and monstrous power awaiting you here. All for the completion of my evil plan!

“Uhm… is it possible that you have the wrong person? I mean my power as the Aegis might be great, but I don't think I should be part of any great evil plans.” The clueless Pyra started to look around, futilely looking for an escape route. Though as long as her soul is bound to the soul stew, there is no way for her to get away from here.

“So my soul is bound? Is that why I can't run away? Curious…” She said, then once again smiling at me and asking the next foolish question. “Is there anything I can do to unbind myself?”

As a matter of fact there is. For now, the liquid is clear and unsoiled, just like a human should be… erm… at least it should be. Why is yours so turquoise…? Ah, no matter. Now you shall throw ingredients into the pot, to turn you into a monster to be truly feared. And should you refuse to throw anything in, then I shall be the one picking out components! And you don't want me to be the one to decide! Muhahaha!

“If this stew represents my soul, isn’t throwing something in somewhat dangerous?”

Yes, that's the point. This is part of my evil plan. Now do you want to throw something in or should I do it?

“Alright. I’ll do it.” And with that she looked around the place for a bit, taking a gander at every item that lay around here. She seemed to be very particular with her choice, looking at most items from multiple angles before laying them back down again. Only when she picked up a golden coin, she turned back to face me.

“Sorry for the wait, but I can’t just throw anything into my soul right? That being said, where is this coin from? I have never seen something like this before in my life.” She asked, to which I was slowly losing my patience. So I grabbed the coin and a twinning-cherry from the stock and spoke to her.

That is because you are no longer in your own world. Of course you wouldn’t know otherworldly currency, let alone cursed coins. But I’ll just take this as your first choice as well as this cherry. You can choose your next item while your body is adjusting, I am sure.

“Wait!” The girl yelped, but I just threw them in. It was on her for being slow and now it was on me to enjoy the show. Although Pyra did attempt to ask another question yet again. “Could you at least tell me what that coin and that cherry does when you… Mythra? What is happening? Mythra!”

The girl suddenly shouted a name and started to panic, surprisingly not about the change that was actively happening to her body. Because starting from the glowing crystal on her chest, her clothes started to melt while her skin started to change complexity and color. It was clear her armor was turning into a much softer material and her skin was turning into something close to liquid gold.

In moments the wave had hit her entire armor, melting into soft fabric in some places while disappearing completely in others. Which also helped in showing off how her skin was gilding all around her body. And then everything was seemingly preparing itself for the great finally, her dress becoming fancy and frilly, while the final stretch of gold was creeping up her neck to turn her head. But that's when her shoulders got noticeably wider and Pyras neck moved a bit aside to make space for…

And Pop!

“Uwa! What the heck! What sort of change was that?!?” The blonde head gasped, having sprung into existence next to Pyra’s red haired head, which was almost completely made of gold by now.

“Mythra? Wait… how are you and I out at the same time?” Pyra asked the blonde haired head next to her, before turning her head to look at it, just in time to see the last trances of both of their human colored skin change to pure gold.

“This is so strange.” Mythra whispered. “Two heads on the same body…? Was that an effect of the Twinning cherry?” Pyra pondered, yet I just smirked once again.

What will it be next? Have you made your choice or should I be the one to decide your fate again?

“Again?!? This wasn’t enough?” Mythra asked in disbelief, as she looked down at her golden body in a fancy red dress.

“How many thing do we have to put into the soul stew to satisfy you, Mr. Enigmauldron.” Pyra asked, polite as ever.

“Yeah, I am not sorry for not being polite. But we have to throw something in before this guy ruins our day again. Er… this!” Mythra picked up something that made me blink twice and trew into stew. Pyra had about the same reaction as me as well.

“Mythra… that was a squid.” Pyra spoke bluntly, both of their legs starting to shake.

“Yes, I know.” Mythra answered, starting to sweat as their legs began to lose their distinct form.

“A whole, still living squid.” Pyra clarified again as their legs melted together into one combined mass.

“Yes…? I mean… it looked delicious… and harmless… I think?” Mythra replied as their one combined appendage started to gain mass quickly, doubling in thickness in moments and still expanding.

“Do you have a guess what could potentially happen to us if you threw that into our soul?” Pyra pressed one of her hands against her face as golden coins that looked like suction cups appeared all over their still expanding mass.

“I… admittingly didn't think that faaaahhhh!” That all at once their singular massive appendage split up into eight long, thick and equal golden coined tentacles, that gave the duo a lot more stability than they had moments prior. Although seeing how much Mythra blushed at the sight of her own self-inflicted tentacles was definitely made even an old cauldron like me burst into laughter.

“Screw you, you damn cooking pot! My pain is not for your entertainment!” Mythra barked back angrily, while Pyra was looking around diligently, as if she was searching for something. “...hey Mythra?” “What?” “Do you also feel… poor for some reason? In a sense that the lack of gold around her feels strange…?”

Mythra blinked and also started to look around. “Now that you mention it… For some reason this feels rather… Shiny less? You know?”

Ah, your instincts are taking over, good to know. The two of you are perfectly falling into my evil plan quite nicely. Scyllas are natural horders of sunken ships treasures, while creeping and cursed coins have a natural affinity for gold. Quite the combination, but you are not done quite yet. Each of you throw something in, or I’ll throw three things.

Both girls looked at each other briefly. I expected them to fear me or at least be somewhat scared of what was to happen to them. But no, both seemed determined to find the object that was least likely to make any more drastic changes to them. They threw their items into the soul stew simultaneously, however.

“Mythra, that was another tentacle.” Pyra remarked.

“And your’s was some sort of fur. I bet mine will cause less of a change since… you know.” Mythra countered. Then both winced simultaneously and instinctively reached for their ears, with one hand each.

“That might be, but I kinda saw this one coming…” Pyra said as their ears grew bigger and black furred, slowly traveling up their heads before becoming cute hellhound ears on the top of each of their heads.

“But see! N-nothing happened w-with mine… oh no.” Mythra pretty much immediately ate her own words as from the back of their shoulders two additional tentacles sprouted out, slowly but surely growing in size. At the same time the black fur started to spread across their fingers and hands as well, flooffing and puffing up their hands and arms to twice their previous size, giving those two four arm-like appendages in total, two fluffy hellhound claws and two additional tentacles.

“Did you expect those too?” Mythra asked sarcastically, to which Pyra just giggled. “No, but it could have been worse. And I don’t even mind those two additional ‘arms’ either. Actually good choice Mythra.”

“Naturally. Although, now I really want more golden stuff in my life. Do you see anything we could take with?”

“Not really. I have been looking the entire time as well. Nothing even remotely valuable here…”

What is it with people and not paying attention to me? Anyone whose soul is this changed and molded so much, simply must become submissive to the great Enigmauldron. That is part of their curse and my evil plan. Maybe if I add something huge it will finally cause them to reveal their obedient side.

“First: We are never going to be part of any plan you might concoct!” Mythra suddenly shouted and pointed at me, as I begrudgingly took the biggest object lying around, which just so happened to be the eye of a mountain dragon. “And second: Don't you dare throw that in! Ahhh~!”

Both girls shook the moment the eye sank into the brew and it was clear that something big was about to happen. That when from the tips of two of their tentacles golden threads started to spin, slowly forming themselves into a giant golden circle that got fuller and fuller each second.

At first it looked like it was going to form a giant golden coin behind them, carried only by the might of the two tentacles that produced it. But then something truly breathtaking happened, which had even me, a millennia old cauldron shaking in anticipation, as a giant dragon Eye blinked open on the giant coin behind them, striking fear into anyone who dared looking at that due.

Perfekt! What a magnificently terrifying form! With your elegance, grace and monstrosity there is no way for…

“Hey Pyra. I don't feel stuck here anymore. Do you?” Mythra asked, interrupting me once again.

“I know. Me neither. But Mr. Enigmauldron was about to tell us about his evil plan. Don't you want to at least hear him out?” Pyra replied, although even her words didnt make me feel better.

“Pyra. This thing turned the lower half of our body into a golden tentacle mess. I am under no obligation to listen to them in any way, shape or form anymore.” Mythra declared as the two of them turned away from me.

“If you say so. Was nice meeting you Mr. Enigmauldron.” Pyra waved me goodbye as I just stood there, flabbergasted, unable to get a word out of my mouth.

“He said, still narrating our escape. Though have you seen what he turned us into? How can you so casually say goodbye to that thing?”

“It’s called common courtesy. Also if you are still talking about the tentacles, those are at least half your fault, you know?”

“That… might be… but…!”

“I do smell gold around here somewhere…”

“Since when can you smell gold? Although… me too…”

“It's an interesting frequence, isn't it? maybe we should…”

After that, the two headed golden creature was too far away to be heard, leaving me here at my clearing in the forest alone once again. Another specimen, turned into a perfect halloween monster, yet failed to become obedient in any meaningful way.

How has this happened to me twice already on the same day? Although this time, it might not have been a mistake that I am able to fix. Thinking about it some more, their turquoise lifeforce hinted at a great power within them, something that wasn’t human at all. Perhaps that was the reason why they didnt grow obedient…

In any case, this failed experiment only serves to make me grow stronger and wiser. Halloween night is still long and the next victim is already approaching. And this time, I know for a fact that they are human. So there is no chance for failure. Muahahah!


Tentacles have never looked so greedy… okay, that might sound  wrong on second thought. Anyways, here comes a duo of Pyra and Mythra  from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which have combined into Pn… Pythra, to  show the world the monetary value of Halloween.

This is the second of five works from the Halloween Monstergirl Mashup event Hiros53 and 97Tsukishima are hosting. We hope you enjoy~

Changes to Pyra:

Monster girl species - Creeping Coin, Scylla, Hellhound

Additional changes to -

Arms -> (Second pair of tentacle arms)

Eyes -> (Big eye coin)

? -> (Guest appearance from Mythra)


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