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Every few years near the outskirts of the southern districts of Tokyo, large festivals are held celebrating various religions that dominate the area. With the advent of demihumans becoming quite plentiful and common on Earth, the festivities had become yearly events that had also become a large tourist attraction. It wasn’t long before people from all over the world made their way to the festival to party, pray, share their beliefs, and learn something from other’s fates.

One of the people attending this year’s event was a simple man named Chris. He came from the American countryside and had traveled far from his small hometown where he had grown up. Despite that, he had been well connected with the world at large thanks to the internet, and as he grew up his desire and ability to go out into the world only grew. Though his visit to Japan was more of a mission than a vacation. Chris was a priest of his religion and came here to share his faith and maybe pick up a few followers. At the very least, he could get direct insight to see how other people’s gods and goddesses were fairing.

Chris spent a good deal talking to others and exploring the different beliefs and cultures scattered at the festival. He didn’t learn too many interesting things and failed to convince others to join him in prayer though. After walking about for an hour, he eventually came across a strange small shrine. It wasn’t all that detailed and appeared more modern than all the other shrines and stands set up at the festival. There were more demihumans (specifically monster girls) than humans at the shrine, and everyone appeared to be talking casually rather than praying or at least being formal.

Chris managed to push his way through the crowd of centaur butts and lamia tails, finally reaching the shrine in question. He went up to the plaque and read it out loud. “Nagisa Fulkami: Goddess of Darkness”. There wasn’t a detailed description other than the name to whom the shrine was dedicated too.

“Okaaay… Never heard that name before.” Chris thought out loud, attempting to recall all the gods and myths he had researched about this festival beforehand. Yet somehow, nothing came to mind. So he came to one real  conclusion: “This thing must be brand new here. I am surprised it has so many people hanging around here already.”

“That is true. They finished constructing this place today~” A female voice called out to him from behind, making him turn around and look at the girl. “Isn’t it great?”

“Oh absolutely.” Chris replied fast, not wanting to upset the girl that was very clearly incredibly immersed in her beliefs. After all, she wore a short black robe that ended just below her hips, a black veil over her head and short orange hair, which all was very reminiscent of a certain statue that stood right in front of him.

“Are you a big fan and great believer in that goddess, Nagisa Fulkami?” Chris asked, although he already knew the answer. After all, no one cosplayed as a goddess if they weren’t a big fan of them.

“You could say that. I am probably the one that knows the most about the goddess out of all the people here.” The girl replied, which didn’t shock Chris in the slightest. Though it did open an opportunity for him.

“If you know so much, then do you mind telling me a little bit about it? I’m not from here and would love to learn more. And the fact that almost no other human is around me intimidates me a little bit.” Chris laughed to break the tension, though the girl looked at him at first with an unreadable expression, before also letting out a small giggle.

“Don’t tell me you are scared of monster girls, my guy.” She replied, to which Chris nodded ever so lightly. He wasn't really scared per se, just not used to talking to them, though the girl just laughed again at his reaction. “Well, then you came to the right place. I promise I can show you everything you need to know about the goddess Nagisa Fulkami and help you overcome your fear of monster girls all in one fell swoop~ Are you ready?”

“Uh, I guess?” Chris answered. The girl appeared pleased with his response. She hummed gently and took his hand- quickly correcting herself to grab his sleeve instead. “Then come on!” She tugged on him, surprising Chris with how much strength she had despite her apparent lack of muscles. Chris was dragged through the crowd until he came face to face with a rainbow of different slime girls.

“Slimes, or just ‘slime girls’ are a good place to start,” the girl said. “They are cute, smooth, very human-like…”

The girl then seemed to just ramble on about seemingly pointless facts about slimes that Chris wasn’t even the slightest bit interested in. So he tried to break free of her grasp, but when he was about to escape, she just grabbed his wrists again.

So he naturally pulled again… and again, not really managing to break free but somehow feeling like he was making progress regardless. Like he wasn’t working on breaking free, but on setting up his skin in order to make the escape possible. After all, with more smooth skin…

“Hmm, yes, completely hairless as well. Did I mention they are cute?”

“W-wait!” Chris finally managed to break from the girl’s grasp, though was panting by now as a result of it. “I mean, I do appreciate the tour, but I don’t even know your name yet!”

“Ah! Haha. Sorry about that!” The girl twisted her finger a bit as if to draw something imaginary into the air. “I’m Nagisa of course~”
“Oh, of course, I should have expected as such!” Chris laughed weakly. Clearly getting a name out of her wouldn't be that easy. When suddenly…

“Chris, behind you!” Nagisa pointed at a pair of centaurs walking about, wearing kimonos that were tailored made for their abnormally shaped bodies. Despite all the necessary parts being covered, the kimonos were still skin tight and their large equine asses stood out like a sore thumb.

“I assume you are familiar with centaurs, easily one of the most recognizable monster girl species.”
“Yes actually,” said Chris. “The only demihuman I know personally is a centaur.”
“Hmm, yes~ They do smell though, understandable for a person with such a massive butt. Big, round, meaty…”

The entire time Chris was just thinking that this girl was getting into this way too much, especially because she was just exclusively talking about horse butts now. Though, he had to admit, that it was quite interesting to hear how different species handle a hindquarter that huge.

Listening to her voice, it was so immersive that it actually felt to him like his own behind inflated like a pair of helium balloons, just to demonstrate everything Nagisa was talking about. From the jiggle to the hip size to how one has to adjust his stance to not tip over with so much weight on your behind… Chris felt like he went through all of that as well.

Yet when he checked behind himself, everything just looked completely ordinary. Just him and his stupidly huge almost “dump truck” of a behind. No wonder he sometimes had to think about whether he could even fit through certain doors.

“Let’s see… Oh.” Nagisa did stop for a moment to look at Chris, eyeing him a bit more closely, though without him having a clue what she was looking for. Then she spoke up again: “Hey, I just noticed that you give off a certain divine aura as well. Are you perchance a nun in service of a god as well?”

“Oh, as a matter of fact I am. I just…” Christ halted after he said that, as something about that situation didn’t feel right at all. He wanted to pinpoint exactly where he had misspoke, yet a certain itching down below in his privates kept distracting him. It was like it was intentionally getting worse whenever he was trying to think about anything else…

It felt like pulling on an invisible object, guided by a god's hand as if Chris himself was a ship and god was drawing in his anchor to a new him. Until it happened, and Chris suddenly felt a release like he had never felt before. Though understandably that girl that called herself Nagisa was just staring at her slightly confused.

“Are you okay, miss?” Nagisa asked, looking concerned, though there was a certain sheen in her eyes that told a different story.

“I am fine, thanks. What were we talking about?” Chris replied quickly, not wanting to mention her sudden guidance by god to anyone just yet.

“Oh, we were just coming to something special.” Nagisa said, gesturing gently to a flock of bird girls, all having a pleasant chat on the roofs of the buildings. To which she said: “Those girls aren’t just any ol harpies, they are what are called sirens~ Beautiful faces and voices, dangerously so for weak human men, though I don’t think we two will have to worry about that very much, right? They also happen to be a favorite of a good friend of mine.”

“Now that you mention it, they are pretty…” Chris said, looking up at the girls while her face began to shift and change. Her cheekbones rose ever so slightly, her nose shrank quite a bit and her eyes grew as well. All her remaining masculine features softened as if a hot towel just wiped them away, and all the while Chris was way too busy looking at the pretty girls up above.

“I can see why men could easily fall for them.” Chris then spoke in her much more feminine, pleasant and melodic voice, smiling at Nagisa who seemingly had to hold in a giggle again. A tingle on her scalp distracted her for a moment, making her reach for her hair that seemed to grow into her hands, becoming longer and fluffier on its way down.

Though the moment it stopped, Nagisa had already tugged on her hand further and pulled her away. Whatever Chris was feeling didn’t stop Nagisa from just moving on to the next pack of girls, who she was seemingly already expecting to see here, which also, just like that, instantly made the thoughts of growing hair seem like a distant memory to her.

“And those girl… are minotaurs~” Nagisa announced happily, gesturing to two very tall and muscular female figures, who briefly looked at her with a confused glance before going back to talk with each other. Then the girl in black asked: “What do you think? Drawn in by their mounds of glory yet~ Hehe~”

“Those minotaurs…” Chris mumbled as her gaze truly was drawn in by the mounds of both girls. As they talked, moved and even just breathed they jiggled ever so slightly, making Chris truly feel weird inside. Like something that should be there… wasn’t there. Yet somehow she blurted out. “Their chests are quite… immodest.”

Maybe it was disgust of such breach of modesty, maybe it was jealousy from deep within, either way Nagisa just giggled even harder at Chris' words.“Oh now, upset that they are big?”

“Of course I am!” Chris said, feeling like her top had suddenly started to become much tighter than before. It was like her emotions and opinions were wanting to burst out of her in more places than just her mouth. “The way they bounce, how round they are- Not to mention the eye magnet…”

“Because that is something new for you~” Nagisa rolled her eyes as if what she said was the most obvious thing mankind has ever heard. And as Chris top started to rip and tear from the ever expanding mounds behind them, she stammered. “I mean, yeah… But I had to work hard to get them this big! Minotaurs- they are just born luckyyyyaaaahhh!!!”

Then it finally happened. Her top gave up on this world and ripped open completely, exposing the two basketball sized mammaries on Chris’ chest to the wor—

She shook her head. Did she just miss something? Glances immediately went down to the massive bulges on her chest though…

“Thank goddess.” The girl sighed, happy to see that her robe was fully intact and not in fact, ripped and shredded like her dreamish vision showed her. She might be okay with showing much cleavage but she could never go out into public completely naked. That would go against her integrity as a nun.

“I am so sorry, Miss Nagisa. But do you mind reminding me where we are heading next?” Christina asked, now that she was sure that everything was definitely normal again.

“We should talk to those kitsunes!” She pointed towards a collection of shrine maidens not too far from where they were. “They’ll surely make for a great final destination of our little tour around all the shrines.”

“Final destination?” Christina asked, feeling kinda bummed out that the delightful trip was already nearing its end. Though she was also kinda expecting it if she was being honest. “I understand. Are the kitsunes you were talking about those girls up ahead?”

“Yup. It’s hard to miss them with their big, fluffy tails that’s just an endless sea of floof~ And their ears as well! I imagine those kitsunes can even hear us talking right now~” Nagisa glanced over to Christina, who chuckled at her joke, yet the more she thought about it, the more plausible it actually seemed.

Just focusing on it, she could almost feel her ears wandering to the top of her head, stretching further into the sky and growing larger and more intricate as a result, just to give her sense of hearing more than a little boost. And suddenly, she could also hear them talking from all the way here, though it did take a lot of focus because of all the noise around them.

That one actually made her quite proud, pushing out her bouncy chest knowing that she had achieved something new today. Actually, it also kinda felt like she was getting another boost, but this time from behind her. Like something was pushing her forward to try new things to be proud of and achieve greatness before her goddess… Although it was kinda weird that those pushes always seemed to come in small bursts. Almost like something big and fluffy was coming out behind her. Weird.

“I concur, our hearing is better than a human’s but it’s not that good. I can barely make out any of the words those girls are saying.” Christina wondered out loud, turning to the side and pushing one of her many tails out of the way to look at her guide, since some of those fluff pillows always tended to block her side view.

“Excuse me, ladies~ Do you have a moment?” Christina didn’t even realize that the two of them were so close to the girls already, close enough in fact that Nagisa had already called out to them. “I have here a wonderful guest from overseas who is also another one of my nuns. Do you girls mind showing her around in my stead?”


“Yeah sure!”

“Of course, goddess Nagisa!”

All the kitsunes happily cheered, though what the last kitsune said stuck out to Christina more than everything else. Oh no, did she just…

“Uhm, excuse me.” Christina asked the girl dressed in black a lot more shy than before. “Are you… the real Nagisa? Like the real goddess?”

“The one and only~” The girl said as a cloud of dark mist suddenly started to surround her. “I told you, didn’t I?”

“I… I…”

“Until next time, my nun from overseas~ It was fun for me as well~ May my blessings be with you!”

“May Nagisa bless us all!” All kitsunes, including Christina sang in unison, bowed their heads briefly, only for the goddess to disappear the moment no one was looking. There was a moment of tranquility in the air for a little bit afterwards, before another kitsune spoke up happily.

“Isn’t it so cool how our goddess actually comes to events like this? It's always so enlightening seeing her in person.” A younger shrine maiden chimed, and the others started to nod one after another.

“That is true, but we shouldn’t forget that she gave a task to us, and in person no less.” A more mature kitsune spoke, looking at Christina welcomingly. “The name is Rena, and I am more or less the leader of our little pack here.”

“Good to know. My name is Christina, and as you now know I came all the way here from overseas.” She answered, which made the smaller ones' ears perk up once again.

“Hey…” one of the small kitsune said, sounding a bit unsure of herself. “Do all… Do all nuns in America wear skimpy clothes like you?”

The entire shrine fell silent for a moment, before Christina bursted into laughter. And then she replied: “Oh, believe me, we do so much more than just dress skimpily to appeal to our goddess~ Never underestimate the passion of someone from the land of freedom~”

American priest vs Japanese tradition? Who will come out on top… Oh wait. Nagisa is also there. Err… But I am sure a man from the land of freedom will have a little bit of a chance, right…?

Collab with Nimue

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