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Thinking about it, Daniel had always dreaded this day. Ever since his father had told him about this curse, it had always plagued the back of Daniel's mind. He could even remember his exact words to this very day, even if it was more than ten years ago.

“Starting at our 20th birthday, whenever moonlight touches any of us, our inner girls will awaken and shall only be tamed by the gentle rays of the morning sun.” Those were his exact words and the reason why Daniel just couldn’t sleep at all tonight.

It was moments before midnight on a day that might be one of the happiest days for most other people, and yet Daniel couldn’t help himself but feel incredibly anxious, with almost no happiness in his heart. Even though his father and brother promised him one of the biggest birthday parties of his life, that fact did not calm him at all.

All he could do was watch the wand of the clock slowly approach the fated hour and wonder what would happen to him afterwards…

And then the clock struck midnight.

Almost immediately Daniel could feel his body reacting to the moonshine that was gently coming through his window, making him painfully aware of it for seemingly no apparent reason. Going even so far as to manage to get Daniel to shift his gaze away from the clock away and out the window towards the moon.

Looking at the orb in the sky it seemed like it was looking back at specifically him as well, shining its light on him like a headlight. He felt stripped naked, like being exposed to its light was causing him to be exposed as well. Daniel didn’t manage to pull his eyes away just yet, but he confirmed with his hands real quick that his clothes were indeed still on his body, which relieved him but also confirmed that this weird feeling wasn’t just an illusion either in a different way.

Beneath his clothes, it was his skin that was reacting, and also stripping itself, freeing itself of all the hair that had made its home all across his body. He couldn’t quite believe it at first, yet watching the hair on his arms recede in front of his very eyes drove a very convincing argument.

What's more, all of a sudden, his legs started to hurt a bit, pulsing light but deep pain throughout his body. It was as if each of his bones was individually pulled from the inside with the intention of making them longer, stronger and taller, especially around his legs. This pain mixed maybe with a bit of his center of gravity shifting caused him to lose his balance and support himself on his table next to him.

Daniel could see the room shrink right in front of his eyes. At first his obvious thoughts went towards hallucinations, but that didn’t stay long. He could tell that it was real and that it wasn’t his room that was changing. For some reason, slowly but surely, his legs increased in size, his torso lengthened, even his arms seemed to get longer… and all to make him as a whole taller and taller under the moonlight.

It was strange to grow taller considering what he was supposed to be turning into, yet somehow his new size brought Daniel more at ease. As a boy that had never been particularly tall in any part of his life, growing a good head taller was something that he actually appreciated, though that was when he was reminded that this was only the start of his strangest night.

After his height had seemingly increased by a solid 20 centimeters, now probably landing him somewhere in the 1,9 meter range, his legs seemed to continue with their growth. Yet not in length, but in thickness. It was the first thing tonight that felt unreasonably good to Daniel, as somehow the moonlight seemingly pumped mass and fat into his thighs to properly inflate them like a balloon.

He couldn’t take it for long and had to sit down as his legs would have most likely just given in under the pressure and pleasure they were subjected to, which also subsequently made his precious manhood stand on edge. Though he also found it kind of funny that when he looked down then his pants were stretched in basically every direction by his inflating thighs while his dick seemed to compete in making a dent in it.

It made him wonder how long his clothes would last because of it.

Having made this realization, his next step was a logical one: Get his pants off his body, otherwise bad things might happen. Though this idea might have come a little late, as now he had to contest his constant tightening of his thighs against it. As well as… was his ass getting affected now too? If that's the case then he definitely needed to get rid of his pants as fast as possible…


It seemed like Daniel wasn’t quite ready to stand up once again, as the moment he tried to stand up to undress, a wave of pleasure jolted through his body, turning his thick legs to jello and causing him to crash to the floor, pants pulled down halfway. but that also exposed his ass to direct moonlight, which he immediately noticed, even if he had to catch his breath first.

Daniel’s ass seemed to suddenly start to absorb that moonlight in large quantities, making it feel like it was pushing out from the inside. He could feel his pelvis widening as his hips expanded, growing larger and larger as if their goal was to overtake his shoulders in width. His ass sadly was also busy in its own way, growing towards the sky like a flower would towards sunlight. Only much sexier and bouncier.

N-no… this wasn’t the time to think of oneself as sexy or similar. He had to get out of this damn moonlight before it was too late. Or at least off the ground for that matter.

Which he also tried, to limited success. At least he managed to get off the floor with his wobbly legs, sitting down on his bed as he tried not to think of anything too sexy, as this was a very serious situation. But when he opened his eyes, Daniel's gaze was transfixed once again by the mirror directly opposite to his bed, where he caught a glimpse of his new form… and the moon right outside of his window.

It was like his face melted under the heat of his gaze, slowly shifting into what suddenly felt like its true form. The nose that he had always considered to be just a tad too long, shrank considerably and even became kinda cute. His jagged face, one could never mistake for that of a girl, suddenly became a lot more round, with his cheekbones rising and his chin softening. even his eyes became just a tad bigger, to really sell that ‘sexy bad girl’ look he so much liked.

Sexy bad girl? Since when was Daniel ever interested in something like that? He wouldn't even consider girls like that to be his type and yet… that description felt so true to him now.

It was then that the back of his neck was tickled by hair, which once again shocked him at first, but the mirror once again revealed what was happening to him in detail. To his own surprise, he didn’t mind his hair growing out a bit and as it started reaching around his shoulders in length.

He also didn’t mind at all that it was changing colors during that process, shifting from his usual boring and bland brown to a much more distinguished turquoise. Something that would make him stand out from the crowd, and make it easy for people to focus on him.

After all, no matter when he was, he was always the star of the show. He was THE bad girl.

Just as the thought crossed his mind intense pressure started to form at three places at the same time: His crotch, and right below either of his pecks, yet it felt like the pressure was coming from opposite directions in both places. Daniel knew exactly what was about to happen to him, but not how he was supposed to feel about it, besides aroused.

And that was because those two places had suddenly become like three times more sensitive, taking his already erogenous zones to a completely new level. And as his hands shot to the affected spots, he could feel the change happening in real time.

It was a pulsing feeling, as his manhood shrank bit by bit, slipping away under his hands while he was letting out one moan after another. At the same time, his chest was expanding rapidly, outpacing the shrinkage of his dick easily and as it tried to push Daniels' groping hand away from his body.

After a bit he could feel a hatch open up downbelow, as his chest started to strain the limits of his shirt. Daniel’s balls were slurped into his body shortly after, changing inside of his body into their female equivalents as his shirt started to truly give in, ripping through the middle when his nipples enlarged and became rock hard as well.

And then, with a massive orgasm that shook Daniel’s body to its core, his chest surged outwards one last time, completely ruining his shirt and his dick completely disappeared, becoming nothing more than a small clit to be played with, turning Danielle into a fully fledged girl.

Yet, there was no sadness in her heart, nor was she upset in any sense of the word. In fact, she felt better than ever before!

Danielle felt liberated from her worries, confident about her appearance and positively supercharged by her desire to have “fun” out there, all stuff Daniel had not felt in a very long time.

But perhaps it was too late today. Going out past midnight wasn’t really productive and she knew that tomorrow was one of the most special days for her anyways. So she should probably still go to bed rather soon, as they have enough sleep to enjoy the party to the fullest tomorrow.

But going to bed didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to explore her overly sexy body packed with a killer booty, massive sensitive tits and an unexplored hole for at least a little bit, right? Surely no one would care if she moaned like a sex star passed midnight anyway.

but there was one thing for sure, that she definitely made a mental note of when she looked down at her naked tits: When the sun sets and the moonshine hits, get rid of your top, or otherwise this will get expensive after a while…

Isn’t it a curse that just turning into a woman when the sun goes down causes you to have the most blessed of nights?

Commissioned by Danio13


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