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Okay. I got so far, so now it's just about not being nervous. I got this! I got this!

Hehehe… This job will be so sweet to work at~

“Ah~ So you are the potential new recruit.” A sugar sweet feminine voice resounded through the waiting room as a beauty of the highest degree clothed in a fancy bunny girl costume entered the room. From her massive bust to her shaking hips and even her super sexy face, this woman truly blessed in all the right spots. “I am glad to meet you. My name is Merli, the manager of ‘Bun-bunnies Diner’~.”

I must have blanked out for a second because of her beauty, because next I knew she was already sitting opposite me, her massive cleavage more than visible to anyone in the room. Man, if this woman is my manager, then there is no way that I'm not going to at least try getting this job. But it’s not like I can say that out loud, so then what should I be answering…

“Yes. That would be me.” I said, which I knew was very uncreative but what could I do. “A few days ago it came to my attention that your place was still looking for more staff, like bartenders. And since I do have some experience making drinks from work I did before, I wanted to apply myself to your restaurant as well.”

“I see… so you have prior experience?” The manager spoke, her chest bouncing meaningfully, making it feel like I had another lap in my memory. Hey, it wasn’t my fault that her bounces were such brutal eye magnets, okay? Anyway, didn’t she ask a question just now?

“Uhm, yes. I was a…”


“Uh… was a…”

Boing~ Boing~



Everytime I looked at her, my gaze was immediately drawn towards her massive bazongas and I just couldn’t help myself. And everytime I wanted to say something those boobs bounced, which somehow always cut my thoughts short. I had to blink a few times, because at this point I had completely forgotten the question.

“So you were a waiter before. That's good, because that's exactly what we were looking for.” Merli suddenly spoke, without me even giving an answer. I think. Did I just tell her that I was a waiter before? If so, I must have blanked out, because that is not true. Better correct that…

“No. Actually I think I said that I had experience as a bartender.”

“You think? Weren’t you just saying how much you love serving girls at tables?”

“Uh… No…? I…”

Boing~ Boing~ Boing~

Damn, her boobs bounce so much when she is eagerly listening to me. Even her breathing makes them boing, boing through my brain so hard… Wait, what was I saying? Ah yes, I remember.

“No, I have a lot of experience as a waiter. That's why I am certain that I am perfect for the job.”

Wait… I know that I just said that, but somehow that didn’t feel right.

“Yes, I see.” Merli nodded to herself, her boobs bouncing both physically and in my head uncontrollably. Until she surprised me with her next question: “Just saying, I know where your eyes are going. Say, are you very perverted by any chance?”

“W-What?” I let out, tearing my eyes away from her cleavage for a moment. I must have gotten quite red in my face. This is so bad! Why did that happen today of all days? I must save this interview somehow so I wanted to add “No worries! I am perfectly wholesome and pure”, but instead, the moment I looked back at her, my eyes got stuck on her bouncing chest again…

“No need to be shy around me. I don’t mind~” Merli said, giving her chest a meaningful bounce once again that somehow also wiped my head clean of thoughts once again. It made me feel like I forgot why I panicked so much a few moments ago.

“Just tell me how much you like my tight, full body costume~”

Damn, she really has the most perfect figure. And that costume really made it so much worse.

“Or that you are entranced to the swing of my boobs~”

She was right, I couldn’t look away. Even my dick was getting so hard that it must have literally dented my jeans by now.

“It’s only natural. After all, that's what makes us bunny waiters, right?”

Her voice was so sweet and sexy at the same time, I really wasn’t sure how to deal with it. And those tits maaaaaaan…

“Now I just want you to say it. Admit it. Let it out from deep within your body. Are you ready?”

She said, making me almost drool over her body as she stood up in front of me, pumped her hands and made her cleavage bounce harder than ever before. I just had to nod, even though I wasn’t entirely sure what for.

“Say it with me~ I am a pervy bunny boy~”

“I am… a pervy… bunny boy.”

It just sort of slipped out of me without me even doing much. It just felt so right to go with her. It felt so right to admit it.

“I am a pervy bunny boy~”

“I am a pervy bunny boy~”

It was even better the second time. It just felt like those bouncing tits just couldn’t possibly tell me anything but the truth. Made me hope Merli was just as entranced by my boner as I was to her chest~

“You are a well trained and obedient bunny boy~”

“I am a well trained and obedient bunny boy~”

Suddenly I felt like I was rushed through classes one by one in the blink of an eye all at the orders of my one and true mistress. Thoughts right. She wanted me to learn how to present myself, how to serve at tables, how to impress and seduce the ladies. Makes me realize how well I was trained by my mistress.

“You are a handsome bunny boy~”

“I am a handsome bunny boy~”

Suddenly my mistress started to bounce her chest like crazy, making me feel like my eyes and body started to spin. It felt to me like her tits were all over me, pressing, molding and repurposing every part of my body however they felt like it.

My mistress said I was handsome, so I must have been. Though I have never gone to the gym in my li- <Boing> Okay, maybe like a few times per mon- <Boing> Wait, I am a regular there! Though that makes me wonder why my body is so- <Boing> I mean, I do have a few muscles here or there, but- <Boing> -that obviously gives me the perfect figure, like my mistress said! Mistress was nice enough to actually pay for my entire gym membership, so I totally had to make the most of it and become the shapely, handsome boy mistress expected me to be!

I am both sexy and handsome, and all for my mistress’ cause!

“Hey there, handsome. We are not quite done yet~ Do you mind repeating one more line for me?”

“Always, Mistress!”

“Say that you are a well dressed bunny boy~”

“I am a well dressed bunny boy~”

At that mistress shook her boobs once again, making me stare in awe at her incredible cleavage. I just couldn’t get enough of it for some reason, almost like it was hypnotizing me, but how would that be possible? In any case I snapped out just in time to feel like something that was actively touching me on all sides fade into nothingness, making me briefly check myself out to make sure what had happened.

My waist was tiny and my shoulders were wide, my muscles were as defined as always. My bunny suit emphasized my chest in just the way that it didn’t show too much and was most alluring to the girls, while my dick was barely visible through a tiny bulge down below. It all seemed as usual, though I was really looking for the day where my dick didn’t react to the boobs of every single girl I met.

“That was a nice chat. Are you ready for another day of serving girls in my diner?”

“Always mistress~”

“That's great~ I am so glad to have hired you~ Follow me, and I’ll show you around~”

And even though Mistress implied that I had just started working here today, it really didn’t feel like that at all. I couldn’t remember a single day where I didn’t want to serve every female guest the diner had and give them a show they would never forget.

Mistress taught me all the ways to be the best piece of eye candy in her bar, swaying my hips to catch lewd stares at my bunny bum from all the cute girls, bending at my hips to invite a swift spank from any opportunistic hottie, and especially using my boyish charms to woo all the pretty girls! The girls loved me, one for my super handsome body, but also because I was so totally amazing at flirting! Mistress spent hours teaching me the best lines to make the ladies feel special!

If I was a super lucky bunny, then some even luckier lady would pick me to go to the back with them where I’d show off my private dancing skills just for her! Oh yeah, I’m a totally amazing lap dancer too! Ooh, like that one time there was a whole party of those sporty gals that just won a super important game and came into mistress’ diner for a party! Hehe, that really strong one definitely had a lot of fun with me, grabbing my waist while I performed my service! My bum was so sore after that, but it was still so good!

And tonight mistress has a really important guest coming for a visit! I’d have to be flirty and pervy like my mistress expects me to if I wanted her to check me out! Ooh, maybe then she’ll take me to the back and have me perform a show for her!

Ah, but a show is all she will ever get from me, since there is one fact that will never change: I have and will always belong to my mistress Merli and nothing will ever change that. Not even the biggest boobs in the world… hmm… hehe… boobs…

Working at a bunny cafe seems like a dream job. After all, the bunny girls that run around there are incredibly cute. Though there also needs to be someone that the girls can have a fun time eyeing~

Written by Hiros, lewdified by Lewd_lightness


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