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“Come on, Justin! It's going to be fun~” The energetic girl happily chimed, running ahead deeper into the village, which Justin still didn’t know what to feel about.

“I get that you want ‘fun’, but shouldn’t you be doing your job as well, Night…?” Justin replied, trying to keep up with the girl who just seemed like she was getting more hyped with every step she took. Night however didn’t slow down at all. Quite the contrary.

“But I am doing my job~ This is the legendary Equine village, a village that was said to be lost for centuries.” Night replied, taking a look around with that certain sparkle in her eyes that told Justin that she was really getting into this. So it was no wonder when she added “It’s my job to explore this village, and I am doing it with you Justin~ This couldn’t be a more momentous day for me~”

“I guess that would make it exciting for you… hey, do you know why it is called Equine village? That sounds like it was like a horse farming village before it faded into history” Justin asked, taking a closer look at the decayed houses all around them. He had never really looked all that close before, but he could tell that all of the buildings clearly looked… just a little bit off.

“Oh, haven't I told you? You're gonna love this!” Night grinned, suddenly charging back to Justin’s side to stare at him with a massive smile on her face. “This place is said to have been a centaur village. You know, those mythological beings that are half-horse, half-human. And based on how these buildings look, I can definitely see how people came to that conclusion.”

Yeah, that made a lot of sense to Justin based on what he was seeing all around him. The houses were all very large, with huge doors and lots of space everywhere. It really did look like this city was built to make sure horses could get everywhere, but still… Justin just had a hard time believing in those fantasy creatures.

“You don’t really believe that, do you…?”

“To the entire team! We have found something of great importance! Everyone come here immediately!” A voice rang out that both Justin and Night immediately recognized as the expedition leader and boss of Night herself. So they couldn’t really ignore the call.

“What's up?” Night asked, arriving on the scene easily before Justin, because she was just that much more sporty than him. And although a bit out of breath, Justin also arrived shortly after. It was clear to him that he wasn't part of the archaeology team itself, so the call wasn't exactly for him, but as long as he functioned as Night’s assistant, he should just follow her around.

“We found this place and wanted to have everyone’s opinion on it,” The expedition leader said, gesturing behind him into a very large building that kinda looked like a church of some sort. Night naturally didn’t hesitate to enter the building, which also didn’t shock Justin in the slightest.

“Large benches, a massive altar… even some shining treasures all across the room,” Night let out for everyone to hear, walking deeper into the big room without the slightest trace of hesitation.

“Hey, Chief! Do you think we can take these things with us to the lab?” Night shouted as she stood in front of the massive altar with a golden idol on top of it. Then she reached out to grab it, “I would love to know what ancient centaurean treasure was made out of…”

“What happened to my beautiful village?!?” A voice boomed out through everyone's ears, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Every member of the team instinctively took a step back. Except for Night, who was just grinning more and more as she held up the idol.

“Oh wow! Neat trick. Who are you?” Night asked, clearly not taking the situation seriously at all.

“My name is Centaumina, goddess of all centaurs! Why are humans in my lovely village and why are none of my precious kin left in this world?!? Answer me or pay with your body!”

“That's funny, because that's what we also would love to find out,” Night responded casually, which Justin didn’t find funny at all. For some reason he had that feeling that this voice didn’t lie when she said that she was a goddess. Maybe the best course of action now was just to lie down the idol and slowly walk away…

“Are you mocking me human?!? That's it! I am done with you two-legged creatures! All of you shall become my new subjects, loyal to me as a goddess, whether you want that or not! And I will make sure all of you will appreciate my gift…”

Suddenly a big flash of light shot through the room, the building and the village, covering everything in blinding light, even if just for a moment. The team couldn’t help but instinctively cover their eyes, though it did feel like that didn’t do a whole lot to stop this particular light.

It was aggressive and penetrating, feeling to Justin like it was seeping into every nook and cranny of his body. And even though the flash all in all didn't last that long, it still left Justin and many others shaking in their boots.

The moment he opened his eyes again Justin could tell that something was happening to him from deep inside. A sort of stretching sensation invaded his body, particularly in his lower half, which just sort of felt like it was trying to pull his legs and waist longer with an iron grip.

Those weird feelings started to intensify towards his feet, which Justin noticed was also true for the rest of the people that were present. His feet just seemed to grow bigger, harder and rounder in the process, deforming his shoes in inhuman ways. Justin could even hear the more rigid shoes of his friends' colleagues rip one after another.

Before anyone of the affected could react to those weird happenings, all of their legs started to shake. They suddenly began to increase in the length making all of them seem like they were growing in size as well. Though at the same time they also seemed to slowly alter into a digitigrade stance causing some of them to fall over, as their center of gravity shifted dramatically.

Even Justin had trouble standing upright because of all the weirdness that was happening at his legs. Even his own shoes had ripped up completely by now revealing that his feet had indeed completely morphed into hooves as well. On top of that he even found that his entire lower body was now sporting a fine coat of furry hair, making it truly look like his lower body was that of a… horse?

“Oh no! We are all turning into…! Uhn~!” Justin lets out, somehow trying to move his unwieldy lower half over to where Night was standing. Though she just seemed to be a whole lot more intrigued than him for this entire situation.

When he reached her, Justin was just barely standing up while Night was holding onto the altar for support. Their lower halves were done, so now the feeling intensified at their midsections, which immediately made it feel like his stomach was pulled and stretched like his legs were before.

Though the stretching sensation manifested itself in a different way, making it seem like its only goal was to move their hindquarters as far away from their upper body as possible. And at the same time a pressure started to form in the place where Justin's crotch used to be before the expansion, feeling like new limbs were trying to push out and grow in that specific place.

And indeed, shortly after a new pair of legs quickly grew out, which caused even the last people that desperately tried to cling to bipedalism to tip over and land on all four of their new legs. Everyone now had four horse-like legs that served to support their massive horse-like lower bodies and their human upper bodies. The fact that tails sprouted from the behinds of everyone was trivial at that point and almost went unnoticed.

Because there was no denying that the entire archaeology team had turned into real living breathing centaurs! And… uhm… bottom naked centaurs, because none of their pants survived the ordeal.

“Finally! It's been a while since I have seen specimens of my glorious race! Rejoyce, as you have now been granted the most wonderful bodies anyone could ever ask for.”

“This is so weird. And fascinating. I can’t wait to get back into the research center!” Night announced, happily practicing moving around with her new more than twice as massive body. All the while Justin was way more concerned about the situation and asked. “Uhm… Lady goddess? I know that we may have angered you, but is there any way for us to turn back?”

“Turn back?!? Who would ever want that?!? Centaurs are obviously superior to humans in every way, and should be treated as such. In fact, I don’t feel like there are enough centaurs around here! Heed the command of your goddess and create some more!”

The moment the disembodied voice stopped speaking another shockwave emanated throughout the city, hitting every single one of the transformed centaurs again without exception. But instead of bringing them a feeling of tingling and stretching change, this time it was a lot warmer… and more pleasurable.

Justin could immediately feel his manhood start to erect, growing to sizes that he would have thought to be impossible for a human, before he remembered, that he was no human anymore. His entire body felt warm and heavy, his massive rod crying for attention, yet being physically so far away from him that he couldn't touch it, even if he tried.

“Oh~ Uhm~ Oh my~ So this is what centaurean heat feels like~” Night let out between her moans, slowly and clumsily wadling over to Justin's side. it took everything he had to not lose control of him at that moment, because a certain part of his body definitely wanted to take over with the thinking.

Though when Night leaned over him, pressed her seemingly much bigger boobs into his face and whispered “Come and get me, big shot~” into his ears… it was all over with his self control.

After that point the goddess Centaumina went on to create many more centaurs, determined to bring back the race she so obsessively cared about. And she certainly knew how to create them as well and was seemingly okay with either method. You know, with either using magic to just turn inferior races into the more superior ones.

Or… you know… using magic to stimulate… the lower parts of her herd, which was definitely the more pleasurable way to go about it. And the worst part was, that Justin was actually starting to enjoy it after a while as well…

Archaeology trip? And to a lost city no less? That sounds super exciting! Especially since it's said that centaurs lived in this village long ago. I wonder if we could meet some of them…


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