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Roze’s Request:

“Are you sure this is the right way, Zidane? I haven’t seen any monsters yet in this whole dungeon,” Rex asked, gripping his sword tightly like the party could be ambushed at any time. Though, honestly, at this point, he wasn’t sure if there even were any monsters left in this whole thing. After all, they had been walking around for easily an hour without finding any.

“Yeah, I am pretty sure we haven’t been walking around in circles. If there is a boss in this dungeon, then it should definitely be-…” Zidane spoke, carefully looking around the corner, before sighing. “Yap, it should definitely be behind this massive red door. I don’t know why that was so easy, but that is a boss door, alright.”

“I mean, it’s not like we’ve gotten into a single fight yet. I have plenty of mana for spells left,” Lara, the healer of the party, chimed, even if she sounded a bit tired from the constant walking. “Never thought venturing into a dungeon could be so easy.”

“Yep, me neither. But I am sure that the boss won’t let us pass that easily. So let's fight like we practiced, beat the boss and clear the first dungeon of our career. You ready?” Rex announced, his sword held high. The others nodded with a smile.

The moment they opened the door, they all knew something was very wrong. There was no boss. Not even a single monster. Just the dungeon core, floating in the middle of the room, completely defenseless. The three adventurers carefully approached it, though at this point, they really didn’t expect anything to happen anymore. This dungeon had obviously been cleared before the three of them had even arrived.

“I wonder why the dungeon core was left behind, though.” Lara wondered, slowly walking towards the floating orb as her two partners checked out the area a bit more. “We should at least take this thing back to the guild, so that they don’t think we did nothing on our first job. Right? Uwa?!?”


A sudden shock struck Lara the moment she touched the core, causing her to stumble backwards. She barely managed to remain standing, yet there was now a terrible buzzing in her head that made her almost faint on the spot.

Bzzzzzzzt need new Queen Bzzzzzzzt

She saw that her companions were clearly running at her and shouting, but it was like her ears just didn’t work for their words anymore. Instead, the buzzing inside her head seemed much more urgent to listen to, even if immensely unpleasant.

Bzzzzzzzt need strong Master Bzzzzzzzt

The words hit her like a truck, followed by another shock through her body, but this time, it didn’t hurt… It felt quite good, in fact. It was as if the shock-… this magic tried to correct everything that was wrong with Lara’s body. Though was there even something wrong with her body…?

Bzzzzzzzt need strong Master Bzzzzzzzt

Agk! The next shock! And also, yes, the voice was right. Her body was far too weak and frail for being the master of… of… well, it didn't matter. But she could already feel herself getting taller, her muscles growing while her body expanded overall. Lara felt like she was getting reshaped into a worthy master, and she quite liked the feeling. Though wasn’t there something wrong with her situation…?

Bzzzzzzzt need alluring Master Bzzzzzzzt

Lara quite welcomed the next shock that coursed through her, as she knew which places it specifically targeted. She had never been proud of her flat chest, nor her unimpressive curves, but that was about to change. She could barely make out the surprised and lusting faces her comrades were making as her chest grew to a size fit for a queen, all while her clothes shifted to accommodate her new form.

…her companions? Didn't Lara-…?

Bzzzzzzzt Human bad, Bee good Bzzzzzzzt

This shock was stronger than any that came before, and yet, it felt more welcoming as well. From just above her expanded butt, she could feel her new insect-like abdomen grow out and become at least half as big as the rest of her body. Still, something felt wrong about her new body…

Bzzzzzzzt Human bad, Bee good Bzzzzzzzt

Another shock, this time targeted specifically at her arms. Or rather, her soon to be multiple arms, because another pair of them sprouted out right besides her original limbs, being just as functional and powerful as the other pair. She knew that having 4 arms was truly the best part about being a bee girl, but still, something kept nagging her mind… What about her companions…?

Bzzzzzzzt Human bad, Bee good Bzzzzzzzt

Yes, how did she not come to that conclusion sooner. It was really as simple as that. Human bad, Bee good. When that fact settled into her mind, she felt truly liberated, but that might also be because she had just sprouted her majestic wings and her feelers on top of her head. She truly felt invincible and also kinda sorry for the two poor guys who were standing against her right now. Though what was she to do about the two rude humans that dared to point their weapons at the queen…?

Bzzzzzzzt Human bad, Bee good Bzzzzzzzt

“Greetings, my dear human guests,” Lara smiled, picking up some of the liquid with her hands that was dripping out of her abdomen. “Don’t you want to stay for a quick taste of honey~?”

And with that, the adventures stormed at Lara, clearly not realizing how far superior she was…

“My Queen! My Queen! I have been a good girl today! May I get some of your honey?” the worker bee that used to be Rex asked, looking at Lara with her adorable, needy eyes.

“Yes, my Queen! We have been working a lot. Our hive is nearly big enough to fill out the whole dungeon again,” the other little bee that used to be Zidane added, happily buzzing with her wings as she looked up to Lara. And Lara loved the admiration.

“Of course, my dear underlings. You shall be rewarded for your hard work~,” she spoke, giving each of them a handful of her own honey, which they immediately eagerly drank. “After all, it won't be long until this dungeon is back in full force. And when that happens, I will bee in full control of it and maybe even more. Ohohohoh~!”

The little bees clapped as their Queen laughed. Yet they immediately became alerted when they felt another presence entering the dungeon. It was a group of humans, no doubt about it.

“Oho~? Seems like our next victims have already arrived. Please welcome them properly, won’t you~? Ohohoho~!” Queen Lara commandingly asked, then fell into laughter once again. The little worker bees knew exactly what to do, buzzing off happily as they went to offer those humans a taste of their queen's most special treasure.

After all, what is a little bit of servitude when, in exchange, you get to taste the most divine honey in existence?

Do you think it is possible to be so bad at directions that one would run into a cleared end boss dungeon rather than one for beginners?

Oh, it's possible. You better bee-lieve it.

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