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T004’s Request:

This is torture. It's Monday, 5:57 pm and wouldn’t you know it, the streets are completely packed full of cars. But Tony wouldn't care at all if all of the cars were at least moving towards their destination.

But no. Huge Traffic Jam. He has maybe moved a single meter in the last twenty minutes. Why were so many people even on the streets at this hour? Sometimes it just felt like they did it on purpose solely to make life difficult for a simple mailman like him.

With a sigh, Tony opened the door of his car and stepped out, being not the first and certainly not the last who wanted to take a breather in the middle of this giant blockage. It's not like cars would be moving in the next couple of minutes, so why not?

Clinck, clinck , clang

Though with his first step out the door, he accidentally kicked a small ring lying on the ground in the middle of the street, which immediately caught his attention. And since he had nothing else to do, Tony walked towards it and picked up the object, eyeing it closely for a moment since it did look quite valuable at first glance.

“Oh boy~ My next master already~” A sweet voice rang out from the ring followed by a stream of smoke that quickly surrounded Tony, before turning into a girl of otherworldly beauty. She asked in the same sweet tone. “What are your wishes, my new master~?”

“Oh, not much. Really, my only wish is that I would never have to deal with a traffic jam ever again. And I wish it didn't just feel like I have more horsepower than my freaking car.” Tony let out, growling angrily at his car. “It’s so old, weak and outdated… I just wish someone else would have to deal with it…”

“Huh?!? Uhm… Ack. Never mind. I shouldn’t even be surprised at this point.” The genie that did not even get to introduce herself as Jalira yet, snapped her fingers. Magic flowed into the world, hitting mostly Tony but also a random teen nearby, who had always wanted to own a car.

But that wasn’t the important thing, as much, MUCH more changes were happening to Tony in that very moment. Within seconds, the man grew in size to around an impressive 2 meters, even though the rest of his body seemed to slim down and become much daintier compared to his rather chubby frame before.

Tony suddenly felt a whole lot happier than before, grabbing his bag of letters and packages from the floor, not even caring that his ass inflated or his thighs thickened to even larger sizes than they were previously. However, he did feel that his legs especially had received a massive power boost.

In fact, he felt like running.

An even bigger smile crept onto his face when he realized that, not only did he feel like running, but also he suddenly knew he could do it. He could do anything. He could run any distance. That’s what made horse girls like him so special.

“Hmm…? Horse… Ack!” Just in that moment, when he was about to comment on his weird thought, a small but liberating pain set in down below, shedding him of excess weight that made the fresh girl just feel ten thousand times lighter. Even as her breasts budded to respectable sizes, that fact did not change.

She had a job to do as a mail girl, so she needed to go. And now!

And thus, she set off, her ears shifting to the top of her head as she galloped out of view of the sighing genie. Though Jalira couldn’t help but say as she retreated back into her as a ring disguised lamp: “I am glad you liked your wishes and I am sorry for causing this jam, but couldn’t you have just wished for a better car or for the jam to be fixed…? Is that too much to ask…?”

Do you know what a delivery guy’s dearest wish is when he is stranded in the middle of a traffic jam?

He needs a horse.



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