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“This should be the place… I think.'' Kyle gulped, looking up at the at least twenty story high fancy hotel standing in front of him. It looked fancy, like the type of hotel he would need to sell his house and one of his kidneys for just to stay one night… yet if this coupon really was what it promised, then…

Kyle gulped again, entering the building more nervous than before. He was honestly worried the most about getting kicked out for looking like a commoner, even if that was mostly solely his imagination. He approached the counter, coupon out, ready to ask whether it was real or not.

“Uhm, excuse me? I have this coupon with me. Is it still valid?” He asked, ready to just turn around and leave the moment the clerk said no. Yet…

“Oh yes, indeed it is, good sir. You are our special guest today, Mr Kyle. Please take the elevator up to the 20th floor and enjoy yourself at everything our finest bar has to offer.” The clerk answered with a smile of hospitality. Well, now that they mentioned his arrival by name, he knew that this was not some sort of scam. Someone really invited him into this super fancy hotel for a day.

She directed him to a specific elevator door in the lobby. It was bigger and more grandiose than the other ones. Kylen’s coupon doubled as a key card, and with it, he opened the elevator doors, scanning the coupon in the card reader. There were few buttons on the elevator - only two in fact. One for the ground floor (which he was on) and one simply labeled “reserved premium party area”.

He pressed the only other button that would do anything and waited as the elevator doors closed. It was quite large and spacious for an elevator, even for a busy hotel. The elevator was even on the side of the hotel and had a glass wall on its back, letting Kyle get a grand view of the city below him.

“Wow… This alone makes the trip worth it…” Kyle muttered as the streets became more distant and the cars began to look like ants. As the elevator traveled up, he looked down at the coupon. It was strange, not just in its appearance (it was more like a card and had a chibi picture of a pink snake girl), but also how he got it. It didn’t arrive in the mail, nor was he handed it by someone.

Kyle had left his room the previous day to use the bathroom. When he returned, he noticed his window was open and something big had fled through it. The orange feathers he found scattered on his bed confirmed it must have been some monstrous bird creature, but how it opened the window and got in, he wasn’t quite sure.

That’s when he found the one thing that creature tampered with: his desk. There were some slight odd scratches on the far side of the wooden desk. In the mess was the very coupon that had brought Kyle to this very moment with the label “As a Birthday gift”. It wasn’t there before and with some large creature intruding on his home, it was clear that someone wanted Kyle to get it, yet wanted him to receive it in a rather obtuse manner.

“Why would anyone want to gift me this? Well, I know neither people with money nor power. None of my friends could afford something like this…” Kyle didn’t have a lot of time to ponder this, as the elevator reached its destination. The doors slowly opened and Kyle gasped at the sight.

The easiest way to describe it was that it being a giant bar, though that would still undersell it by a lot. It was luxuriously decorated from top to bottom, with seats, chairs, stools and even couches everywhere one could look. In the middle, there was a giant bar table with two bartenders on either side, and even a waitress that seemingly brought drinks to the tables.

“Hello and welcome. Can I help you Mr… Oh! You must be Mr Kyle!” The waitress chimed as she approached him. Then she gestured him to the bar and continued to speak in a cheery voice. “Everything’s on the house for you today~! Just take a seat wherever you want and I’ll be happy to serve you~”

“Uhm… Thanks!” Kyle let out, struggling to accept being handled like an actual celebrity around here. He didn't even know why he was treated like this, but it was probably because whoever gave this gift to him really went above and beyond.

So he decided to just try some stuff out and go towards the bar, where he quickly took a seat and checked out the menu, which he immediately regretted.

…let’s just say it was a good thing he didn't need to pay for anything today…

“Hey there, dearest guest of honor,” a female voice rang out in front of him, making him snap out of his stupor of looking at way too high numbers. The girl that spoke to him was the bartender in front of him, who looked at him with a big smile. “Want me to whip us something to drink for you real quick?”

“Uhm… sure.” Kyle answered quickly, making the bartender chuckle.

“Wanna also tell me what drink you fancy?” She followed up, to which Kyle really had no answer. He could just order something simple like a Cola, but that would make him appear even more peasantly than he already looked like. He needed to think about this a bit more.

Also, the more he looked at her, the more he got the feeling that he had seen this bartender before, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on where. She was dressed in a most fancy-looking blue dress, had long black hair and what looked like almost transparent wings on her back… Was she a…

“Well…?” The bartender asked, catching Kyle out of his stupor again. He really needed to answer fast, or else he would look…

“Try today's house special. I can highly recommend it.” A male voice spoke right next to him, shocking Kyle since he didn’t notice anyone having sat down next to him. But, then again, he was just stuck in his own thoughts a lot, so maybe that was why.

“What’s so special about-” Kyle looked over in the direction of the man’s voice and stopped as he got a good look at him. The man wasn’t who he expected to be at all, he wasn’t even human. He had orange hair, wore a fancy looking suit, though had basic looking jeans to go along with it. However, those weren’t the details Kyle was concerned over: The man was… a harpy. He had large orange wings that matched his hair and sharp talons for feet. Kyle had seen his fair share of monster girls here and there, but monster boys were a totally different thing.

“Well, you won’t find out until you try it!” The harpy said. He was pretty chi(r)pper, but didn’t appear to be as super excitable as most harpies. “Oh, sorry. I think I was being a bit too forward!” The harpy laughed, scratching the back of his head. He held out his right wing towards Kyle and said: “My name is Nagi - nice to meet you, boy of honor~” The odd way Nagi said “boy” stood out to Kyle, but he wasn’t sure why Nagi emphasized it.

“Uh… Nice to meet you too. My name is Kyle.” Kyle wasn’t exactly sure where to “shake” with Nagi’s wing. He grabbed onto what looked like a claw and gave the most awkward handshake of his life.

“Hey A- bartender, can we get one special in the house?” Nagi asked.
“I’m way ahead of you,” the bartender responded. She already had the drink prepared and slid it over to Kyle. The drink had a strange yet pleasant odor to it. It was a bright blue color, contrasting greatly with the color of the bartender’s dress.
“Is this alcohol?” Kyle asked.

“It’s- Actually, I’m not quite sure. But you really should try it! It might just change your life~” Nagi said. He was starting to act a bit excited, stereotypical among harpies. Kyle wasn’t all that thirsty, though he didn’t want to turn down the drink and upset Nagi. He took a sip of it and realized that it wasn’t alcohol; it was soda. He happily drank the rest of it down at a steady pace.

“Hey Nagi,” Kyle said as placed the empty glass down. “By any chance… Were you the one to leave this for me at my place?” He pulled out the coupon and presented it to the harpy. Nagi seemingly looked at the coupon for a bit before shrugging his shoulders.

“Maybe, maybe not. I am not all that good at remembering unimportant stuff,” he said, which, once again, made sense to Kyle. Harpies really weren’t good at remembering stuff, but he felt like this should have been somewhat important…

“In any case, I saw that you came in alone today. Do you want me to give you some company?” Nagi asked, giving Kyle a big smile, to which he immediately answered: “Would be great. I… don’t really know anyone else here.”

“It’s fine. As long as you enjoy yourself.” Nagi shrugged his shoulders and reached for his own glass and took a sip. He then gave a smile back at Kyle, who quickly also drank a bit in response to avoid coming off as rude.

To be real, it had only tasted like soda in the beginning, but now the subtle flavor was growing on him. It made his entire body feel warm and relaxed, like the drink was somehow filling him with energy through and through, yet making him feel so pleased at the same time. It kinda felt to him like he was half asleep and wide awake at the same time.

“Do you mind telling me a bit about yourself? I am quite curious what a big boi like you is usually doing at this late hour.” Nagi asked, though even his words now sounded a whole lot sweeter, as if he neither could nor wanted to resist answering his question honestly.

So Kyle started to talk, just about anything that came to his mind. It was like he was trapped in this moment of pleasure, one that he wanted to never give up. He didn’t even notice what was happening all around him anymore, only being focused on Nagi, who was sitting right next to him and eagerly listening to everything he said.

One of the things that he completely missed was that his body had started to grow. Not any specific section - just his entire body as a whole. Kyle had never been a particularly tall person and Nagi had been even shorter than him, yet now he was positively dwarfing Nagi, who was more than two entire heads shorter by now. However, Kyle didn't notice this change, and Nagi seemingly didn't care.

“I do like to go to the gym a lot actually… I think…” Kyle wasn’t sure why he said that. In fact, he really just blurted it out, but for some reason, it felt true. No, it didn’t feel true - it was true. Kyle had been hitting the gym recently in order to get a kickass body. And the amazing muscles he had that didn’t just form seconds ago were proof of that. Despite how bulky he now looked, there was still a soft charm to Kyle. Might have had something to do with how perfect and devoid of flaws his skin was, on top of lacking any sort of body hair.

Nagi couldn’t help but chuckle watching Kyle be completely oblivious to the transformation.
“Oh, I can see you have been working on your chest as well! It’s quite impressive~” Nagi grinned and winked at the bartender.

“Well, yeah. I am very proud of my- my- ah. Guh…” Kyle grasped his chest with his muscular but cute arms. He felt pressure building in his chest. It wasn’t long after that flesh behind his  nipples began to push out, making him almost moan in broad daylight. Well, nightlight, if you wanna be technical about it. Still, it was something he would rather avoid.

But he couldn't help it: His breasts just suddenly started to feel way too good! Like they were being massaged by someone… while he was holding them in his hands. It was like they were slipping out of his grasp more and more, which was probably because they just didn’t stop growing after passing all reasonable sizes. Yet finally, when they surpassed his head one and a half times over, they stopped acting up, making Kyle finally able to calm a bit down again.

Despite how large, shocking, and noticeable this transformation was, Kyle didn’t seem to notice or even be bothered by the growth of his boobs at all - only by how unreasonably horny they made him a second ago. He wasn’t even concerned that the sides of his boobs were peaking out and that his shirt started to tear from the pressure.

“What was I saying? Oh yes, I take great pleasure with my chest. I can see you are enjoying it as well~” Kyle giggled.
“What? You’re not upset?” Nagi asked.
“Why do you think I go to the gym? It’s to impress cuties like you~” Kyle’s voice was cracking and altering with every word he spoke. He no longer sounded like himself, but like a mature and sexy woman. Along with his feminized face and longer hair, it was easy to mistake Kyle for a woman. Nagi was entranced with the transforming man’s beauty and looked down anxiously at his lower regions.

“Hmm? Is there something you are interested in?” Kyle asked.
“Huh? Oh no, sorry, I was just- daydreaming!” Nagi blushed and tried to hide his embarrassment. Kyle leaned in and gave Nagi some stank eye, before his face returned his regular happy expression.
“I bet you were~”

“What? Do you seriously think that I wouldn't be interested in a beauty like you? Listen, the fact that I have wings does not mean that I am not interested in that booty you are generously presenting!” Nagi responded, with the same sass Kyle found so appealing.

But he was once again right and could even feel his butt reacting to the harpies' words. It suddenly felt like he was sitting on two pillows that were slowly inflating, letting him rise up on his chair and giving him the feeling of becoming even taller than he already was. Kyle then quickly felt his behind with his hand, just to make sure nothing was off…

Yep, it was the same as ever. Just his usual humongous, pillowy butt that stuck out far behind him, no matter whether he was sitting or standing.

“Oho~ So you are interested?” Kyle said, his voice sounding even more sultry than a moment ago.

“Aren’t you as well? Don’t think I haven’t seen you stare~” Nagi replied.

“Heh~ I might have a thing for small, muscular boys~” Kyle spoke, which weirded him out for a moment, before he realized that, once again, it was the truth. Nagi really was surprisingly handsome. How did he not realize that sooner?

“And I might have a thing for big, pillowy thighs~ Guess that makes us very similar, then.” Nagi replied, his smile being more cocky and mischievous than before.

Kyle’s gaze immediately went down to his legs, wanting to check up on them and make sure they fit the description. He noticed that something was a bit wrong, but couldn't exactly point his finger on what. So when Nagi gestured to him to take another shot of his drink, he was more than happy to oblige.

In the meantime, his thighs started to positively explode, gaining in mass even faster than any other part of his body did before them. And as they grew, they rubbed against his member uncontrollably, turning him on much more than he already was. Though that was also when his member started to recede, shrinking down to make more space for the more important things, like his still growing thighs.

And after they became so thicc that Kyle had to seriously work for his two legs to not keep touching each other, her manhood disappeared completely, having shrunk back into the body and being replaced with a fresh and new womanhood. But once again, the new girl was none the wiser, still just enjoying her drink while being in lovely company.

“I think I have not asked you yet, but how was the drink? You were quietly and happily enjoying it so much that I really didn't want to interrupt you,” Nagi asked, then looked a bit shocked at her all of a sudden. “Oh my. Did you spill a little bit on your pretty dress? Better use my handkerchief to get that out quickly.”

Nagi pulled a handkerchief out of his tuxedo and expertly started to rub it above her chest, even though the guy didn’t actually have hands. Also, at this point, the girl had completely forgotten what she even put on back when she was at home, and suddenly became very self conscious about it.

She felt Nagi’s wing moving across her top, seemingly taking some of the cloths with him, but she was surely just imagining that. Though she did feel a lot cooler afterwards, like much of the fabric the harpy had rubbed over had just disappeared. But that was impossible, right…?

“There, good as new!” Nagi let out, putting his handkerchief away like a pro. The girl briefly took a look down to see what had happened. She was now dressed in a very revealing blue dress, her ass and chest very clearly and provocatively on display, yet she had never felt more comfortable in her life. This felt like the appropriate clothes to wear for this occasion.

“Here is another round~ Make sure you two lovebirds don’t get too wild up here~! Kekeke~!” The bartender laughed, making the two of them also giggle at the prospect.

“So, ready for the second round?” Nagi asked with a sly grin.

“Always~” The girl replied.

“Then cheers to our meeting, Kaitlyn!” Nagi announced, raising his glass up into the air.

“Cheers~” Kaitlyn replied with a smile.

“So that’s where you have been. Taking a breath of fresh air, aren’t we~?” Nagi walked up to Kaitlyn. The night had been long and filled with much joy and drunkenness with some of the other patrons. But not the two soda loving love-birds. It was very late at night, or rather very early in the morning. It was 2am and the city streets had become ever so slightly quieter. Kaitlyn was looking over the city, her ass front in center for Nagi and the moment she noticed him, she couldn’t help but flex and make her most desired parts stick out more.
“Yeah. It was getting a bit funky there. Besides, I enjoy the sereness of the night city sky~”

“Did you enjoy the night?” Nagi asked, joining Kaitlyn in her view of the city on the balcony.

“Very much so~,” she replied, though her gaze was very far into the city. “This whole drinking thing was so wild with you… It kinda made me forget how I came here. And why.”

“Oh, we can remind you of that really easily. Are you ready?” Nagi asked and made a quick gesture with his wing to the people in the room, who then immediately came towards them. There were a lot of people, and most of them Kaitlyn now recognised immediately - especially the four-armed lamia and the quirky harpy girl, who both walked towards her front and center next to Nagi as they all shouted simultaneously:

“Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn!”

The moon shines brightly on the streets tonight. Perfect time to celebrate an important day in an overly expensive hotel one could never ever afford. At least, not without the VIP ticket~

Written in collaboration with Nimue for Wardon~

Happy Birthday Wardon~

Link to pic 1

Link to pic 2


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