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“Clara! Come to my side!” The booming voice of the count Victor Gerosta rang through the estate, making its only servant groan as he knew what was about to happen. But, it wasn’t like he could realistically run away, so obeying the count to not challenge his ire was his best option.

“You called, my count? Also my name is Denis, not Clara.” The servant sighed, knowing full well that the count was probably going to ignore him once again and continue to call him by that made up name.

“Clara! It has come to my attention that the people in the nearby village have recently lost their grand respect for me!” The Count boomed, making Denis' eyes go wide. Denis for one really didn’t want to work for this count at all, but he also knew from personal experience that refusing the count was a very bad idea. Though this time, he wasn’t even sure what the count wanted from him exactly.

“Uhm… Okay? So what would you like me to do about it?” Denis asked, because what else was he going to do? After all, the count will probably have something special in mind.

“You shall go to the village and preach my good word! Make them all submit to the greatness that is count Victor Gerosta once again!” The count spoke with great arm movements, though that still didn't exactly make it clearer for Denis what he was supposed to do now. But then the count immediately followed up with. “And your new form shall reflect your devotion to me and my Power!”

The count snapped his finger, causing a cold shower to run over Denis’ back. And all he could think of once again was ‘...What does this guy even want from me…?’

Almost immediately Denis could feel his body contort in a way that was all too familiar to him, yet also somewhat different. It felt to him like there was a fire lit in the center of his body, quickly filling him with warmth as it expanded outwards through his entire body. And it didn’t take him long to know that this wasn’t just a random sensation, but his body really was getting hotter… and maybe even taller?

He could almost see the licks of fire that shot across the surface of his skin, burning away every one of his body hair one by one, yet without even so much as leaving the slightest bit of sut behind. It was also like the flames dancing around his body refreshed his skin, making it soft to the touch and very smooth to boot.

Yet despite thinking that he might end up as a dainty girl this time, his body actually increased in size and mass. He wasn’t exactly a small guy, but now he was positively huge, reaching almost a size of 2 meters. And his arms also seemed to change to reflect that, becoming just a touch more muscular before being encased in a much softer substance, just to make him seem more feminine. His hands on the other hand became quite a bit smaller…

And even when Denis’ shoulder began to shrink, it did very little to not make him look imposing and intimidating. As a matter of fact, it served to make him look like an even bigger presence, especially when his hips started to fill out and overtake the width of his shoulders, with his ass not far behind.

His legs were next on the changing block, and they went through quite the ordeal themself. Similar to his arms, his legs also became just a tad more muscular, but then got filled to the brim with soft stuff just to make sure he had the thiccest thighs around. It also didn’t help that they were growing even longer, which made him look even more feminine than he already did.

He was starting to look like the tallest and most intimidating girl he had ever almost seen. Which also meant he knew what came next…

“Ugh… Not again…” Denise let out as he felt a familiar pulling force down in his groin, not even struggling against it since he knew how futile it was. He could only accept the shrinkage down below and anticipate the moment when he once again no longer was male. And with a nice accompanying pop sound, that moment came sooner than she expected.

“Now then, my dear Clara!” The count boomed, making the frankly huge girl briefly snap out of her internal contemplation of her life choices. “I was thinking about just making you tall, intimidating and beautiful, but that clearly won’t do! No, you need to be even more powerful, a flaming authority none of those peasants dare to question!”

The count snapped his fingers once again and looked at the girl who was about a head taller than him by now while she braced herself, knowing that the next wave was coming already. During the transformation before, her hair wasn’t really touched at all, but now it was growing out, like a waterfall cascading down her back.

It grows longer and longer, seemingly with no end in sight. After a while, it started to become a clear white from her tips, which then quickly raced towards her roots, looking like the color was fighting its way up a massive waterfall. It was quite inspiring for Clara to be honest.

Wait, Clara? That was the name the count always gave her when she transformed! Why did she think of herself as that already? What was her old name? It was… uhm…

Suddenly, Clara could feel something like fire erupting in the middle of her mind, stopping her thoughts in their tracks as it seemingly burned away memories. No, not burned away, just transformed. Every memory the fire touched in her mind was transformed, reshaped into one that better fits to a loyal servant of the mighty count Gerosta.

Yes, she was no human, she was a fire dragon. One with the power to incinerate the whole village if they keep refusing to pay tribute to the one and only lord. She was his servant, her body was his to command, her memories were his to mold. What else would this glorious blaze inside of her head mean?

“Master! I am here on your command. What exactly do you need me to say to those lowly commoners?” Clara spoke, kneeling down in front of the count because she knew how rude it must have looked like to look down at him. Even if it just was her own body height that forced her to do that.

“They have no respect. They have paid me no tribute. Clara, go out there and demand tribute from them, and deal with them, should they refuse to pay.” The count waved his hand, making another magic wave wash over Clara in that exact moment.

This time it was about her clothes, which surprising for her looked not only ugly but also highly unfitting for a servant of the great count. Though that was all about to change, as her too small for comfort shirt turned into a robe befitting of a dragon priestess, while her pants became much shorter and fused with certain parts of her robe, to give a more united feel among her clothes.

“Yes, master! I will not disappoint you!” She let out, standing up and snapping her fingers, making her staff, a great lit torch appear in her hands. “I will return soon with the tribute you rightfully deserve, my lord. You have my word.”

With that she went off, ready to spread the good word of their count to everyone that was willing to listen. And turns out, many people know it is a good idea to listen to a massive fire spewing dragon girl…

Denis collapsed into his bed, completely done from the work he was subjected to today. He was back to being a man, but still trapped inside of the estate with no way out. Well, he could just leave, but the moment the Count found out, and he somehow always did, he would be found and severely punished, way more than just being turned into a dragon girl for a day.

Honestly he didn't really like being a fanatically devoted dragon girl that much. He just felt like his own thoughts and ideas didn't matter and only the will of his lord was meant to shape him. Also didn’t help that Denis kinda felt sorry for the villagers, since they were the ones who were kinda terrified of her display of power. At least no one got hurt…right?

But now that it's all over, he could only pray to be turned into this dragon girl again. No because he liked it, but because who knew what the count would turn him into tomorrow…

The count is at it again. But what is his Plight this time?

What? The people of the nearby town are acting up? Time for his most faithful servant to put them into their place. But this task might require some… fire power… if you will~


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