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It is no secret that some items that can regularly be found in the wild could fech quite a high value when sold. And when it comes to monsters and the items that they are very frequently protecting, the price can sometimes equate to a small fortune.

But that is quite understandable. Items like dragon scales, griffins claws and stone statues made by gorgons often require confronting the monster head on or sneaking into its hideout and stealing it. Both of which are not something normal humans would ever want to do.

But, as it so happened, Mathew was one of the people who regularly hunted and made a living off acquiring Items like that. As a master of his art, he had obviously already succeeded in stealing from all sorts of monsters, including all that were listed above, and that gave him quite the reputation among humans… as well as monsters.

His current mission: Steal a Harpies egg and bring it back to the guilds headquarters.

It was a simple enough mission really. Harpies were not known to be particularly violent towards humans nor all that strong. The main problem lay in their intelligence that almost rivaled that of humans, but with the ability to fly on top of that. So basically, those harpies could get quite smart when defending their stuff.

At least that's what the headquarter wanted to believe you, but Mathew had his doubts about that whole story. Mainly because he was sitting next to the harpies nest which was not only lacking any protective traps, had no harpy anywhere in sight, but also, on top of that, wasn’t even obscured from view that well.

Literally anyone with the ability to turn their head upwards would have spotted it. It kind of made him doubt the intelligence of those bird girls.

After giving his surroundings another check and making sure that no birds were in sight, Mathew crawled into the nest. The nest was quite big considering it only held one egg, but at the same time, Harpies were quite a bit larger than normal birds.

This was indeed very strange. The moment he had entered the nest, suddenly his entire surroundings had gone quiet, while he now could hear an almost melodic humming. But there was no one nearby. He had already checked that multiple times. That could only mean that the Harpy mother must have cast some music magic for the egg to listen too. How adorable.


Mathew’s gaze was pulled like a magnet towards the prized egg in the middle of the nest. Did he just imagine it or did the song just actually say… Nah. It didn’t matter anyways. He just needed to get into the middle, fetch the egg and get the hell out of there as fast as possible.


Another word started to float around in Mathew’s head as he was just about to grab the egg. This egg was special? In what way? Somehow this question didn’t let go of him and he lifted up the egg to closely study it.

Somehow, this egg made him happy. He couldn’t explain why, it just did. It was like pure happiness was streaming into his body originating from the egg. But he knew that he couldn’t say any longer, as he needed to go back for his mission…


Suddenly Mathews legs gave out from under him and he plopped to the soft ground of the harpies nest. He had never really thought about it before, but a harpies nest really was quite comfy. With the soft straw brushing against his bare skin… Wait, where did his pants go?

…Was he even wearing pants? It suddenly was so hard to remember. He started to rub his legs in the hopes that recall the feeling of ever wearing pants, but instead he noticed something else.

While he was brushing over his legs, the hair on them simply started to vanish while his skin got progressively softer. Did his hard earned muscles in his legs just vanish before his eyes? Wait, didn’t Mathew always have plump legs? Why was he so confused right now?


Mathew suddenly lifted up the egg and pressed it against his bare chest, making sure to be gentle, but give the egg as much tender love as he possibly could. He didn’t know why, it was just an “in the moment” kind of thing.

By this point his thoughts became super coulded and he couldn’t really focus on much of anything. The fact that his top had disappeared completely slipped him, he didn’t pay attention that his previously muscular build shrank severly and could now even be considered cute and even when two new lumbs pushed themselves out of his chest, he just didn’t notice.

All he wanted to do was gently hug the egg between his breasts.


Suddenly panic coursed through his body as he looked at his hands. The egg must be freezing! His hands were not nearly warm enough! If only he could get a blanket from anywhere nearby… but he just couldn’t stand up…

As he frantically searched the straws in the vicinity for something he could use, he didn’t notice that feathers started to appear along his entire arm. His fingers stopped moving independently as giant pink feathers started to cover them as well, and, as Mathew almost lost hope to ever find something ward for the egg, he took a look at his hands again.

“Oh! I am such a birdbrain sometimes. Tehe~” He chimed in a cutesy tone as he started to hug the egg again.


Mathew took a look down at his privates to confirm his suspicions, only to barely see the rest of his manhood disappear into the newfound cave downbelow. Then it dawned on her. The reason why this egg was so important to her.

This egg was her future sister; a fellow harpy about to be born. She wanted to hug and cuddle it all day, but suddenly her long, pink hair fell over her face.As she brushed it out of the way, she realized that she hadn’t really noticed her long hair up until this point. But didn’t she always have it? Meh, who cares. She needed to protect the egg.

Suddenly the humming music stopped and the young harpy noticed that something was approaching her nest. Something big. But as she turned around, ready to defend the egg with her life, she saw a harpy that looked like a giant from her perspective.

She had short pink hair and enormous pink wings to match and looked at the young harpy in complete surprise. Yet the young harpy instinctively knew who that was, so she opened her mouth in disbelief and let out a soft.


The big harpy started to cry for joy.

A few weeks prior…

“You have served this world well, high priestess Avia. Is there any wish you would want me to grant for your efforts?” Nagisa, the goddess of chaos and darkness asked the kneeling pink winged harpy.

“There is nothing.” Avia answered with a heavy heart.

“Lying to yourself and to me won't get you further in life. I know what you desire and I can grant it to you.” Nagisa spoke, while Avias' eyes went wide. “But I can see hesitation in your eyes, and that is understandable. You are dealing with the goddess of chaos after all.”

Avia remained silent. Nagisa spoke up again. “Take one of your egg’s and place it where humans can easily find it. If you do that, leave it alone and trust me, you will one day come home to two children, like you have always wished for. It’s up to you if you trust me.”

And as Avia was hugging her brand new daughter, her faith in the chaotic goddess only grew stronger.


This is a trade story with the amazing MassManic. He came up with this idea and I ended up making it just increadibly wholesome. 

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