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Announcement to all Priest of Nagisa, also known as 5€ Patreons~

The time has come for the first official gathering of Priests from far and wide where Nagisa herself will appear just for you. And probably transform you into whatever you desire.

The rules are simple. Every 5€ and higher Patreon gets to pick a character to represent him, most likely an Oc of that person. Just send me the infos via direct message or in the comments.

Then you get to choose whatever you would wish Nagisa to turn you into. A picture as reference is always appreciated.

I will then write a story, where all of the priests get to meet up with Nagisa, get their own little transformation part and then interact with each other in their transformed forms for a bit. (Special wishes about what you want your character to do are allowed, if I can make it work.)

This time, the Priests meet up at Nagisa’s temple of dimension, and that means that all of you will be there for the first time, as this was never done before. I am ready for your submissions and will try to finish the story by April 1st. Therefore, the limit for participation is March 30th.

I’ll repeat, this is a special bonus only for the 5€ Patreons and above.

But in any case, I wish you all a great rest of your day and may Nagisa bless not only her priests, but everyone else as well~



"finish the story by april 1st" <.< ... >.> hmmm Jk, I'm not much for self inserting into stories so i might give it a miss. A pretty great reward though!