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Oh man, I’ve got to tell you about this awesome day I had at the beach with Hope, Nadine, and Stefanie. You know them, right?

Of course you do. Seriously, it was one of those days that starts off super chill and just gets better and better. End it ended up just super magical.

So, we all decided to hit the beach, right? We got there early to snag a good spot. You know how it is—blankets, beach chairs, coolers, the whole setup. We all quickly got into our swimsuits, and let me tell you, the girls looked amazing. Stefanie and Hope are always cute, but Nadine... wow. She looked especially stunning. There's just something about her that day that really caught my eye.

And something told me that I caught her eye too, but I am getting ahead of myself.

We were just hanging out, soaking up the sun and chilling for a bit. The waves were perfect, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. We talked about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other’s company. It was one of those moments where you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Anyway, after we’d been lounging around for a while, Hope, being her usual energetic self, suggested we play some volleyball. At first, I was like, “Really? Right now?” because I was in full-on relaxation mode. But she was so enthusiastic about it that I couldn’t say no. Plus, the idea of watching Stefanie play volleyball wasn't exactly unappealing, you know?

Though it was Stefanie who actually objected to it. She was like “But Christian is a guy, so whoever he is playing with will just have easy mode.”. 

Honestly I didn't know if I should be offended or flattered by this. Though you know me, I am not exactly the best volleyball player. Good maybe, but far away from being good enough to carry a team. Though sadly, Stefanie managed to get Nadine to agree with her, so playing volleyball was ultimately denied… at first!

I suggested handicapping myself, because I actually wanted to play. Would be a shame if that beachball I brought with me just went to waste because of a little thing like that. That's when Hope asked: “How will you handicap yourself to play as well as a girl?”

And Stefanie just blatantly grinned when she heard that, telling us all to the face: “Actually, I know exactly how to make him play like a girl~”

Her grin was honestly very charming, so I just shrugged my shoulders and told her to ‘do her worst’.

And boy did she do something alright. 

She snapped her fingers and suddenly, I felt this weird tingling sensation all over my body. My muscles started to feel softer, like I was wrapped in the fluffiest blanket ever. I looked down and saw my face reflected in my sunglasses, and it was smoother, less jagged. 

My limbs became slimmer, more delicate. I could feel my hips widening, my swimtrunks stretching to accommodate the new curves. My butt started to stick out further, making me feel a bit self-conscious, especially since the front dent quickly began receding. 

And then, then finally —I felt a pressure on my chest, and, before I knew it, I had boobs. Not too big, but definitely noticeable. Like real bazongas all to myself. Crazy, right? Oh, yeah, and if it wasn't obvious enough, yeah, I completely became a girl down there too. Through and through.

For a good while, I just stood there, completely stunned, trying to process what had just happened. My voice came out in a higher pitch when I finally managed to say, "What the heck, Stefanie?"

She just gave me this cute smile and said, "Now it's fair."

I mean, no one of us could really disagree with her there. We were all just stunned that she had basically turned me into a super cute girl just to even the playing field, that was, in all honesty, already even to begin with.

But rather than complain about it, I decided to roll with it. 

Why? I mean, it was summer, sunshine and beach time, and I just turned into a super cute beach girl. Yeah, I was wearing a swimsuit by then too. No idea when that one appeared. In any case, I had other things on my mind than to complain about temporarily losing my manhood.

So, we found an open spot on the beach where there was a net set up, and we divided into teams. It was me and Nadine against Hope and Stefanie. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little intimidated. Hope's pretty athletic, and Stefanie, well, she just has this effortless grace about her.

The game started off pretty normal. We were all having fun, laughing and joking around. But let me tell you, playing volleyball as a girl was a whole new experience. My new body was taking some getting used to. I tripped over my own feet a couple of times, and my boobs kept throwing off my balance. At one point, I face-planted right into the sand. Everyone burst out laughing, including me. I mean, how could I not? It was such a classic, clumsy move.

But that’s when things started to get really interesting. After I got up and dusted myself off, Hope served the ball, and it went high, like really high. The wind caught it, and it seemed to hang in the air forever. Stefanie jumped up to spike it, and it was like everything slowed down. I’m not even kidding. It was almost like she was moving in slow motion. She hit the ball perfectly, and it came flying toward me.

I somehow managed to dive and hit it back over the net. I have no idea how I pulled it off, but I did. We kept the rally going for what felt like forever. It was insane. People around us even started to watch and cheer. It was one of those surreal moments where everything just clicks, and you’re totally in the zone.

Finally, Hope made this incredible save, and the ball went soaring over Nadine’s head. We all watched as it dropped right on the edge of the line. Everyone held their breath for a second, and then we all just exploded with excitement. It was the perfect ending to an epic game.

Afterward, we collapsed onto our blankets, laughing and out of breath. It was one of those magical, spontaneous moments that you can’t really plan for but end up being the highlight of the day. We spent the rest of the afternoon swimming, eating snacks, and just soaking up the sun. But that volleyball game? Man, that’s the part I’ll never forget.

Now that I think about it some more, maybe some of the guys that watched us really only came to see some cute girls play, since… you know. Guys be guys and beach girls be beach girls, right? And I was part of the later category this time. Hihihi~

Anyway later, as the sun was starting to set, Nadine came over to me. She had that same mischievously sweet glint in her eye but with a softer edge this time. “Hey,” she said, “want to watch the sunset together?”

And then we just straight up went on a date! In the middle of our collective beach trip. It was awesome, let me tell you!

We found a quiet spot away from the others, and as we sat there, I realized how much I was enjoying my new body. Sure, it was weird at times, but there was something freeing about it too. Nadine and I talked about everything and nothing, just like earlier, but this time there was a different vibe. It felt more... intimate. Like in the really cozy way.

As the sky turned shades of pink and orange, she leaned in closer and whispered, "I’m glad you’re here, Chris—uh, I mean, uhm…”

“Let’s go with Melody.” I laughed and nudged her playfully. “And yeah, me too.”

After that, we spoke a little bit more about female me and male me. How I didn’t mind either and how she really liked both. And that’s when I told her that I have liked her for a while.

And she told me that she is now sure that she liked me too! Both versions of me!

And that’s how my day at the beach ended. Not just with an epic volleyball game but with a perfect, unexpected moment with Nadine that ended with us together. 

Isn't that just the most awesome day ever?!?

…yeah, I asked Stefanie to turn me into a girl every now and again from now on. Don’t judge me, okay?

Don’t laugh at me either! I am a real cutie! I even have proof! Here! A real picture of Stefanie, Hope, my new girlfriend Nadine and my female alter ego Melody, fresh of the press~

Balls away. Literally.

Link to pic: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4480509


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