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The city was draped in lavish banners and the streets thrummed with the excitement of the day’s grand ceremony. The mingling scents of roasted meats and sweetmeats filled the air, and the laughter of humans and monster girls alike rang through the marketplace. It was a day of apparent harmony, yet beneath the surface, there brewed a dark undercurrent of rebellion.

Goto, clad in the guise of a palace guard, mingled among the throng, his face obscured by the ornate helmet typical of the King's guard. His heart beat a furious rhythm against his ribs, not just from the adrenaline of his deadly mission, but from the weight of the cause he carried on his shoulders. The unity this land boasted was a facade, enforced by King Magnus’ strange and unyielding influence over the monster girls. 

Therefore, his mission was simple: To free them, the king must die.

As the sun dipped below the palace spires, casting long shadows over the courtyard, Goto made his move. He slipped through the servants' entrance he’d marked earlier, his every step memorized, every guard's shift noted. The palace’s grand halls were quieter away from the festivities, the echoes of distant music playing to his nerves.

Reaching the inner sanctum, Goto found his path to the throne room unguarded—a stroke of luck he hadn't dared hope for. His grip tightened around the hilt of the dagger concealed beneath his cloak. Each step was quieter than a whisper, his trained senses alert for any sign of discovery.

He entered the throne room. The opulence overwhelmed the senses—gold leaf, rich tapestries depicting the kingdom’s history, and the marble throne upon which King Magnus sat, seemingly alone. The king's eyes, sharp and discerning, met Goto’s. It was as if he had been expecting him.

"Your Majesty," Goto began, his voice steady as he approached, feigning deference. "The celebration fares well."

King Magnus nodded, his gaze never leaving Goto. "Indeed, it does. And yet, here you are, not partaking in the joyous occasion. Is there a reason for that?"

Goto’s breath hitched, but he maintained his composure. "I wished to ensure your safety, sire. And for that, I might need to come a little CLOSEEEER!!!" 

With that, he lunged forward, the dagger flashing towards Magnus’ heart.


The command was not loud, but it boomed with an otherworldly authority that seemed to vibrate through the very air. Goto’s limbs froze mid-leap, his body betraying him, unresponsive to his desperate commands to move, to finish the strike.

King Magnus rose, his presence as commanding as his voice. He stepped down from the dais, approaching Goto, who remained suspended in his halted charge. "Goto, isn't it?" the king said, his voice now soft, almost curious. "What drives a man to such ends?"

Goto struggled against the invisible bonds of the king’s command, his jaw clenched. "Freedom," he managed to grit out. "Freedom for all. Even those monster girls you enslave!"

“Enslave? You seem to misunderstand the situation.” King Magnus slowly shook his head, then flashed an evil smile. “They are not enslaved, they are just changed. You see, I can be very persuasive when I want to. And giving people a new perspective on life is the quickest way to eliminate opposition.”

Then the king made a grand welcoming gesture and added: “So let's talk about you then. Are you a man?”

“What sort of stupid question is this?!? Of course I am a…!” 

“You are a woman!”

The moment King Magnus uttered those words, a profound and unsettling transformation swept through Goto. His body, once rigid under the king's command to halt, now writhed as if invisible hands were molding him anew. The shoulders of his guard's uniform, which had fit snugly moments before, began to loosen and narrow, the bones subtly shifting under skin that tingled with the peculiar sensation of changing form. It was an alien feeling, his very skeleton rearranging itself to a new blueprint.

As the transformation continued, Goto felt a deep, internal shifting that was both unnerving and inexplicable. His hips gradually expanded, the change pulling at his muscles and joints, reshaping him into a form he had never imagined for himself. Inside, he felt a strange, fluttering sensation, as if his organs themselves were aligning to this new reality imposed upon him by the king's words. The sensation was bewildering, a deep, intrinsic change that made his breath catch in his newly narrowing chest.

Finally, the changes became more apparent externally. His jaw softened, losing its angular harshness, and his cheeks rounded slightly as his face transformed into softer, more feminine lines. Hair brushed against his shoulders, growing rapidly, cascading down to frame his changing visage in waves. Most shocking of all, he felt a pressure building on his chest, an outward pushing as breasts formed, altering his silhouette dramatically. Simultaneously, he experienced the disconcerting sensation of his manhood receding, an intimate part of his identity disappearing as if it had never been. Goto, overwhelmed by the physical metamorphosis, was left gasping, his mind reeling from the reality that he no longer possessed the physical form of a man.

And that's when the strangest thing happened. It was like a light breeze was washing through Gotos head, a feeling she could no longer comprehend. The words of the king rang through her head over and over again, and she found it harder and harder to disagree with them. In fact… why shouldn’t she have been a woman? Goto had always been a woman, that's nothing new!

“And what do you mean to say with that? Think a woman can’t kill you and free the monster girls?!?” Goto spat, still not being able to move her body away from the spot the king froze her in.

“Then let’s continue. Let’s see…” The king thought for a moment, before he declared again. “Your name is Gonzia!”

“What are you on about now? My name is…”

The breeze hit hard once again, blowing through her head in an uncomfortable way. But she wouldn’t lose focus, not when her target was right in front of her. That was the Gonzia way after all!

“My name is Gonzia! You better remember that!”

“Of course I do. I would never forget the name of a monster girl subordinate of mine.”

“Don’t mock me! I am human, can’t you tell?!?”

“You are a minotaur and you have the biggest and milkiest breasts I have ever seen.”

As King Magnus's words resonated through the grand hall, Gonzia felt an intense, visceral transformation beginning anew. Her legs, already under the stress of her previous change, now began to morph dramatically. The bones in her legs cracked and reformed, a painful and surreal experience as they thickened and lengthened. Her toes began to fuse, reshaping into large, solid hooves that clacked against the stone floor of the throne room. The transformation was not just painful but bewildering, as she felt her human legs become the powerful, sturdy limbs of a minotaur.

Simultaneously, an unimaginable pressure began to build in her chest. Her breasts, already significantly larger from her previous transformation, now swelled to an even more extraordinary size. It felt as though gallons of milk were filling them to the brim, stretching her skin taut and pushing the fabric of her altered guard’s uniform to its limits. The weight of them was enormous, pulling at her newly formed frame with a constant, uncomfortable tug. She could barely comprehend the rapid changes, each breath adjusting to the staggering new proportions of her body.

As Gonzia struggled to maintain her balance with her new form, her breasts grew even more, becoming ludicrously oversized as the king had commanded. The sensation was overwhelming; they were so heavy now that they seemed to dictate her every movement, a bizarre and almost comical exaggeration that went beyond her wildest understanding of physical form. Breasts three times the size of her head, almost touching her hips really shouldn’t be normal.

And yet… within seconds… it became normal to her. The massive heavy weight of her breasts suddenly felt like she had carried it for years. Her hooved feet and strong legs also didn't seem weird anymore… in fact, she couldn’t even imagine how humans move their toes. 

Humans…? Why was Gonzia thinking that she ever was a human? That didn't even remotely make sense, did it? 

Anyway, she had to get back to the king. Ugh… though Gnozias chest was starting to feel painfully full again. After this mission, she definitely needed to get someone to milk her again. But that was a mission for another time. 

“What is your goal here, Magnus? Making fun of my milkers? I thought a king would be above that.”

“I was just thinking how useful you with the best milk in the country will be to me in the near future. That's all.”

Once again, there was a small tingle in Gonzia’s breasts, but nothing major. She really needed to get milked soon, otherwise her precious golden milk would maybe go to waste. She knew a lot of people were after these goods. But this was no time to think about these sorts of things, she had a king to get rid off first. And she still had to find out what he is even trying to do with her. Should she try to bluff?

“You can praise me all you want, Magnus. But you shouldn’t just worry about me, you know.” Gonzia bluffed, trying to figure out if Magnus would fall for it. Magnus just let out a small laugh. “You are right, you are not alone. After all, you are one of these rare two headed minotaurs, Gonzia and Aria. Two heads, four arms, four horns and tons of sisterly understanding!

As the king's declaration echoed through the throne room, Gonzia's body shook from the shockwaves. Her entire form surged outward and upward, becoming taller and broader at an alarming rate. The fabric of her guard's uniform, already stretched from her previous changes, tore at the seams, unable to contain her expanding form. Her singular head and neck moved startlingly off-center, making way as her spine crackled and shifted, hinting at a profound structural change. It felt as if a second spinal column branched out from her original, extending into a growing lump on the opposite side of her torso, which grew in size at an alarming rate.

It took on a life of its own, becoming larger and larger to the point where it became comparable to her own head. Beneath the stretched skin, the shape of a second head identical to Gonzia's formed, complete with a second set of eyes that blinked open with fresh awareness. As this new head, Aria, took her first breath, two additional arms burst forth from Gonzia's sides. Each arm was as robust and muscular as the first pair, ending in strong, capable hands. And just as the second head finished developing completely, a pair of cowlike horns bursted out of each of their foreheads, snapping both back to reality at the same time.

The newly formed Aria looked to Gonzia with a sense of confusion. Somehow Gonzia knew what Aria did, and stared back, both confused. The presence of their additional limbs didn’t even occur to them, as the simple fact there were two heads operating her one body was an alien feeling all on its own. Though just as they felt a warm breeze clear through their heads, both at the same time, Magnus spoke up again.

“What point is there in two sisters being exactly the same? Copies of each other, that wouldn’t be fun. So let’s spice it up a bit.” Magnus said, causing both Gonzia and Aria to gulp simultaneously. “Both of you love your job as my personal maid, but in different ways. Gonzia is studious and skilled, with the drive to provide me with whatever I desire, as nothing makes you happier than that. While Aria on the other hand is mischievous, masochistic and perverted, becoming the happiest when you receive a reward or punishment from me. Though you don’t exactly mind either.”

Gasps and moans came out of both of their mouths, the whirlwind inside of their head being stronger than ever before. It was like thoughts were blown around her head left and right, impossible to grasp one for a substantial amount of time. Gonzia knew she was on a mission, but everytime she thought about it, it just barely slipped her. 

When she tried to remember, lots of different thoughts blocked her view, as if she needed to work through them first. The time where she got through her maid training came to her forefront, but that couldn’t have had much to do with it. Times when she practiced at home to be an even better servant. Times where Aria did her perverted stuff in front of the king… so embarrassing…

Yet Aria couldn’t help but giggle herself. Those were truly the best times. Having to milk herself in front of the king and having him do it… haaa~ it was the dream. Not to mention all the little mischievous pranks she played that harmed no one, but made King Magnus punish her in just subtle ways. Like making her serve in his bedroom as a clothes carrier, or the time where he made her fill up the milk jar at the banquet itself instead of in the kitchen. 

Truly the worst times for Gonzia, but no matter how she felt or how her sister felt, one thing was abundantly clear to both. 

Gonzia and Aria were King Magnus’ personal twinheaded minotaur maid sisters.

So they shook their heads and realized something. They were frozen in front of the king, looking down at him due to their huge stature, yet with the king smiling at them evilly. Gonzia knew what this meant and gulped, while Aria’s eyes went wide with wonder and anticipation.

“Have you two calmed down?” The King asked. 

“Yes, your highness.” Both of them spoke in unison. Though their emotional state couldn’t be much more different.

“Then let me ask you two again. Why are you two fooling around in a knight's armor when there is a banquet where you two are supposed to serve as maids?”

“I…” Gonzia wanted to answer in panic before her sister did, but she truly had no answer. The proof was all over her body, yet the reason was completely lost on her.

“We wanted to be sexy knight maids for everyone~” Aria declared proudly, to which Gonzia suppressed a hiss at her. No way that was true, Gonzia could feel that Aria just pulled that reason out of their combined butt.

“And that’s why you are standing here, half naked in shambled armor? Unbelievable." The king asked and he wasn’t exactly wrong. Almost nothing of the armor was left, and even their breasts and other assets were barely covered.

“But if you are really adamant about wearing nothing on top, then I guess I will have to assist you a little.” The king spoke, his voice a mix of joy and just plain evil. “Starting now, you two can’t wear any clothing on your torsos anymore. Instead, between your two pairs of arms, there shall now grow a third pair, bigger and stronger than the other two, always long enough to reach the outlets of your milk containers. And those new hands shall be the only way for you to cover up your upper half. You two are free to remember this punishment.”

The king's voice echoed through the room again, causing Gonzia and Aria’s body to shake. Immediately they could feel their arms getting pushed apart, mainly with their lower arms sliding lower down their bodies. And they both knew why, as then with a massive push, two additional limbs sprang out of their sides, growing larger and larger as they reached the size of the other four arms.

But they didn’t stop there, that new third pair of arms grew bigger still and longer too, while feeling like neither of them really was in control of them. Those arms then started tearing down the rests of her armor, bit by bit, exposing their naked upperhalf completely against either of their wills, though one of them was way more excited about it than the other. 

And when those arms had finally reached their full size, being around one and a half the size of the other two pairs, all of their clothing on their upper half was gone too. Which is when those arms placed themself gently on top of their massive milkers, making them look like they were covering themselves up in desperation. 

When in reality, this was the most they were going to be able to cover up in a long time.

“Now go and dress yourself in your uniform and get back to your job! Today is a momentous day and I won’t tolerate any more mistakes on the part of you two. Do you understand?”

“Yes sire!” Both of them answered simultaneously, bowed to King Magnus and stormed off, the clacking of their hooves echoing through the hallways as King Magnus could still hear them talk with each other as they vanished into their maidchamber. 

“Why do you always do these things? Now look what the King did to us!”

“I know! Isn’t it great?!? Punishment like never before~ Haaa~”

“You are seriously the worst! Could you at least try to get us through the rest of the day without incident?!?”

“Sure thing~ Now its time to get on the Kings good side again!”

“...we should have never gotten on his bad side to begin with, you milkbrain!”

King Magnus laughed and slowly walked towards his throne again, sitting down and taking his glass of wine back into his hand. “Momentous day indeed.” He murmured, taking a sip from his glass, nodding to himself. “Festivals are the best. They make happy citizens happier, and angry opposition even angrier. And what more can I ask for?”

Laughing to himself again, he saw the twinheaded maid maid rush out of the hallway, wearing her maid skirt, but not her dress. Though even if her big arms didn’t do much to cover her breasts, they at least made them jiggle in a very controlled manner, and that at least had to be seen as a nice side effect. Not that it mattered, since King Magnus only really punished them because it felt like it.

“It seemed like my intel about three assassin's striking today was right on the money. And nothing beats converting opposition into your own allies.” The king laughed, enjoying himself way too much. “Now then, I wonder what I should turn them into. I always felt like I could use a rideable dragon. But the third one? I guess I’ll improvise~ But one thing is for sure.”

With that the king stood up and spoke into the crowd: “To all people who are against me, you will think the only way to get to me is to face me without any underhanded tactics!”

He wasn’t even sure if someone heard him say that. And frankly it didn’t matter. because soon, his kingdom which prides itself in Monster girl and Human harmony, will have three less adversaries and three more loyal Monster girls. 

What more can a King ask for?

The easiest way to get rid of enemies is to just turn them into convenient maids and punish them a little. I wonder why almost no one does that?

Massive thanks to ThatFreakGivz for making that sketch for me~


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