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(Naofumi Pov)

Nope, I don't want to move. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I can move. Probably, if I go with all of my strength, I could pull her coils apart and get out, but…

Even those thoughts are kinda hard to have, because I really don’t want to. This situation is absurd on so many levels, and I have been through some weird shit as the Shield Hero. Heck, even before that, when I was still known as Naofumi Iwatani and had an entire life in another “another world” I couldn’t have ever imagined that it was feasible to end up like this.

Yet…  here I am. Lying on a beyond king size bed, yet still barely fitting into it. Which doesn't even matter all that much since I wasn’t even touching it in the first place, that honor belonged to someone else. Kazu. A lot of her body was touching it actually and she had a lot of body, that was for sure.

Enough to completely ensnare the massive beast of a person I was easily, that's for sure.

But anyway, the sun was already shining, so it was time to wake up. Well, get up, since waking up was never really a problem for me. Getting my head out of two heavenly pillows and the rest of my body untangled from her massive coils is the bigger problem.

I don’t really have much faith in it, but might as well try waking her up with words: “Kazu? Kazu. It’s already almost noon, time to wake up!”

“Just five more minutes…” The sleeping Kazu replied, which I didn't buy for even a second.

“You said that already thirty minutes ago.” I shot back sarcastically with a deadpan expression.

“...just five more degrees…” Kazu muttered in response, to which I rolled my eyes.

Oh well, if she didn’t want to get up, then I have a secret technique that is sure to wake her up. Just you wait~ I don’t have to solve everything with force, you know~?

(Kazuma Pov)

Nope, I don’t wanna get up. This is just waaaaaaay too comfy. It's as if the dream life of my dream life got handed to me. Hehehe~

I love it. What else is there to say?

I have a house that I don't have to worry about, a storage room filled with artifacts and stuff that are surely super valuable, electricity and games as many as I ever wanted and a beautiful girl who I can hug and play with whenever I want. Seriously, what else could I even wish for from Santa?!?

I mean, sure, I do stuff that is productive from time to time. Like I do cooking for the both of us, calm my little demon down after a fierce fight and clean the house. Also I am just there, whenever she needs a pillow or two, be that for our nightly gaming sessions, or for when she feels like it or for celebrations…

Yeah, I am proud of my rack and I am not afraid to use it. At me.

Speaking of which, I am actually kinda impressed how this whole ordeal started. I mean, I didn't really think about it much before, but now, lying in bed and hugging my chiseled demon girl, I can’t help but think back.

We really did have a rocky start, didn’t we?

(Naofumi Pov)

Things here had… Well, it started off rather rough when I first arrived. One moment I was looking through the skill tree on my shield mid-battle, and the next I found myself standing in the middle of a field that looked as if it had seen quite a bit of foot traffic over the years.

But that's besides the point, especially since the next thing I knew there was a loud shriek as if someone fell outta the sky. Followed by what sounded like tree branches snapping from a lotta sudden weight.

“Son of a… that damn useless goddess! I swear I am NEVER trusting her with any sort of teleporting magic EVER AGAIN!” A voice cried out not too long after, and it was a tad annoying… but at least it was a sign I wasn’t alone. At least that was a positive about being wherever the hell I managed to end up. Needless to say, it felt as if I was having deja vu.

My curiosity would lead me to the source of the voice and what I found made me wonder if whoever or whatever summoned me here had a sense of humor or not as I found a rather spindly guy stuck in a tree… and the look on his face said it all.

(Kazuma Pov)

Falling out of the sky isn’t exactly the most “graceful” way to enter a new world, but it did remind me of a few LightNovels I’d read about before… Well, I really don’t wanna talk about how I ended up meeting the blue-haired useless goddess that probably was the reason I ended up here in the first place. Not to mention I at least hoped that the first person I’d see would be a girl with big boobs, not a guy who looked like one of the jerks from the adventurer's guild. And just judging by the look on his face he heard me.

“You gonna keep gawking or a-” As if me merely opening my mouth caused enough of a disturbance for the tree branch beneath me to snap in half… and I landed face first in the dirt amongst the debris. Juuust great.

“Ok… all I’m gonna say is that you definitely seem irritable, I take it you also went through the whole “sent to a fantasy world” thing too? As, to be blunt, you remind me of those otaku that would only come outta their house when new merch was released.”

That… honestly stung, since he wasn’t too far from the truth from what my life was like before being sent to a fantasy world to fight off a demon king. Not that wherever the hell I was now seemed to be any different at first glance. Aside from, y’know, being alone with some dude who seemed to be in a similar-ish boat as me… even if he seemed like a hardass.

He would, after a moment of us just staring at each other, help me onto my feet. If only my steal magic worked on things other than panties… I would soooo snatch that shield of his. probably has some pretty OP stuff in it, but that's besides the point as I cleared the branches and leaves from my hair. “Thanks… wait, you mean you…? Hold on, please tell me you didn’t also get isekai’d in an embarrassing way.”

“Embarrassing wouldn’t be the word I’d use to describe it, but yes. Essentially…” but just as me and the other guy were having a moment of bonding, something like an announcement resounded through the air…

You contestants, seekers of love, heed this call so true,

Escape before the bell's grasp tightens its hold on you.

In the day's peak and the night's deepest embrace,

The bell shall toll, bringing change to your chase.

Know, it's no punishment, this journey you pursue,

For after six days, joy and love will imbue.

So strive, dear hearts, let love's sweet melody sway,

Break free from the bell's grip, seize your love's bright day.



…followed by the sound of metal falling to the floor that had the other guy shocked to no end.

(Naofumi Pov)

My mouth was open in shock, I couldn’t even believe it. Nevermind that stupid speech she just gave us, but that bell’s sound shook my body to the core. I didn’t really notice what exactly it did, but it did change something. The status bar I usually see disappeared and I could no longer open my menu. And the next moment I knew my shield dropped from my arm and to the ground, which should not be possible for all I knew. Which could only mean one thing.

I was no longer the Shield Hero.

Now that this was the case I honestly don’t know how to feel about it. I wasn’t mad, nor was I happy. I was just… shocked.

“You doing alright, man?” That snapped me out of the shock. Thinking about it, there is a chance the other guy didn’t even know what just happened and how big of a deal it is that the shield just came off. I wonder if the right move is to just explain everything to him…

”So you didn’t meet a goddess when you first came into your new world?” Kazuma asked, as we were still conversing after half an hour of walking aimlessly forward.

“No, I didn’t.”

“You didn’t miss much, believe me.” Kazuma declared, but then let out a colossal sigh. “I made the mistake of taking her with me and look where that got me…”

“Where did that get you…?” I honestly was unsure where he was going with this.

“Into a party of lunatics and away from my cozy life.” He sighed once again. “Maaaaan… I just want a house and some games to play. Is that too much to ask?”

What I didn’t know back at the time was how serious this guy was about lazing around. I will admit that I also used to lead a life where I didn't do much, yet I still tried to do something productive in some way everyday. Little did I know how much he would reveal his true colors when a small cottage came into view in the distance…

(Kazuma Pov)

Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap!

Was this a dream?!? It had to be! This is too beautiful to be real!

Did we really just find a cottage with freaking working wifi, a computer, consoles, games, food, drinks and everything else a NEET could desire?!? Are you serious?!?

Yeah screw my adventuring days, I am not going to leave this cottage ever again. It's gaming time! Oh yeah!

Though there is only one problem standing in my way: This stuck-up guy Naofumi actually wants to get out of here. He keeps insisting that he wants to go back and has people to see and whatnot , plus he keeps telling me that he can’t just fight alone. As the shield hero and such things… Truly an honorable ambition.

“Dude, let me tell you this straight. I do not care about any of that.” Yeah, I am not the kind of person to be subtle about things like that. “If you want to get out there, be my guest. But I am not going to leave this paradise anytime soon, especially not to fight.”

“Fine. Let’s just talk about this again tomorrow. I might need the day off as well.” Naofumi said, though he wasn't really hiding his discontent with me in any way, shape or form.

But I don't care. Nothing he did could change my mind on this. No matter how many days he wants to wait for this…

(Naofumi Pov)

The night came and went and… yeah, forget that guy. I could probably spend the entire day arguing with him and I wouldn’t get anywhere. He truly might be the single laziest person I have ever come across. I doubt there is anything I can do to make him come with me.

So come noon, I headed out of the house to get a feel for the surroundings. There has to be a way out somehow, and I intend to find it. I am not like that lazy bones Kazuma and actually care about the world I came from.

That being said, there are actually monsters out there in the wilderness around the cottage now and fighting alone is tough for me. I am not a damage dealer, I am a tank. Even though that shield fell off, I still have it with me, though there is only so much I can do with a shield alone.

In the end, without my skills and just a shield, I had to run from the monsters that stood in my way. I wasn’t proud of it, the monster didn’t even look particularly strong. They all had a resemblance to those horned rabbits back in my world, which made the loss sting quite a bit harder, but what could I do?

I went back to the cottage defeated that day. None of those monsters were particularly interested in chasing me, so I didn’t need to worry too much about endangering anyone. So I sighed and opened the door, yet when I took a step inside…


…the bell rang again, and this time the shock was much harder than the first time. My body felt like it was boiling from the inside, then expanding everywhere. It was like my arms and legs… swelled with pure muscle mass, while the rest of my body simply grew to adjust to my new strength.

I suddenly felt a lot more exhausted, but much stronger than before. It felt kinda nice and made me more confident in attempting to hunt monsters again tomorrow. Although some of the mass distribution is a bit worrying. My thighs seemed to have gotten a lot bigger than before while my waist comparatively got almost nothing. For now I can’t really think of why.

(Kazuma Pov)

What timing. When the big Shield Hero came home, that weird bell rang again, making my body tense up so much that I lost the round I just played. What a bummer. Curse that bell!

Anyway, I took that as a cue to take a break from gaming for a bit and at least say ‘Hi’ to the guy who came back. When I got up, my body still felt pretty weird. Like that bell’s chime was still resounding deep within my entire being and caused me to shift slightly. Not by much, just that it felt like my chest became a bit pudgier as well as my ass might have become a bit fatter.

Did I really lounge around so long I got fat already? Wasn’t it like a single day? Also, why did it feel like my chest and butt are the only places that got bigger? If i didn't know it better, I would even go as far as to say that everything else about me got smaller.

Meh, whatever. Time to strike up a conversation.

“How did it go, Mr IwannaGetOutOfHere?” I asked sarcastically, because his gaze and exhausted, defeated look told a lot about his success.

“Shut it! You didn’t even do anything! And I am not a good solo fighter!” Naofumi justified himself, to which I just had to let out a laugh.

“Here is the thing: I don’t even want to get out of here!” I dropped a truth bomb on him, that really shouldn’t surprise him. He just clicked his tongue and went towards his room afterwards. I didn’t care too much.

Although… did… did he look taller than before? I must have imagined it.

(Naofumi Pov)

I felt rather… dejected the rest of the night as it felt like, if I wanted to get out of this place, I would need to fundamentally change how I fight. Plus whatever magic that bell’s ringing carried with it seemed to be making a not-so-subtle hint at what I should do.

So once night turned to day again I started to get a spot outside near the cottage prepped for what essentially was a small training area. Granted, the most I could do at the moment was basic physical exercises but hey, at least it was something. And yet… the mass around my rear seemed to act like a counter weight for almost any activity that necessitated the use of my legs. Not that they didn’t burn and jiggle every now and again.

After about an hour I tried again looking for an escape route, and as if on cue those horned rabbits appeared again. I still had my shield, but even then my normal tank-like strategy didn’t work out so well. Sure I managed to get a bit deeper into the woods… buuuut ultimately I had to retreat again once I came across some of those rabbits that were twice my size. Ughhh this is infuriating!

(Kazuma Pov)

Yet again as I was in the heat of a boss battle, I heard as the self-proclaimed Shield Hero came back through the woods. I dunno what possessed me to do it, but I paused the game mid fight and peeked out the nearest window. This wasn’t the first time I’d done this today either… It was like something was driving my curiosity crazy all day. Sure, no one wants to be alone in some random place they don’t know, but I’m content just sitting around on my butt all day while he’s out there trying to get back to whatever world he ended up in with that title he’s so proud of.

But… When I peeked out there earlier during what I’d guess was his training session, I caught myself staring at him. I’ll admit that seeing how jacked he was made me a bit envious, I mean what guy wouldn’t? Yet my eyes seemed to wanna focus on Naofumi’s butt of all things! I swear I need to play more light novels to take my mind off it. Although… this time when I peeked out, I felt kinda sad for him. Hell, he looked straight-up depressed when he trudged back through the tree line as the sun began to set behind him. Maybe I should say something…


Aaand there was that damn bell again, it seemed like it always chose to ring whenever he was on his way back. Lousy timing that was. Almost immediately I felt a heat building up in my body, it honestly felt like I was wearing a winter coat in the middle of a summer heatwave.

Yet, I felt like my body compressed smaller in some way… as if I was becoming a bit more flexible. However I soon noticed that my chest gained even more freakin' weight! Like, granted my ass did too but it seemed like whatever mass was in my body had been squeezed from my stomach and into my chest and lower body. Heck even my hips were wider!

I’m soooo damn glad I was wearing just my shirt and shorts… though they definitely felt a bit tighter in some areas. Some very specific ones. Why the hell am I getting so damn pudgy?! Also… my legs feel longer and a bit… fluffy? Doesn’t help they itch like crazy either. It almost feels like I can hardly move my legs anymore, kinda like they’re fusing together. Fuuuu…. am I gonna have to crawl around the place?! Though… oddly enough, I can hardly feel my feet anymore.

(Naofumi Pov)

There was that damn bell again. It honestly felt like it rang whenever I was at my lowest. Yet… this time was a tad different compared to when it rang the night before. I felt my muscles burn a bit as they seemed to grow bigger, becoming a bit more defined all over my body… well, aside from my thighs as they seemed to get pudgier and thicker. Even my butt felt like it grew.

Speaking of growing… my entire body felt like it was getting a heck of a lot larger all around, like I was literally growing taller as soon enough I was about eye level with the edge of the cottage’s roof! Although… that wasn’t the only part of me that grew either. My chest seemed like it was pulling whatever fat in my body into itself and… well…


Needless to say… I had a new counterbalance to deal with for tomorrow. Two new ones to be specific. At least they weren’t too big. And that my shirt didn’t get destroyed, but that new hole near the top of my chest was a pain. It almost looked like a boob window. I did also feel like something’s poking outta my head though. I’ll probably just take a peek in a mirror later, but eh… I just wanna sleep this off.

Though… Kazuma did seem odd when I came in, was he playing one of those ecchi games he found? His face was a bright red… and kinda hiding behind the wall. Were his ears longer?

(Kazuma Pov)

Ok… things have been a bit interesting after last night, especially since I’ve had to try crawling around with most of my upper body since apparently my legs started to fuse into a tail, A SNAKE TAIL! That explains why I couldn’t feel my feet last night after the bell rang and I’ve been hiding in my room all day until Naofumi left. My biceps are literally as strong as a wet noodle by now, since just getting to the fridge feels like I’m running a forty kilometer run uphill!

Although, I did try to use my hips to jump onto the beanbag I have in my gaming set-up, and needless to say I almost missed it. However… using my hips to get around instead of my arms seems to be how my new tail wants to work since I was able to go from my room all the way over to Naofumi’s room while I had the chance. Which was halfway across the cottage… At least I was getting used to not having legs. Naofumi’s room… why the hell does the mere thought of being near it make me get all flustered? I mean, c’mon, am I going stirr crazy?!

“Ughhh.. why the heck am I acting like a girl getting near a crush?! I swear this just means I need to leave my room less!” In hindsight… my logic was HEAVILY flawed, but they always say that kinda stuff is 20/20.

Soon enough, as if right on time, I heard the sound of Naofumi’s footsteps in the grass as I once again peeked over the edge of the window to find him looking annoyed again. “Guess he got beat by those rabbits again. I suppose it’s like a repeat mission in a fantasy RPG.”



Figures… the moment the self-proclaimed Shield Hero opened the door, that freakin’ bell chimes again. What followed was as if my body was being stretched like a stretch-armstrong toy as my legs, or rather tail, grew longer and longer as my pants could hardly contain the growing mass that was once my legs as, soon enough, my tail had grown to be at least three meters long and covered in a vibrant lavender scales that had a vast amount of shimmering light brown fur over top.

To say that my pants gave up and I was launched onto my butt is a pretty damn massive understatement, especially since my ears felt like they were being pulled like taffy as they stretched into a pointed shape while my hair slipped into my view and grew longer and longer… man I am really gonna need a haircut.

But, that was the least of my worries as the next thing I knew it was if my chest was acting like there were two balloons inside there. Boobs. I was growing massive boobs. I mean, I know that I have a weakness for big ones, but these? These were both nearly the size of my head! Hell, my shirt literally ripped wide open to show just how big they’d gotten…

“These are even bigger than Sylvia-san’s…” I almost immediately shuddered when I recalled that woman, given how things went the last time I saw her. But… I do have to say that, if my theory is right, I’m turning into a girl. Which means i will have it a lot easier getting around by wiggling my hips now because of my snake tail, but also a lot more trouble because of how massive my ass has become..

Speaking of my lower half…. Everything is a LOT bigger and rounder, squishier, and softer. Did I cuddle my tail by accident in fear… yes, yes I did.

I didn't regret anything.

(Naofumi Pov)

Well, as if it’s becoming a routine that bell rang again the moment I got back to the cottage. At least this time it waited until I was almost inside which was nice. However… I soon found my head bonking against the doorframe not long afterwards as my body felt like it was expanding again. Only this time, it was both upward AND outwards.

My body seemed to double in its size, quite literally, as my chest swelled like there was something under the skin. Even my hips, thighs, and butt got a LOT larger and my clothes started to give up as the seams started popping like firecrackers. Which, I’ll admit, seeing the buttons on my shirt get launched across the room like small circular bullets was oddly… gratifying. It made me feel stronger. My hair grew longer and longer while my skin seemed to take on an almost reddish hue. I admit that I felt like I was burning from the inside out so… that kinda made sense.

“What the…. yeowch!” Apparently my teeth had grown sharper, something I found out the hard way when I bit the corner of my lip. Speaking of my lips… they were getting fuller and a bit larger. Not that my butt and thighs would be out matched as they became so big that I felt like my manbits were gonna be crushed between my thighs whilst my rear threatened to drag me down at any moment.

Although… I think when I bit my lip I spooked Kazuma as he… she..? Whatever, he came rushing out of his room and to say we both stared at each other for about ten seconds that seemed to drag on.

“Holy hell you’re… so…” It seemed like we both had the same thought process at the start as our eyes locked. “Cute.” “Adorable..”

Needless to say, that eye contact was broken soon after as I was sent reeling that she called me cute, and my brain seemed to see the fluffiness on his tail triggered the dopamine as she just… AAAAAH I am soooo damn frazzled after that…. dammiiiit!

Though, as much as I may hate myself for it, Kazuma’s making me feel like I wanna protect ‘em a lot more… and hold ‘em in my arms. BUT WHY THOUGH?!

(Kazuma Pov)

I literally squealed like a girl later that night, luckily I had a pillow over my mouth and I prayed that Naofumi was already asleep and didn’t hear me. Almost every part of me felt like it was obsessed with just… EVERYTHING about how Naofumi looked in that doorway, hell my heart’s fluttering just thinking his name. Though… I do have to say I did act a bit… lewd to a pillow before waking up this morning.

Plus, to say my manbits were… pinched under me was an understatement. Yet, when I looked in the mirror to see myself I couldn’t help but notice how many similarities I have with a lamia girl. Albeit with a small detail in my crotch, but even that seemed smaller. I dunno why I did it but I stripped naked when I was looking at my reflection.

“Holy hell.. these are massive.. I wonder if n-no I can’t be thinking like that!” My cheeks flushed a deep crimson as I held my boobs in my hands and… well… had a thought of if Naofumi liked how big they were. I mean, granted, he was at least trying to see if there was any way for us to get outta here.. and doing a lot of tasks while I sat around in my room, but why do I even care for him like that?!?

“Is everything alr- oooouuuhhhhh…..” My hair almost stood on end as my tail went as straight as a steel rod and shot vertical once his, albeit somewhat feminine voice, broke the silence. I froze, only looking with my eyes to see Naofumi standing.. er… crouching in the doorway to my room with his horns just inches under the doorframe. Needless to say we locked eyes… even if I could see where his eyes were looking.

Yet… I didn’t feel any sort of embarrassment, instead I felt… elation.

(Naofumi Pov)

I had just gotten up when I heard what sounded like Kazuma talking with someone, or was it to themself? I dunno, but something urged me to investigate. And… well, seeing a nude lamia once I opened the door was an oddly pleasant surprise. My heart practically leapt into my throat as she and I locked eyes for a few moments before she covered up. She.. He… uggghhhhh this is getting hard to keep track of!

Either way, even if my… “sword” would have made things increasingly awkward it was far too pinned between my legs and… small… and judging by what I saw of Kazuma it seems like he’s also going through a similar thing.


I had made a rather quick escape from his room, not helped by the fact that tail is a sorta soft-yet-deadly weapon! I think I’ll have a mark on my cheek for a week or so… but, eh, I kinda have to resume my training if I wanna find a way outta here for us both. Not that it was gonna be easy, given my horns would smack into almost every door frame in the cottage if I forgot for even a moment that I was much, much taller than I was before.

It took… a while, but I managed to navigate my way out of the cottage and started in my now well-worn training area. It was kinda hard to get the pushups started since I had a lot more weight on my chest than I did before and didn’t quite have as much room as I thought I did before my boobs pressed against the ground. “Dammit… why the hell am I so stacked? These are such a pain in the ass.”

Speaking of that part… my butt just would not stop jiggling with every single pushup, step, literally ANYTHING I did in my exercise routine to try adapting my fighting style to be more offensive made the more jiggly parts of my body bounce and sway as if they were made of jello. It’s super freaking embarrassing to feel all that mass jiggling like crazy. Part of me honestly wished that my shield still worked like it used to and not be a useless piece of metal that looked more like a dinner plate in my hands anymore.

Speaking of that shield, I hardly needed it anymore, as yesterday I left it behind when I went out. Was it, in hindsight, a bad idea? Yes. Yes it was. Fighting those horned rabbits was a lot harder since I had to use my arms to block their strikes but at least they didn’t cut my skin… which was a little odd. But, regardless, I have no other choice but to keep going and press on with it. Granted, I had slept in a little later than I wanted to… but at least I was doing something! Kazu on the other hand just sat in her room all day.

Kazu. Adorable, fuzzy, lovable… GAH what the hell am I thinking?! Am I seriously falling for a guy who I met after coming here?

No, I don’t care what that voice said a few days back. I will figure this out today. After I finish these three rabbits and then I’ll…

…wait… when did I start winning against these beasts? Was I that distracted to not even notice…?


I had a lot on my mind recently. Yes, I have been playing, mostly dating sims now, but for some reason I just could get my focus together. It might be my heavy chest or my jiggly butt, or maybe it's my partially fluffy tail. Maybe it's all of them. I don’t know.

Though I have to say, smacking Naofumi with my tail yesterday… was kinda rude. I don’t even know what came over me. I usually don’t care when people see me naked, especially not guys. And even if I am not a guy anymore… Naofumi wasn’t either. Like she’s in the exact same boat as me.

To take my mind off things, today I decided to do something productive for once. Yeah, I was grossing myself out too. But considering how I smacked him… yeah, the least I could do was do a bit of tidying up. And maybe clean the kitchen too…

So that's what I did and I might also try to do some cooking tonight. Just the type of vibe I was in combined with a cleaned kitchen awakened that thought in me. Though it made me wonder when I became so charitable, especially towards another guy. Girl. Err…


“Oh, Naofumi is back.” I instantly slithered towards the door, though then realized that I probably should have had a different reaction hearing that bell, considering it is what has been changing us all this time.

So then we stood in front of each other, me looking up at this over 2.4 meter tall, muscle packed giantess while she looked down on me with a much more serious expression, yet wearing a very adorable red blush on her face.

We wordlessly stood in front of each other as the magic of the bell did its thing again, both of us just watching as our tattered and ripped clothes got swept off our bodies, revealing our nude figures to each other. Only for a moment, but that was more than enough, as it was the exact moment the remains of both of our manhoods vanished in front of us, before being covered up by the new clothes the magic had created for us.

It was a cozy set of pajamas with a huge boob window for me, and some barbarian-like armor that was much more tailor made for her curry figure for Naofumi. That's when Naofumi took a step forward ducking under the low roof as she said to me with a fully serious face: “May I touch your tail again?”


How did time fly like that? I didn’t even realize that three days had passed since I had asked that question. And I still think about it constantly.

‘May I touch your tail again?’

That was not at all the question I wanted to ask, but it was just the only thing that came to my mind when I saw her like that. With her thicc, plush and soft tail, I somehow just had to ask. And she accepted.

I didn’t expect Kazu to be a hug-monster like that. It started harmlessly with me just petting her tail, then she insisted on wrapping it around my arm, then she insisted on wrapping her arms around my body and before I knew it, she was just all over me. You never realize how long a lamia actually is until she wrapped herself twice around your entire 2.5 meter tall, giant ass body.

And that has been happening every day now for three days. I go out to hunt, take down a big thing and a few small things, and come home at dawn. Kazu takes care of the house during the day and gives me a bright welcome when I get back. And everything after that is just cuddle time. Whether we watch a movie, play video games or just talk, her tail is just constantly around me.

…her complexity kinda reminds me of an oversized body pillow…

We have also been going by different names thanks to Kazu’s suggestion. Shortening them and making them sound a bit more feminine seemed very appropriate. Yes, even as a stack of muscles I now take a bit of pride in my softer side.

That being said, two things had been kinda weird since then. The bell had just completely stopped ringing since that day. And whenever it got too late, Kazu insisted on going back to her room alone and asked me not to follow her.

Which wouldn’t be all too weird… if she didn’t stand in front of me, right now, in the middle of the night, with a bright red face. She hesitantly opened her mouth to ask a question. I answered before she could even bring the words out.

“Sure. My bed is big enough. You are always welcome.”


I knew it was morning, but I still wanted to dream. Even if I go through our amazing origin story ten more times it wouldn’t be enough. I have everything I would ever want. A cottage, no work, a mega buff oni waifu with muscles of steel and the behind of a goddess. What else could a girl ask for? Hihi~

“Kazu~ If you don’t wake up soon I have to use my secret weapon on you~” I heard the voice of my beautiful goddess, but even so, I won’t budge. My moment was just too perfect, so it really didn’t matter what others said.

After all, what is the worst a secret weapon could even do to…



My eyes snapped open and my tiredness was gone in the blink of an eye. Nao… was kissing me. Her lips were on mine, giving me the most gentle and pleasant kiss in the world. I don’t even want to know what sort of expression I was making.

I take everything back. Yeah, alright. My world wasn’t perfect. Nao just proved that she could make everything so much better than my head was even capable of comprehending.

After what felt like an eternity, Nao pulled back leaving me in my stunned state for a little while longer while I barely noticed that she unwrapped herself gently from my coils. That’s when Nao smiled into my face and cheerfully declared: “I was wondering when the sixth bell would ring. Glad it was here to celebrate our kiss.”

“Yeah.” I giggled, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes, which is when a cheeky thought entered my head. “Wanna see if it rings a seventh time if we do it again?”

“I mean, if you ask me like that…” She said, leaning over me and pinning my upper body against her bed. “Who would I be to refuse~”

Needless to say, Nao went hunting a little bit later that day. I didn’t let her go for a veeeery long time~ Tehe~


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