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(Diane Pov)

Ehehe~ It tickles~

Never thought I’d put someone between my mighty boobs and disguise it as the most beautiful ornament anyone has ever seen. Nice work, Diane~ You have outdone yourself once again.

Ehehe~ And seeing her sit on my chest like that, enjoying my cleavage to the fullest makes me so giggly~

Although I have to wonder if the heat really doesn't affect her. I mean, my arms, legs, hair and tail are literally on fire and my body temperature is clearly beyond normal. Better question her once again.

“Hey Nabe. Is the heat bothering you? Should I put you down from my cleavage?”

“Only a fool would turn down an opportunity to hang out in the boobs of a girl as hot as you. So you won’t be getting rid of me anytime soon, trust me.”

(Nabe Pov)

My name is Naberal Gamma, one of the pleiades in service of the great tomb of Nazarick. And as such I…

Haa… honestly, for some reason I just can’t keep a serious attitude up at all lately. For some reason, I would just rather indulge in more boobs. And butts too. Man, they are amazing. Like for real, anyone who doesn’t think being submerged in the giant milkers is the best feeling on the planet, I don’t know what's wrong with them. And even better if you have a mega cow who is supplying them. Hehehe.

But to be honest, even if I am living in paradise now, I am still unsure of how we ended up like this. Roaming through the woods, just the two of us, above the trees. It had become much more romantic than I had anticipated. And now that I’ve thought about it a little bit more…

“You know what? Actually, I do have another place to be.” I declared, retreating my roots from Diane's amazing bosom, regardless of how much I wanted them to stay there, and made my way up her breasts to her shoulder, where I firmly planted myself down again. Diane’s flappy cow ears twitched as she turned to look at me.

“What’s up?” Diane asked, tilting her head curiously and preciously. Holy crap I want to bury my face in her boobs so badly right now.

“I want to tell you something, you absolutely boobylicious beauty.” I replied, somehow controlling my desires. And so I leaned in, my cheek almost touching hers and I could feel my thoughts going absolutely haywire. Man I can’t believe this is really the result of what happened back then.

(Diane Pov)

So weird stuff happened, it was kinda lost on me. Something with a war and fights and angels and demons and portals and now I was here. In the middle of nowhere on a green plain. Maybe a tree or two in sight, but not much else. That's when I heard a voice for someone below me, which also was the moment I realized I wasn't alone.

“You gigantic fiend! What have you done to me! Return me to Nazarik right this instance or you shall feel the wrath of the strongest of the Pleiades!” The woman threatened, although she might as well have barked up a mountain for all I cared.

“Yeah, yeah. Get it out of your system.” I sighed, brushing the comments of the woman off. This wasn’t even close to the first time a random person accused me of a random thing, so I decided to just ask her a counter question. “I am Diane by the way. Do you have any idea of where we are?”

“Shouldn’t you know since you brought us here?!?” The rude lady retorted, to which I sighed. Although I do think it was right around this time when she realized that I wasn’t the enemy she thought I was. Although, that’s when a peculiar voice rang out from an unknown direction, seemingly from everywhere at the same place.

You contestants, seekers of love, heed this call so true,

Escape before the bell's grasp tightens its hold on you.

In the day's peak and the night's deepest embrace,

The bell shall toll, bringing change to your chase.

Know, it's no punishment, this journey you pursue,

For after three days, joy and love will imbue.

So strive, dear hearts, let love's sweet melody sway,

Break free from the bell's grip, seize your love's bright day.



And just after the announcement had finished, that’s when my life flashed before my eyes as I noticed what had just made that sound. Because as I moved my gaze downwards, I saw how the front of my jumpsuit, which was supposed to hold up my chest, had a noticeable tear in it…

(Nabe Pov)

Alright. Fair. I will admit that I lost my cool for a moment there. As a rational member of Nazarick this really isn’t supposed to happen. Even when I get teleported away from a mission that Lord Ainz-sama personally gave me, I am supposed to keep calm and analyze the situation. Find out as much as I can and return back to my master. It was that simple.

So in hindsight maybe yelling at the giantess wasn’t the best course of action. But I digress.

This poem or whatever it was… who ever said that is most likely the real enemy, with this mountainous lady being nothing more than an innocent bystander. No point getting angry at her, she probably knows just as much as I do about this situation.

That being said, this bell was definitely something dangerous. I have only heard it once so far, but that was enough to completely overwhelm me and all protective charms I held up at all times, getting even directly to my skin. Meaning, that if I couldn't defend against it, most of Nazarick won't be able to defend against it, with the only exception being the supreme one, because of course.

Having realized that, I naturally immediately had to check what the spell had done to me as objectively as I possibly could. And well, it seems to have weakened my legs a little, as it felt like it was a bit harder to stand upright now. Like my legs were a bit more… noodly. Which was a word I would never before considered possible in my life even considered a possibility.

Diane’s change however was, to put it lightly, very simple. It just looked like her bust size increased by like 2-3 cup sizes, ripping her jumpsuit and making her yelp. Which was unironically, kinda cute and sexy of her. There were also traces that something was poking out of her head, but it was kinda hard to make out from down where I stood.


Although her scream made it pretty obvious. Welp, I have no lead, so might as well wait until the giantess calms down.

(Diane Pov)

Okay, maybe I reacted a bit too extreme. We were just two girls here, so I really shouldn't have reacted like that. My bad. Though even if Nabe insisted that my boobs had grown, I don’t really see it. I mean, it would make sense, but I don’t see it.

On the other hand Nabe’s legs are… how do I put it… They now look very boneless. More like thick tentacles than legs. Honestly out of the two of us, she definitely underwent the bigger change, so I shouldn’t act so cowardly.

Though honestly talking to her was much harder than expected. We just sort of made our way across the lands together. More like next to each other, as even when I tried to start a conversation, she wasn’t really all that talkative. So most of the day just passed with the two of us roaming around, walking and barely talking.

Before long, it had already become dark although neither of us were really tired. I mean, I was pretty well trained and all, but to think that this adventurer looking girl was such a powerhouse came as kinda a surprise to me. Regardless, after a while we had reached what looked like a small house in the distance. Way too small for me, go figure, but it should make for a nice landmark to at least spend the night. Nabe seemingly agreed and wordlessly went inside.

Lying under the starry sky, next to the house Nabe was staying in, it started to dawn on me…

…man this girl is boring. She almost never talks, she almost never does anything, she just quietly follows me and i can't even tell if i am walking too fast or too slow, since… she won't say a thing. What a difficult girl. That being said, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her for some reason…



“Oh come on!” I gasped as in the darkest hour the bell rang again and my jumpsuit ripped even further. My entire body felt weird although that meant very little when my breasts were now barely contained in my suit anymore. “Haaaa… whatever…”

“What was that? Diane! Are you OkansjdbhdfladjfnHolycrapbazongas!” Nabe dashed out of the house and immediately recoiled from something. I didn’t quite understand what. Although she had certainly changed in a more drastic way, so I can see why she was caught so off guard.

After all, her skin that was rather pale in the beginning now took on a slight greenish tint and her legs didn’t look like legs at all anymore. Rather, they were like tentacles. Well, more like vines of a plant. But also, she had four of them now! Girl had four tentacles on her lower half rather than legs. I definitely understood why she was freaking out…

(Nabe Pov)

I needed to find a way to cool off, and quickly. I have never felt like this before in my entire life, not even when I looked at the supreme grace that was Lord Ainz-sama. But…

Holy crap those boobs are huge. Like huge in every sense of the word. Like Diane was already a giant which made her boobs huge, like she already had a cup size that was above average, and she was lying down which pushed her even bigger and still. Those bazongas had grown even more massive.

I couldn’t even take my eyes off them for a brief moment… a rather long brief moment. Although when I realized that all the blood that rushed to my head caused my nose to bleed ever so slightly, I somewhat managed to tear my eyes away from her.

Diane is changing a lot, that's a thing I at least managed to notice afterwards. Her legs looked… crooked, like her bones were moved in weird ways, and her thighs looked a bit more hairy. There was also no denying that her head was sporting two small horns at that point, although they were somewhat unusual. Because there were small flames coming out from the top of them, like they were candles.

Oh yeah, and of course, her chest was easily double the size it was before. And even if it wasn’t, they definitely looked like it.

I really needed to calm down. It was still the middle of the night yet I couldn’t be more awake. This was bad, I needed to come up with something. Diane looked tired as all heck, but more importantly, she looked worried. I would too if my legs bent in the way hers were.

Alright, I had no choice. “Hey Diane. Don’t worry about it, okay? I'll keep an eye out during the night, so you can go back to sleep, okay?”. I say that, but what do I actually want to achieve?

“Okay. I’ll just trust you on this.” Diane answered much to my surprise. And slowly went back to softly snoozing, her chest lifting up and down with every breath she took. I couldn’t believe that actually worked. But also, I wasn't really sure what I was even supposed to do now…

(Diane Pov)




Today I woke up to a strange collection of sounds. It must have already been noon, so I have to have slept really well. Oh and Nabe was sleeping now too. Although she looked like she had just passed out a few seconds ago, judging from her immense blush and still slightly bleeding nose.

Oh I get it. My chest must have grown again. Did my chest smack Nabe in the face and that's why she is bleeding? Would explain the blush and nosebleed. Although there was definitely more wrong with her.

Her entire lower half was barely human anymore. Below her hips were flowerpedals growing in a circle, which looked quite pretty on her honestly. Although beneath that, there were now six or seven vine-like tentacles that looked nothing like what a human lower half should look like. I was slightly concerned she was changing so much. She might be unconscious at the moment, but what would she say when she woke up?

I didn’t really want to make her worried for no reason, so maybe I could distract her with something?

That's when brilliance struck! Should I find a way out, then everything will be back to normal, right?

It sounded like a great plan to me, so I decided to go with it. After all, just lying around wasn't really going to solve any of my problems anytime soon. So I stood up, trying my best not to wake the sleeping flower on the ground, although that was harder than expected.

For some reason, my legs were extremely wobbly, like they were taking some getting used to as if they had changed shape overnight. And also, I could barely see the ground below me thanks to two mounds blocking my sight. Though I still somehow managed to get on my feet and buckled down to the little Nabe sleeping on the floor.

Gosh she really was cute. I feel like she would make for a cute accessory too. Like if I were to put her between my…

(Nabe Pov)

I have never been more confused, sensory overloaded and happy in my entire life. So okay, stay with me.

Last thing I remember was Diane's feet fusing into hooves and then her boobs expanding and that's it. And now I wake up in the middle of the two giant mounds of Diane as she is doing her evening job. Like I don't even know how to react.

Should I move? Should I play dead and just enjoy? Should I just say hi? What will she think?

“Oh hi, my little flower. Had a nice nap?” Diane asked me, startling me and answering basically all my questions in one go with one loving smile.

“Hi. This might be a weird question, but why am I in your bosom?” I really tried to keep my blush in check, but I could feel it. My face was bright red and hot.

“Why?” Diane asked herself, slowing down a little bit. Then she just beamed a smile and said: “Because you are a cute flower and it just felt like you fit right in.”



I honestly almost didn't even hear the damn midnight bell as I was screaming so loudly. But with the bell I knew what was coming next and I truly wasn’t really for it. Because as Diane’s boobs inflated once again, reaching truly monumental sizes, my grip on her boobs slipped away.

And as I was falling and sliding, snuggling and pressing, hugging and fondling, there was an amazing realization in my mind, one that I don’t know why I didn’t notice before then. So as I was in the crevice of happiness, I couldn’t help but voice my innermost thoughts.

“Man… Boobs are the best. I love Diane’s boobs…”

(Diane Pov)

Okay, that might be the single cutest thing I have ever heard Nabe speak in the entirety of time that I knew her. Like it was clearly dream talking or whatever, but her falling into my bosom, me pulling her out and she just saying she likes boobs are so adorable, I can’t even anymore.

Although, she is right. My boobs are getting really, really, really freaking heavy lately. It's like every time that bell rings, my milk production is just pushed into overdrive. Haaa… I really need to get rid of some of it, or I won't be able to walk soon.

Well, Nabe is out of it again. Or is she? Hard to say. Once again, she grew even more in all the best ways. Her flower pedals grew even bigger and more beautiful, now even sporting a pretty design that I can't help but smile at. And her vines became even more, so many that they became hard to count.

Nevertheless, I should be dealing with the more pressing matters now. Like with how uncomfortably full my chest felt. If only there was something I could use to…

Just when I thought that I noticed some sort of silo near me. Has that always been there? It just looked so out of place, I felt like I should have noticed it earlier… weird.

Checking out the silo a bit more thoroughly, it looked like it was meant to store liquid and it looked big enough for what I needed. Perfect. And since no one is there anywhere near me, I am sure no one will mind if I use this…

(Nabe Pov)

For a while I just wondered if she had forgotten about me. I just layed there, on her head while she eagerly filled nearly the entire silo. And the best part is that her boobs barely changed in size and shape, although she did say that she felt a lot less pressure now that she got a swimming pool’s worth of milk from her chest. Yeah, I would probably feel relieved too.

And then she passed out. She seriously looked like an athlete with giant boobs who just gave her best and needed to recharge afterwards. Though it always feels bad letting go of the boobs of a cowgirl, I just had to check it out. I just had to see the milk up close.

…it's sweet. Much sweeter than regular milk, but definitely cow milk. No doubt about it. And also… knowing where it came from makes it so… illegal…

After my third cup, an idea sprung into my mind. I have the power to manipulate flowers now, right? Did that mean I could grow whatever I wanted from my body? I just had to try that! Because if that worked, I could not only do the most naughty thing possible, but also probably create something amazingly tasty!


Ah, the bell. The bell that changed Diane so much.

Alright, you stupid magical object. You have done so much for her, now give me the ability that I so dearly desire. Come oooooooonnnnnnn!

(Diane Pov)

So did I know what Nabe was trying to do? Not really. She just kinda stood there while her body morphed, becoming even more flowery and prettier by the second. Her flower pedals became the most beautiful thing on the planet, her roots became increasingly countless. What was left of her adventurer gear pretty much changed into a flowery version of itself. Extremely cute of course. Wouldn’t expect anything else from my little flower.

However that's when things began to grow from the ground, like she was summoning them. Trees and bushes grew from all around her, like she called them, growing and growing, fruits ripening and expanding, until she finally let out a huge “Huzzah!!!”. Then she just started to peel, pluck and cook pretty much everything she grew with my milk.

As for me, I just kept still and didn’t distract her. She looked like she knew what she was doing, she was even drooling a little bit to herself over the fine creation she was working on. She was clearly an expert.

I don’t mind providing the ingredients if someone as skilled as her becomes so enthusiastic working with it. So I just watched and watched. Hours went by and Nabe was still showing the same enthusiasm as before. Until she finally muttered something to herself that I just couldn’t ignore.

“Okay… now the best thing would be if I somehow would be able to heat this stuff to its boiling point consistently. Though where would I get a source of heat…?”

“You know, there is a flaming hot cow lying just a few meters down the field.” I grinned, suddenly my fire came bursting out from everywhere, which was unexpected… even for me.

From my twin tails, my horns, even my arms and hooved legs, everything seemed to now hold a passive flame, which the more I thought about it, the more natural that flame was. After all, wasn’t I offering that exact flame to Nabe’s service just a few moments ago?

“Thank you! That would be great!” Nabe replied, seemingly not even bothered by the fact that I had been watching her. “Although… How do we make sure this thing is heated equally? I don’t really think it's a good idea for you to just hug this thing for hours on end today…”

“Oh! I already have an idea…” I giggled. Then I lifted the Silo off the ground, much to Nabe’s surprise.

(Nabe Pov)

I gotta give it to her. Putting a silo on her back like a backpack is, if nothing else, a creative solution. But yeah, her hair and legs are not constantly burning and her back also has quite the high temperature. So I mean, as long as she didn’t mind…

And that brings us to now. Back to reality where Diane is happily strolling across the plains with her burning hooves, holding the silo on her back and holding me in her chest, which… you know… Ainz bless me for such a lovely outcome.

That being said, we haven’t really come any closer to finding an exit or something yet, so we tried to stay on the move, even if it mostly was Diane who moved and me who just looked like a pretty flower in massive tits. I mean, to each their own, right?

I haven’t really noticed when it happened, but Diane’s jumpsuit has been ripped to shreds and finally burned by her soul fire. Man, that was probably the most abused piece of cloth ever. Though now it got replaced with a fiery bra that really fits her body quite well actually. It was much more easy going than her jumpsuit, but very beautiful on her, since it really emphasized her chest. And I mean, really made her tits look HUGE!!!

I want to dive into them so badly right now… Ehehe…

Ack, stop Nabe, not the time for it. Not when she is looking at me after I told her I had something to say. Now was the time to “girl up” and tell her everything…

Nabe: “Hey Diane… I really love your boobs. And I am sorry for always fondling them and hanging out in them.”

Diane: “I know and I don’t mind. I like you when you hang out and be pretty in my cleavage.”

Nabe: “Eh? And uhm… I took your milk and added a few things to it. Now after it cooks a bit it should become chocolate milk… is that…?”

Diane: “Oh I love chocolate milk. Not too sure about my milk though, but as long as you like it, it's fine. I like it when you get invested in stuff like that.”

The conversation was spiraling out of Nabes control, as with every thing she said, Diane just smiled and complimented her in another way.

Nabe: “Well… Uhm… So you like me being a bit of a perv and doing stuff?”

Diane: “You have already been doing that. As long as you are having fun, I don't mind.”

Nabe: “Then… What if I said that I would like to kiss you and then afterwards claim your boobs again as my hangout place? Would you be down for that?”

At this point Nabe wasn’t even totally sure herself what she was talking about. Her perverted innermost thoughts just came out and she stated exactly what she wanted at that moment. And Diane, after a bit of thinking, simply answered: “Sure~ I am down to try whatever you want to try out~ I am sure we will both like it~”

And with that, Nabe kissed Diane’s cheek, who blushed lovingly in response. On this day both of them had gained many important things.
Nabe gained giant boobs to play with a cute giantess flaming minotaur girl to kiss.

Diane gained a cute little flower whose adorableness always brought a smile to her face no matter what she did.

And both gained a girlfriend that they knew they could always rely on… as well as a lot of chocolate milk.

…a LOT of chocolate milk.


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