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This version is mainly for who want to adjust motion keyframes. It improved the way to adjust bone position and rotation, more easier, more studio like.

You need VNGE v42 to run this version of MMDD.

Download site is always the same, or download from attachments of this post:

*paste full url, or if mega as for key, paste the string after #

New features:

- The operation axis to adjust bone, as the video shows!

Addition Note: If you selected a bone without any keyframe, the guide gizmos will not appear. You need at least one keyframe to enable that bone. And the issue of bone with Twist Disperse in Beta version is fixed now, no need to disable Twist Disperse in setup.

- A new timeline controller. check the video!

Addition Note: You can link timeline anime to different frame, make it play in different time, but NOT recommended. If there is only one timeline controller, the timeline plugin play it's keyframes in normal way. But if there are two or more timeline controllers, the plugin do not play actually, and MMDD will call seek function for every frame, which is not very good.

- [experimental] Bind to VR camera

In camera controller's setup, bind target menu, there is a new button "Bind VR-Camera". Which can bind camera animation to VR camera. Of course it can only be used in VR-mode. This feature is just a test. Worked in HS2, not good for KKS (camera has offset in KKS-VR), not tested in KK and AI.

In next version I will make this feature more easy to use. So you can use vmd animated camera more easy. (only if you don't feel duzzy in VR. XD)

- bug fix

fix a bug when too many link missed in playlist file, "OK" button will go out of UI window.

fix a bug can not lock UI position.

fix extern-parent data lost when import data.

That's all, have fun!


MMDD v2.7 release and new feature

MMD Director v2.7 public release This version is for who want to adjust motion keyframe! Check this video for main feature. Detail and download can be found here, this plugin is free for all!



Can you make HS1 as well? I sincerely ask for your help me.