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All the heroes need to do now is return home! It's as simple as that, if anything were ever simple.

I enjoy setting a weird or unsettling atmosphere, but it's tricky, especially in a roleplaying game. The players have to cooperate with it a little, for one thing, especially when the deal is open-ended. I've been in a good few horror games where an arson put a swift stop to any weird occult goings-on before they escalated to the really bad stuff.



Borg Lord

My first thought when they got to the port was that there had been a coup and the new government was still unpredictably purging people as enemies of the revolution, but in that case you'd think that by the time they got all the way home somebody would have required them to declare their loyalty to the new regime or something like that.


Oh man what a good episode! I was on the edge of my seat at the end there, And so captivated by every sentence throughout! Can't wait for the next episode!