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The day of the Earth Fighting Championship is here! And Lawry doesn't play things straight.

I think it's fun when you can come up with an excuse for an enemy to lose that's unconventional, and in particular social. When it fits and the NPC can come back, such as in a sandbox game, it's great way to form long-lasting rivalries.



U wot m8

Loving the unconventional fighting techniques. Victory through defiant turtle-ing and jingoism. I've heard of warrior-priests but I never thought I'd ever learn of a warrior-politician.


Aw, "Toph" didn't get to show her skills (yet). But the banter was hilarious! I guess I'm not the only one who wanted her to be the butt of the joke more often. I like the idea of the game master just gifting things to the players when it makes sense (i.e. the idea that glass is bad for a prison or Lawry's opponent just banging his head of all things at the rocks instead of - you know - throwing rocks or trying a battle of wills over the control of Lawry's rocks).