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The party in the real game this is based on probably didn't spend quite as much time in this area, but I can't remember how exactly they figured out the creature's weakness. I think they hooked on to the observation deck, were trying to break the glass to get in and escape the dog, and as that transpired they made the discovery.

Unrelated to this arc, but this week is an exciting one for this project because the guys I play these games with will be in town for the weekend. Usually we do this online, but it'll be good to sit at an actual table space and make faces at them for once.




I am almost caring for this episode, because there is curiosity involved, as in "what's this place, what are those dudes and why this different substance". I thought the dice-throwing would help too but honestly they are just bumping in the dark, waiting for the game to tell them they hit something, so it's not exactly thrilling. Can't blame you, 'tis part of roleplay. Like watching a let's player not know how to jump on the platform.


Enjoying the chaos in this setup and the way the characters continue to shoot themselves in the foot while trying (almost flailing) to move forward. Things happening without context in the factory that happened in the movie, and the way the characters reflect on everything. It builds and it's fun ^^