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I don't remember exactly what got me thinking of this idea, but I started wondering a lot about the fact that Willy Wonka dealt with corporate espionage, and yet when we read about him in the book or see him in the movie, his experimental products borderline on causing fatalities. Maybe people in those days were a lot more rugged and didn't mind losing a limb or two in a rogue bubblegum accident, but I feel like any corporate spy would be shocked to discover themselves the victim of a soda drink that made them float up into an exposed fan system which would cut them into meaty chunks.

You had to wonder if Wonka didn't design his factory that way on purpose.




The Wonka factory always did seem like a lethal trap made specifically to prevent corporate espionage tactics at the cost of employee safety. To be fair to it, the Wonka Factory was supposed to be closed to the public until all those children won the contest, and kids are pretty bad at following directions.

U wot m8

Very much in character for the group to be their own and only obstacle at the start of the series. I've always been a big fan of Greg's unique ability to form entertaining dialogue.