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One of the issues facing players in the original game was that they rapidly latched on to Padre, who seemed to be more benevolent on the surface, only to realize that he was crazy and authoritarian. It should be remembered that he did kill Brock, after all. This resulted in the party making some half-hearted attempts to lead the colony themselves, but without much of a plan because they threw their chips in with Padre early.

That isn't to say that I believe Padre's rhetoric is strictly wrong or necessarily seated in falsehood. The fact is, the greatest flaw of democracy is not the vast majority of the people, but with those powerful few who can take control of it and make it no longer a democracy. It's one thing to advocate for an open system, and another to advocate for an open system with safeguards against its leaders.

In production news, my son is finally signed up for pre-school, which means I'll be able to wrest a few working hours back into my schedule. But not as of this previous week! My kid got sick, which meant he was more demanding of attention than ever because he could barely lay down without a coughing fit, and being held helped comfort him. I'm hopeful that next week he'll be healthy enough to get back into pre-school and we won't be paying like a hundred dollars a day to keep him home.



U wot m8

Congrats on the growing child! I remember the Greg talk video when he was announced. Best of luck in getting over the anxiety of handing over your child to strangers for hours at a time.


Wow, 100$ per day? In Germany you pay roughly this amount per month. It can be higher if you earn a lot (like up to 500€/month plus food costs if desired) or all the way down to 0 if you're poor. Also there are regional differences, but damn, 100$ per day is harsh.