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And here's a video blog about doing basic combat in Hero.


A Turn of Combat in Hero



I like hearing about the hero system from you


Thanks for the tutorial. Now I understand where you got the combat mechanics for your RPG from. I really like that you get additional turns instead of additional attacks like in D&D, so your enemy can't unload all of their attacks at once on you. Not even Never Winter Nights did that to the player as far as I could tell and that game is literally D&D on PC. Or does it? I only played the first chapter and then got bored. Anyway, anything that moves the randomness towards the middle of that bell-curve is a good thing in my book. I wouldn't want to use a d12 to keep track of the turn numbers though, because once you go beyond d6 the dice have a lot more options for different number distributions and even the placement of numbers on opposing sides varies, so I can never get the hang of those for anything but rolling them. Also anything beyond a d8 falls over way too easily anyway.