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The group gets a lucky break by finding a source of magic potential in an unlikely place! Several doors open, but a group of armed, professional killers and plunderers tends to be good at a few, concentrated things.

In other news, the delay this episode can be attributed to alcohol withdrawal! I'm quitting booze, but not because it's what I set out to do initially. I think on average, I would have about four beers a week, usually with or around dinner, and thought nothing of it, but recently, I figured, that's probably a bad habit, so I decided to skip a few beer runs. I'm not sure how many days passed before I developed an unusually wild series of mood swings, where I would feel very angry, or deeply depressed, or anxious, and couldn't explain why.

I hadn't realized I'd developed a dependency! It never impacted my personal activities. It wasn't until I stopped it that my body had a fit! I'm coming around the bend on it and I'm starting to feel better, and from now on I'm going to avoid casual alcohol and only drink during special occasions. You always hear about how alcohol is a "very addictive" drug, but I have to remark, it really does wrap its tendrils around you very quietly.

I'm going to try to get the pedal down on the next episode, and we've been planning out the future season to come after Pinball City. The theme will be Sci Fi Glam Rock!




Good job on quitting the sauce! Also it's nice that the Pinball City group finally experiences something other than losing and getting screwed. I was really starting to wonder what the appeal of such a setting would be.


Oh man, hearing about the ammo returns at the start took me back to your Fallout 4 series.