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Hey! I hope everyone is having a good holiday. Tonight, I've got a recorded blog thing grousing about a destination wedding, and also some other things!


Jonathan Crowder

should have scheduled it for April.


So let me get this straight: You're obligated to go to some wedding you've warned them about beforehand and by now nobody wants to do it, including the effing bride and groom themselves, but they still even went as far as taking up a high interest loan for it, and furthermore there's lots of Covid and corrupt cops. And currently everyone's bickering harder and harder about whom to blame for this whole mess. Holy shit. Honestly I would bail. Why would humans do something like that to each other? This sounds like it's worse than paying all that money for an idle game, because then you at least won't have to deal with all the negativity. Fake rewards are better than real punishments. Greg, don't bet on sinking ships because they'll turn your chips to trash. You've gotta set your sights and hopes on setting not to crash. You'll find noone famous ever got there just by flinching at their foes. Cling against the torment, claw with all your might at what you know.