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One shots are a fun way to try out ideas, and then just let them go as though they weren't too important. Of course, Cyborg Cops is completely this idea! And as this ends, the next "season" will feature a new idea, which is part of the appeal of this series for me.

I'm going to have to adjust Lawry's voice to make sure he's easier to separate, but it's a bit difficult. Elvis is up there in that "Dash/Rae" range, but lower than I used to put it, making it hard not to bump that ceiling if I go up, and hard not to just sound like my normal voice if I try to keep the pitch lower.




Wow. Role-playing like this feels even more daunting to me than the things the guys at uptofourplayers.com are doing, because your improvisation skills are so hardcore. My limit is reading a block of text when revealing my background story or improvising a cheeky line during combat when using a mental trick to gain an advantage. But it's great to listen to what the masters can do. Of course I know that this show is scripted and thus optimized, but still. E.g. having to climb a mountain that's half as high as Mount Everest would still be too much for me.


I think a large part of it is confidence. You have to remember, as a player character, you're usually substantially stronger than most other people and things by default. It's not necessarily true in DnD where most challenges are things you have to fight that are tuned to specifically lose to your entire party as it works together, but for most narrative elements you can get away with being bold. Aside from that, a friend of mine used to say, "The best lies you tell are the ones you can believe yourself". Which meant that as long as your shenanigans make sense as they're happening, you're liable to get away with them - and if you don't, you're making conflict, which is story, which is fun.


Finally got caught up on this. I loved this podcats from start to finish and I'm really excited to start on the next one!