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Before it became a podcast, I ran this game for some of the Dawn Somewhere crew and a few friends. I had plans for if they tried to engage with the man behind the android a little more, but they were actually happy to work with him on his own terms. I figured - why waste the planned material? For the podcast they actually go and look into it!




Close to the end, when Officer Mason was talking to Officer Elivs about needing rent and wanting a female roomate. He started calling Elvis, Paul. Wasn't sure if it was a mistake or if understanding. Other than that, really loves this episode, all the stunt stuff was pretty random but hillariouse. Did not see the major fallout at the end coming, great twist. Love how the episodes are getting longer! I have zero idea how spotify works, but I hope the podcast is getting traffic! Really looking forward to the next episode, you've got me invested!


Hadn't had time to catch up on this until recently, but I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait for the next one.