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So hey! "Stebe Boy Hotdog" has been neglected these past two months while I've been focused on "Talon of Wisdom". It's not that I've lost love for Stebe, but I know its slow update pace is a turn-off for any reader, and I've been using time between Talon to work on other projects like the video game or that roleplaying system - speaking of, I apologize, I really thought more people would think a roleplaying system was super cool and that it'd be worth devoting that time to it. My inner nerd really slipped out there.

So anyway, I've just realized Patreon does polls. So guys, is the lack of Stebe a huge drag? Are you more excited to see progress on the game than anything? Is it Radio Skyline you're most eagerly anticipating? I'm trying to gauge where to set my priorities on some of the projects we have. Kit's Orphanage is handled by Copy, who's been unavailable amid our era's chaos, but I can adjust the things I personally do. A little feedback would be appreciated!



Long time listener, first time caller.... Speaking for my spouse as well as myself here, because we're both fans. We really miss the monkeys! (We also miss your irreverent treatment of MLP, and would like to see you continue to tear it all apart since the show itself went down the tubes.) Doesn't have to be a Let's Play, though there were moments of pure GOLD in Kaybe and Fallout that we'd love to see happen again. We know you never liked the "watermelon heads" but honestly we think they were great and simply charming. We're enjoying Radio Skyline, though we miss Stebe! So those are our thoughts - keep the content coming!


I miss the GYM of the romantic journey But I know its probably not coming back. PS: Love all your work


Actually, Greg and PBn might discuss it in the future. So it's unlikely, but not impossible.