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There are quite a few ways that different systems tackle equipment. DnD has changed through the editions. Currently, you buy the best weapon money can afford, and then wait for a random loot table or a planned event to give you a magical weapon that's better than your normal one. Some systems, on the other hand, create tables of equipment you can buy, with better equipment getting more and more expensive, giving you something to spend cash on. My personal favorite system, Hero, requires you to spend your character points on equipment, upgrading them with experience in the same way you improve your character, for often a weapon is as much a part of the story as the person wielding it.

But since the game this comic was based on was 5e DnD, the wizards generally want for nothing, and our only martial, Gyfir, wound up lucking his way into magical item after magical item. Actually, Inis got some stuff too, but later ran off with everything including our bag of holding. Not that we were too miffed. The party never did quite come to understand they were bonafide adventurers. Easy come, easy go, as they say. Of course Inis has a much different role in this comic.



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