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Ongoing adventures here:


Here's something else you only tend to see on a GM basis: creatures or animals that would rather run away when they realize they're facing the risk of serious injury or death. A lot of creatures in the wild don't even like fighting each other too much because a broken leg can mean starvation, so even something as big and as tough as a bearlk can decide to cut its losses if it feels like things aren't going the way it wanted.

The opposite of this is what I call "suicide goblins", and I've seen them in all kinds of games and settings. I once played in a game where a small squadron of fighters jets refused to back off even after we shot half of them out of the sky. I have no idea why a band of pirates would have such a strict "to the death" policy, but in a lot of games everything does. You'd think they'd at least have half a mind to fall back and rally at a more defensible position.




Poor thing, it's baby was attacked, had to vomit molten metal & now lost an antler. Prolly gonna have trouble with that mattress too.


On the plus side, it's got a nice place to sleep.