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It's not the end of the month yet! But I thought I'd share some animations from two new characters who have been added to the game. My original goal for the month was to create the menu you'd use to look at character stats and change characters, but to do that without some hacky work-arounds I needed enough characters to actually switch between. So I did the animations and battle programs for these two!

Polar opposites, one's tanky, inaccurate, and hits like a truck, the other is nimble and gradually microwaves things until they pop like hotdogs. The laser colors are randomly selected when she fires them.

With luck, I'll still get done with the functional parts of the game menu before the month is up, but we'll see how it goes.  Though several of the art assets are done, there are still many more to go, a lot of programming, and probably some code re-writes after I realize I've done something terrible. Regardless, as soon as we have a menu to switch characters with, that's when I'll release the next build to mess around with, because then you'll be able to look at these guys and decide how you feel about them in practice!



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