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The rest of Kit is here:

A hook I like to use in fiction is to create a situation where virtually everyone is being helpful to the heroes in some way, so that the hero lacks any clear-cut idea who his actual enemies are, or if he even has any. I have, in the past, tried to apply this to roleplaying games and found it would cripple anyone who wanted to logically weigh everything before taking an action, because on the one hand, the Lord of Death plans to eradicate all life on Earth, but on the other he's a pretty cool guy and his team is offering a sweet, undead pension plan.




I mean, have you SEEN their dental plan!?


Well, if he was anything like King Lewie from Yafgc then I wouldn't want to fight him either. :-) I like that hook, too, and furthermore, if any of those parties involved were enemies to Kit, then surely they would be able to overpower him if they just wanted to murder him or perform gruesome experiments or something, so it's difficult to think of a motive for these characters other than "They're just honest and on Kit's side".