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You can find the rest of Stebe here:

Yes, it's Stebe! He's back! After quite a hiatus. Watching after a baby made it possible to practice artwork, but difficult to really sit down and work on anything for a long stretch, and so by the time I really got back to this, I was faced with a lot of art... er, "choices" that I would have done differently if I'd drawn the sketches now instead of months ago.

I was actually going to try to finish the art for the whole "book" before I stared releasing new pages, but Kit's not going up this week due to a vacation, so we may as well start now!




Welcome Back Boy Normal

Borg Lord

Was it a deliberate choice that the part of the "hot item" shirt visible in panel 2 reads "tit," or was it one of those things where by the time you realized it was going to happen you refused to go back and change it?